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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Partying!
  2. thanks everyone, it doesnt run noticeably bette rwith the choke on but ti continues to run, if i ease up on the throttle and start curising at low-mid revs it will bog down. will try a slightly large main jet and see how it goes
  3. for brackets, fenders/mudguards and the like it may be worth stripping the bike down to a point where you can take the worst parts off and give them a good clean, i use an electric drill with a flapper wheel for large parts as this gets down to the bare metal, then a few coats of hammerite spray paint or BBQ paint if its a "hot" part
  4. as previously mentioned, lidl do some bike stuff, give it a try im size 9 work boots, dunno about trainers as ive not had a pair for years, i wear me work boots everywhere i go even on the bike. its would prefer to go for a snug fitting boot as this would offer more ankle protection in the event of an off, wheras a larger boot would allow the ankle to rotate more within the boot. go to a bike shop and try a few pairs on to see what you think. could make the difference between a trip to A&E with a limp for a few weeks and walking away with a few bruises
  5. fact of te matter is, u still see lots of yamahs with kids havin a gr8 time on them u cna kepe your mobylites and mbks, DTs are old skool XD
  6. just watched it as i had nothing better to do, and wow, what a race! congrats to Will, even if it is a win by default now ive seen what 250 strokers can do, i cant wait to get my Jawa on the road!
  7. 'fraid im not familiar with that particular bike, but on my DT the clutch mechanism is on the inside of the left casing, so if the case was held on too loose then you may have some problems with your clutch catching/releasing the bolts are just regular allen head bolts, available in most engineering suppliers or "hardware stores" i think you call them
  8. or maybe i send the complete bike piece by piece...
  9. in winter its not so bad because the exhaust expansion chamber is right next to my right knee at high revs it runs fine with the choke on... just thought that was worth noteing... brakes aren't binding, clutch is regularly adjusted and has only done a few hundred miles since rebuild (plates and springs replaced) if/when it does go the power fades over a space of a few seconds and if you dont back off the throttle it will cut when i get the chance i will take the seat off the DT and have a look at the CDI
  10. i reckons i should get me a little mobylette... ... just so i can write it off into the side of a landrover and send an album full of post-writeoff pictures to OG
  11. if it makes a difference i reset my idle mixture screw, was something like 5 or 6 turns out and a bitch to start when cold, so i reset it to 1.5 turns and now it starts first kick but bogs down at low speed (slight tinkering needed methink) bike hasnt overheated for a while now, and im usually thrashing the bollocks off it in every gear when im out with mates...
  12. Whats in the box that always rocks? ... its a foamy... and whats that foamy's got?... ... its a HAYNES MANUAL
  13. what, dont like the MT-03 so decided to throw it down the road? .
  14. hillclimb
  15. i remember seeing an article in a magazine some time ago which lists different animals and how they are likely to react when they are in the road (and thus how best to deal with them) example, Deer tend to shoot straight across the road so its best to go behind them. however, phesants prefer walking out to the middle of the road and then running back again, so its advisable to go infront of them. not sure how true that advice is, and i wouldnt like to try it myself...
  16. pissing with rain
  17. use an automotive realy, as mentioned above. would be a good idea to wire the realy across the field current from your alternator so that the relay is only live when the engine is running
  18. Foamy for prime minister!. faster mopeds, later bedtimes and a two stroke pump at every petrol station
  19. Mobylette
  20. Marriage
  21. wild foamy


    actually mine came from currys, i boguht hte ex-display model and because i worked there at the time i ended up getting a huge discount for non-pristine and staff discount
  22. apparently gordon brown is making them pay it all back, but i still doubt they will. why do they do it?, because they can, and nobody will do anything to stop them.
  23. wild foamy


    i got a Binatone Carrera X350 from work for £30 (staff discount and non-pristine discount) and put it in a freezer bag, it works well and has a decent touch screen which can be used with gloves, but the battery life is only about an hour so you need to have it plugged in to a 12v system, and my DT is 6v so its not the best.
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