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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. thanks for the replies all. I have taken both wheels off because my new tyres have arrived today (yipee!) and my dad will change the tyres and patch the tube whilst i am at school during the day, so hopefully i should be on the road by saturday suppose the next bad thing that could happen would be it getting stolen...
  2. wild foamy

    Wanna help me?

    A picture is worth a thousand words... ... 'nuff said
  3. wild foamy

    Wanna help me?

    if i were a couple of years older... its a 10 from me aswell , nice to see a few girlies getting involved with our noble sport. Fast bikes and gawjus women... looks like i've already made my lifestyle choice, LOL
  4. hi everyone. felt like making a somewhat nostalgic thread for all you more "vintage" riders out there, about the various tips and tricks you learnt to use when it wasn't as easy as ordering a spare part from your dealer and you had to make do with it or mend it. these include tips such as: - Cutting base gaskets from cereal box cardboard or .20 gasket paper. - Rubbing half a potato on the inside of your visor to help prevent it steaming up. - heating up the spark plug before-hand to help start your bike if it had a weak magneto any other tips/tricks? Steve
  5. you could try a motorcycle breaker for a starter motor or eBay. if you are handy in a workshop you could make up a little plastic bung using a lathe and cut a thread in it with a dye, thus making a little removeable plastic bung
  6. would a regular automotive path do as a temporary replacement?, i sorta need it for the weekend for getting to work as i am staying with my dad in hungerford and need to get to work in newbury at 10am, and my dad goes to work at 8am also im going on a ride-out to the red lion pub in Avesbury with a mate of mine who has just passed his CBT
  7. yep, even Fluffy dice maybe i will find one with a genuine coathanger aerial
  8. well i have to wait for my new bank card to come before i can register it with paypal again. so looks like im off the road for a few more days. that bike spends more time in the garage than it does on the road . will probably be selling it when im 17 (9 mnoths time) and getting me a 1.6L ford capri Laser.
  9. huh, it can stay in the garage for the time being then, ive lost the will to battle with it any longer.
  10. puncture was a huge big f*cking nail, in the centre of the tyre i do have some tyre levers somewere, i use them for doing punctures on my pushbike
  11. hi everyone. got a flat tyre today. got a new tyre coming anyway so im not bothered about the tyre. how do i repair the inner tube?, do i use an ordinary puncture repair kit like i do with my pushbike or do i need a specialist kit?. and how do you get th old tyre off?, ive already tried and stabbed myself on the sprocket so ive called it quits for tonight
  12. wild foamy

    oh FFS

    Nope, our C.O. is Flt Lt. S Cragg didnt find my wallet yesterday so im going to have to cancel my bank card, p*ssed off about my driving licence and national insurance card though as now im going to have to get copies of those which probably aint cheap
  13. certaintly feels like it at the moment. but hey, now it runs and rides just like before and thats the way its staying. having been off the road for a week being able to bat along at 40mph feels quite good. will leave the big bore kit for a while... need to do a bit more research into tuning first methink
  14. oh... er... forgot to connect the kills witch into the rest of the loom when i put the headlight and switches back on... it goes now, soz for making a thread about it.
  15. wild foamy

    no spark

    hi everyone. fired up my DT last night to check it was all okay after its rebuild, but this morning it just wouldn't go despite all the bumping, kicking and swearing. later inspection revealed that there is now no ignition/spark. plug looks a bit sh*tty but otherwise fine, can't see why it wont go now if it did go last night. anyone got any ideas?. starting to think maybe i should have got a TS
  16. wild foamy

    oh FFS

    Newbury 211 Sqr.
  17. it should say in your manual what the correct float height is, before you go bending anything check to see if the floats are already at the right height, then we can eliminate this as being the problem. make sure it is nice and warm before you start tinkering with the tuning side of things. sounds to me like it is running rich when you open the throttle, my DT sometimes does that when i start it up first thing and have maybe left the fuel tap open, it clears itself after a few seconds though. if your floats are already at the right height then maybe try a smaller jet. surely raising the needle would richen the mixture?
  18. didnt split the cases as that meant splitting the gearbox aswell and we didnt have enough time. i got a feeling the majority of the old ring is on my garage floor, but we washed the engine out with terps and gave it a blast with a 150psi airline whilst we had the engine out and hung upside down on a hoist, nothing came out. may have been my exhaust expansion chamber rattling as i forgot to put the bolt back in that holds it onto the frame. which would explain why it didnt rattle at idle because there werent enough vibrations to make it rattle against the exhaust mount
  19. wild foamy


    usually most bike dealers will sell the restriction kits and sometimes even fit them for a charge. with a 400 you probably wont need a restrictor as it is close enough to the 33bhp limit that most people dont bother
  20. oh soz, basically i broke a bit of the old piston ring and it dropped down into the engine case, i retrieved what i thought was the whole piece that fell into the engine but when i started it up with the new rings in i could hear something jingling in there. so today i took it to my dads and we stripped it down but didnt find anything in the case, so, its on the road now for sure
  21. wild foamy


    CBT: on a provisional licence, can ride 50cc at 16 or 125cc at 17. Full motorcycle test: take your full test at 17 and ride any bike restricted to 33bhp for 2 years, after those 2 years you can ride any bike unrestricted
  22. bike is now back on the road yay
  23. *sings* "... IN THE NAVY!... " need i say more?
  24. well my new jet has arrived, too little too late though will be back on the road in no time
  25. thanks OG, ive always been very inquisative. when i was younger i used to take things apart and figure out how it all worked, only trouble was putting them back together again. Can't wait until im in the RAF and get to tinker with bigger things... wonder if i could bodge a nitrous kit onto a VC-10...
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