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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. +1 for the clamp to reset pistons, you can buy the proper tool but I never bother. The shims are squeal shims, when the brakes are applied the heat generated causes them to increase in size slightly, when the brakes are released they cool down and shrink which gives a small amount of clearance between the pad and disc reducing parasitic drag and premature wear
  2. pah, any more than a handfull's a waste, they all go flat when they lay down!
  3. (true story) I was driving back home one weekend last month, just pulled off the motorway and came to a stop at a red light/roundabout at the end of the slip road. im sat there in my own little world and suddenly a rather elderly lady on a shoprider-type mobility scooter comes around the roundabout infront of me, followed by a police car with lights on, by the time my light had turned green she had got half way round the roundabout before the police car pulled in front of her to stop her... i couldnt help but laugh. its probably worth mentioning that it was a 3-lane roundabout connecting the M3 to some A-roads.
  4. My DT50 went in the back of my old suzuki swift... That was interesting to say the least lol
  5. Had an SR125 in a vauxhall combo, I think you're gonna be tight on space!
  6. I've got a plastic nutsack that I'm gonna hang from the number plate, the rest of it is uncertain at the moment
  7. Hey peeps. I'm making up some sketches for artwork on the tank on the FUCR, the first idea was a rams head in a pentagram, but some people think it's a bit too dark. The second idea, was two snakes wrapped around a V-twin crank and pistons, will probably end up airbrushing these on and seeing how they look. I'm thinking the bike will be in a deep gloss black with silver detailing, or maybe dark green gloss with nato lettering. Ever since some c*nt bastardised it in the car park I'm struggling to find out where to go with it next, I think a Rickman style front fairing would be a bit ott. Anyone got any suggestions?
  8. Yeah, my old man has a couple of them, i always take the piss about the fact that my '94 FTO produces just under 200hp out of 2 litres, difference being the corvettes just dissapear sideways and leave two black lines in the road regardless of what gear youre in, its all about torque. I was also into the nitro stuff (first of all trucks, then aeros later) and the market for leccy stuff only really seemed to take off just as i was loosing interest, i had a 1:8 Savage with a 28cc nitro engine, one of my buddys had a 1:8 Savage Flux (2 brushless motors and 2 LiPo batteries), his would literally backflip from a standstill, but he had the awkwardness of charging batteries and worrying they would explode, and it didnt have the smells and sounds that the glow trucks did.
  9. And who could forget, this important safety video about the dangers of working with liquid oxygen...
  10. Believe it or not, this was a RAF training video... however due to the lack of political correctness they arent supposed to show it any more...
  11. Pretty hard hitting (no pun intended) not sure if its been on here before, but it was in my news feed.
  12. Im stuck in the tool issue centre all this week, it gets very lonely in here, they say you go to a dark place... Ive even scripted a Jeremy Kyle-esque tv show using nothing but what i have here, there was one rather interesting sketch where two metric single hex sockets were fighting for custody over their 3/8 imperial child despite the DNA test coming back negative...
  13. It's not the same! I want a 3.0 litre twin turbo V6 with AWD, a hybrid limited slip diff and a loud shouty exhaust, stuff your bloody Prius where the monkey sticks his peanuts.
  14. The prequel to late for meeting!
  15. Rubber boots to dancey dance Rubber boots and party pants!
  16. The job isn't done right unless you've used plenty of colorful language.
  17. Strangest music video yet?...
  18. Tidy, that means I can clear the bars a bit on the fucr!
  19. Either way we're fucked, if you're expecting all those greedy sods to give us the same price drop they're getting you're mad. I use the bike as it is cheaper to run (and more fun), now the winter is coming I've downgraded to a piece of crap citroen saxo to save some money, otherwise it's £400 a month on diesel to commute in my Pajero (70 miles a day) which as I am saving for a deposit on my first place is not a viable option. It ain't going to get better, what are we going to do, boycott the oil companies?... They all piss in the same pot so to speak, it'd be a futile effort
  20. Snowdrops arent interested, they'd rather be checking car passes, I've reported the other stuff in the past and it's basically just a case of "we'll write it down but there's nothing much more we can do"
  21. ere, look over the side and see if the wheels are going round!
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