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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. hi everyone. just wondering, how/what do i need to mount a set of panniers on an XJ600? im assuming i need some sort of rack?, if so can i fabricate it/where can i buy one? -Steve
  3. the spark most definately shouldnt be covered in oil :S. go back to using the metered (automatic) oil pump, atleast that way you know there cant be any problems with fuel/oil mixture. only other thing i could think of is oil getting past the piston rings and into the combustion chamber, but you'd see that as smoke from the exhaust, try leaning the mixture out a little and see if that helps it, black spark plug = running rich, the oily residue is confusing though...
  4. erm, no. slight problem there... that tax disc is from 02 07 those pics were taken before (1st one was at a services en route) the bikes first MOT which it failed, it now has an MOT with only an advisory for corroded brake discs, and considering it has been stood for nearly 2 years in total im not surprised. however, im on leave from the RAF for a week, and ive left all my vehicle documents in my room on base, so i havent got a reference number with which to tax it couple of slight problems, noticed it was rattling whilst i was taking it for its MOT, no idea if thats the cam chain or something, and im getting some high frequency vibration throughout the rev range, makes my hands and feet go tingly, is it fuck or a common fault?
  5. wild foamy

    star wars

    GOFF?! O.o... that you?... holy shit, its just like that dream i had...
  6. cheers Yamagod, dont s'pose youve got a manual kicking around for a '89 XJ?, imparticular an exploded view of the engine and gearbox with part numbers. -Steve
  7. DTs dont leak oil anyway. they just mark their territory shouldnt need to touch the carb settings aslong as you havent changed to any performance/upgraded parts, take the carb back to factory settings and start again if your still having trouble
  8. plug chop, check your mixture.
  9. its not a yam... but its still awesome shit . i know what my next car is going to be
  10. 110.9! , how come im still paying 117.9 down here?! >.<
  11. Hi everyone, Where can i find part numbers for the XJ600 (pre-diversion) engine parts? and preferably an exploded diagram aswell. ta Steve
  12. i resorted to making my own gasket out of gasket paper that was donated to me by a friend who worked for a motorists discount centre, that was after my cereal box gasket failed and pissed oil out over the old ladys new driveway... she wasnt happy... and as for the accuracy, to get the holes in the right place, get a ball bearing slightly larger than the hol you want to make, locate it over the hole, press lightly and then give it a wickle tickle with a hammer though come to think of it, that DT did seem to take a liking to pissing oil out, and only ever when on mothers new driveway... funny that
  13. im armed forces, ofc i have the dosh, im minted
  14. i used to have a bonnie wee lass who was from aberdeen, she told me that loons were blokes and quines were girlies :/. ofc, then she went and shagged one of my mates whilst i was in an alcohol induced coma on his sofa at his 18th
  15. room for one more?
  16. Squires 2011 is a go for sure, i aint missing another one!. im not going to make the same mistake with this bike as i did with the DT, im keeping this little badboy ^.^, planning to keep it mostly original in terms of no mini indicators or radical changes to the bodywork, but a few practical mods like hotgrips, bigger screen and maybe some other bits and bobs. as for the Jawa, once i am settled in at benson i will hopefully get it over there and get cracking, i have discovered that the XJ uses the same diameter stanchions as the Jawa, so with a bit of luck i may be able to use XJ/FZ stanchions with the existing jawa bottom ends, then all it needs is a new headlight as i dropped an adjustable spanner on the old one >.<
  17. Torque loading on the DT50MX head bolts - 2 white knuckles making a base gasket out of a cereal box is not the way to do it, ive had to do it before on my clutch case but even that leaked, if there is air getting into the system that would explain the erratic running, get it sorted. or if not, i will make you an offer for the salvage
  18. dont get me started merv, im bad enough with these crazy ideas on my own without your input thankyou very much...
  19. oh, for all my hard graft i think her majesty owes me some R&R time . but what is the 20 pence fork mod? O.o
  20. not bad for an old bird eh? . one slight fubar on my part, gone and left my V5C at Benson, and im on leave for the rest of the week :/ so can't go out for a blast just yet... but bringing it back from the MOT centre yesterday i took the long route home through some country roads, was awesome its torture not being able to ride it though :/
  21. aye aye loons en quines, fit like th day?
  22. theresa DT50 frame on ebay for a tenner... tempted to buy it and piece together a DT... labour of love kinda thing...
  23. hey peeps as requested, here are the pics of the new bike, havent named it yet it will have to earn one. 1989 XJ600, payed £450 for it, 37k on the clock but Partial service history and lots of money spent on upkeep over the years looking over the reciepts. its my first bike bike and for what i paid for it if i throw it down the road i wont be too fussed, rather wreck this than a more expensive bike. i seem to have a thing for mature ladies, first the '89 DT and now this... but my god they are fun to ride XD
  24. can soon take one, you mean pics of the bike in general or the fender extender?
  25. imho, if something aint right it may escalate into something much worse, put the kettle on, get comfy and sit back for yet another nostalgic tale of the DT. after installing my awesomely powerful *snigger* 60cc big bore kit, the little blue dragon wasnt right all week, but me being the uptight sod i was thought F*ck it, it will see me through to payday, a few nights later on my way home on a country lane about 10 at night, pitch black, it died on me, completely cut out and refused to go, i started pushing it home (4-5 miles mostly uphill) and got very warm, so i took my leathers off and draped it over the seat as i pushed, upon arriving home around midnight i found out my wallet and phone had dropped out of my leathers en-route, and the bore was trashed (£40 down the drain, £30 and a gig ticket in my wallet, and about £100 worth of phone), which could have been prevented if i had investigated the problem before hand and spent £2.80 on a carb jet. morale of the story, get it sorted before it comes around to bite you in the ass. i miss my DT :'(
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