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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. wild foamy


    im at that curious age...
  2. id rather not go the whole hog and do a full front-end transplant, if they are the same diameter then great, saves me a whole lot of f*cking around in the cold outside... i would rather keep the stock jawa front wheel and calipers for the time being just until ive got everything working, then i can start playing around with new calipers. the RD350 had mag wheels aswell, and i need spokies for my Jawa im assumnig you mean get the jawa yokes bored out to fit the Yamaha forks if they are too small to accomodate them?, that would be one of the simplest options and if it comes down to it that is what i will most likely do.
  3. im counting the days until i can do it legally! and hopefully once the weather warms up i can get out in the workshop and some work done on it, shouldn't take too long... nothing on the underside of the filler cap... :s
  4. they are similar style bikes, albeit the Jawa is a bit more upright and is only 6kg heavier... for £25 the RD350 Calipers may be a worthwhile investment, but first im focusing on getting the forks and the rst of the running gear sorted before i start tricking it up too much Hot shit, im getting under way with this now!
  5. After a little more research and comparison of the two bikes, ive found that the RD350LC has two 267mm front disks and the Jawa 640 Style (1999) has a single 265mm front Disk, and it supposedly has a 17" front wheel, but i swear mine is 18" :S (possibly because mine is an earlier model?) So apart from the fact that the left-hand fork leg of a RD350 would have a caliper mounting, is the 1mm bigger radius disk on the RD going to make that much of a difference?
  6. went into PHQ and you have to be 18 to be a delivery boy there. so i can't deliver pizzas for a living... Did get application forms from Burger King, Lidyls and Pets at Home though, maybe i will be able to afford my trip of ireland after all
  7. wild foamy


    Hi everyone. just considering my options RE: the shocks on my Jawa 350, its going to be too expensive and labourious to get them rechromed, and ive found that a lot of people in india have fitted RD250/350LC forks instead, but is there any way to tell if the Jawa calipers would fit the RDLC forks without physically taking them off and trying it? the Jawa and RDLC both have 18" front wheels but im not sure if the brakes would fit. any help appreciated. Also, my rear shocks look a bit rusty and although im sure they are alright, there are some nice twinshock sets on ebay for around £50, assuming i can find a set the same size as the originals would i need to consider anything else when buying a new set?
  8. Hi everyone. so im sitting here on my bed, keyboard on my knees, going through a parts list for my Jawa 350 restoration. whilst browsing on ebay getting some prices, i saw an oil pump from a Suzuki 370 and wondered, would it be THAT hard to set up a seperate oil system for my Jawa 350?, obviously i would have to change the carb for one with an oil inlet but there are OKO carbs on the internet with that feature that are cheap enough. theres plenty of room in the side panels for an oil tank i understand that it would require a certain amount of creative bodging, but perhaps i could run the pump off the flywheel drive somehow? saves me having to carry a calculator and bottle of two stroke oil under the seat...
  9. wild foamy

    3rd sitting

    Cor'Blimey Mistress Goff... if only i were a few years older... Artwork is coming along nicely, hopefully i willg et to see it in person at a rideout during the summer
  10. If you dont want to spend money on all the NOS parts, why not make it something a bit more "personal"? maybe a different headlamp for better night riding (the Acerbis ones are good), little bits and pieces, paint the plastics and the tank up nicely with rattle cans and add a seat cover. there will always be anoraks who say it isnt original, but theres a difference between being Original and Functional, i know which i'd rather have... BTW i think im gonna have to put new alternator brushes in the jawa, seal up the carb, put some different forks on and sell it on, need something like a 250 four stroker to get around on... a big DT does sound very tempting though.... hmm...
  11. go for it!, the DTs' are simple little bikes that are great fun to work with, ive had mine apart more times than ive had it out on the road and if i was allowed another DT i would deffo get one to tinker with
  12. Yeh, bikers are a nice bunch arent they? i think its because im still on L-plates but havent resorted to a scooter that i tend to get the nods, almost as a "good on ya", of course in reality they are probably just laughing at me...
  13. No no, OG is form a time where everything was powered by STEAM *knocks over a table and jumps behind it with a seive on his head... "Take cover!"*
  14. ive got a friend joining the Paras', i go to his place once a week and work out a bit, cross country runs through the woods and various other activities, just need to hear back from the RAF about when my interview is
  15. oh, er... thanks for the info, sure it will come in handy! i ACED the fitness test today (2.4km run in 11 minutes) so all i have to do now is my final interview and hopefully will be doing my training in the summer hot shit
  16. ... hmm... made me smile a bit i'll admit... not LMAO hilarious though... good try
  17. i think you look rather fetching in that frock... im a firm beliver in the "dont like it?, fuck off then" policy, this country puts up with way too much shite its just becoming a pisstake now deport the fuckers who are causing trouble and stop letting anyone/everyone into our country
  18. Why not nod to L-plates? i feel all unloved now... gonna run to Goff for a cuddle... there was that hairy bloke on the cruiser in Andover though, waved at him at the traffic lights and the cheeky git gave me the finger and rode off
  19. or in my case, tense up, close your eyes and think happy thoughts
  20. To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid
  21. Ha, atleast Jawas are good for something. ... wonder if he would split it for spares?, would be interested in the forks atleast...
  22. yeh, my nod is uaually more of a "hey, sweet bike, too bad im on a 50 " and the response is most likely something like "LOL, your bike is fail, but good on ya for being a proper biker and not careing"
  23. glad to see im not the only one that nods, lol wasn't aware of the open and closed hand on top of the helmet, will have to remember that one...
  24. Borderline dictatorship methink... nobody listens and nobody cares except us. raising the driving age is a bad idea, younger drivers are usually some of the most careful albeit inexperianced, i for one can't wait until im 17 and can get a bit more independance (and warmth, these little bikes are fail). as previously mentioned, improve learning.
  25. Hi everyone. ive noticed that when passing other bikers they will nod or tilt their head to the side, kind of like the frenchies' "waving of the leg" greeting. just a casual observation... thought i would point it out, is this a nationally recognised greeting or just unique to a select few bikers?
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