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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Well yeah, that kinda fizzled out tbh :/
  2. It was more comparing the army ladies to stray cats tbh, both are just as likely to give you a rash
  3. I dunno, this forum can lead to some dark places, just ask obrien about his wonky feet!
  4. Tbh, it's the same as restoring a DT50, purely centimental
  5. Ace will probably be around 3 I would have thought. Double check this thread before you set off peeps, having a few issues at work, there's nothing been said about being called in tomorrow but stranger things have happened
  6. Slices idea sounds better... Perhaps a ladies of YOC calendar? I remember some of our girlie's from work doing it in afghan a few years ago, as I'm sure you can understand after 3 months even the stray cats start to look attractive, everyone wanted a calendar!
  7. Wrong, you CANT polish a turd but you CAN roll it in glitter
  8. This reminds me, keep meaning to sort out some other YOC merchandise, was going to convince missus foamy to model the ladies collection... Unless Sacha/Bippo/Katie want to volunteer??...
  9. Got to be done peeps. Llassaro, fancy taking charge from here?
  10. Fucking hell, he's been stood in that car park a long time!...
  11. They all have to be tested to a certain degree to be certified legal for road use, obviously some have different levels of padding, pinlocks, interchangable visors. Was also told that the higher-end helmets actually use different shells for each different size, whereas the cheaper ones just add more padding to a large shell to change the sizes.
  12. Some of them biker checks are quite acute though...
  13. Not my style tbh, but I know one of my managers at work (who's an absolute ballbag gobshite I might add) would just LOOOOVE this on his drive home... And we have industrial sized heatshrink at work also...
  14. And to set the tone, here's a video of Cats generally being jerks and messing shit up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGSwKqVP5zU
  15. Ah thank fuck for that, normal service can resume, must remember to change my email address tho... neverheless, normal service can resume... sacrifice a goat to appease me peeps!,
  16. Probably meet about 10-12 on Saturday at Loomies, gives us a few hours to get to Ace
  17. Tbh, I prefer to not hit anything.
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