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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Hey Phil, welcome to the forum, i used to live near Telford
  2. ah right... scratch that idea next project will be an XJ650 Turbo i think
  3. Just had a thought, are there any filters or anything on the top of the fuel tap inside the tank?
  4. Seems clear of water, just been over to wales and its gone through the rest of the fuel, but I filled it again and its just done it again on the M4
  5. Test the compression, gauges are available that screw into the plug hole to perform such a test, they arent expensive and worth the money, - Foamy *thud*
  6. after a long ride i can see a rust coloured substance seeping from the keyhole on the fuletank if that makes any differance?
  7. i didnt claim on that accident, just pulled the front out, new bonnet on it and repaired it, it got wrote off when a cabbie pulled out on me going through town and pushed the drivers door and rear wing in, cant believe they wrote it off for a couple of dents! only thing that was hurt was my pride...
  8. Runs okay now, thing is at high speeds if i open the throttle fully it hesitates before powering up fully, just looked at the plugs now and they are chocolatey brown colour, where should i be looking next?
  9. i have you know my engineering standards are second to none! besides, i got 4 LED strips coming which im going to wire under the fairings and undertray, ghostrider style!
  10. Full tank of fuel O.o
  11. Hey peeps, The XJ finally died on me last night, coming back from newbury along the A4 with a chinese takeaway in the tankbag, just about got into hungerford when the power died and it would not idle, sounded like it was struggling to run, possibly starved of fuel?, it died when pulling away from a roundabout, after i had pushed it round the corner to a petrol station and swore at it a bit it started and began to run correctly. Im going to do a plug chop on it today and see how that goes, its running a motad 4-into-1 with more holes in it than a sieve, thats the only engine mod on it as far as im aware so, why has this happened, what has caused this to happen and how can i prevent it happening again?
  12. hairdryer, get it nice and warm and peel it off with a credit card, if there is any residue left then use Autoglym Tar Remover, petrol or another light solver (not Nitromors or thinners... made that mistake before...)
  13. Hey peeps, its been a while , Ive recently been in contact with another person from Benson who has a beige/tan coloured XVS125 in storage on the base, not sure exactly what age it is but i would guess it is around '03 age, with 7,000 miles on the clock, good chrome and paint but in need of a good dust off and a service as it has been sat in storage for 3 years now, it also has a luggage set which is stored indoors now, the story goes that the lady i spoke to bought it from the UK, moved over to aldergrove in northern ireland, then moved back to the UK and had to re-register it because it had a NI plate, however she bought a bigger bike and couldnt be bothered with the paper work (which is all there and has been payed for) and so the baby drag sat in storage for the past 3 years until i stumbled across it (literally). as it stands now i can purchase it for £850, but would it really be worth it? i will get some pictures next time im over there.
  14. My hipothosis is that it forms a level of hierachy amidst the "chavs, chavettes and chavlettes" (Male, Female and Juvenile of the chav species). The one with the shiniest car, the fluffiest dice, the darkest windows, the loudest dixie horn or in this case, the deepest and most powerfull subwoofer gains the reputation of being the chav "King" or "Alpha Male", whenever a newcomer or existing member of the pack challenges the alpha male for dominancy (often including burnout competitions in the tescos carpark, races down urban streets at motorway speeds or seeing who can make the most noise with their speakers) the Alpha Male is obliged to accept the challenge to retain his dominancy within the pack, however, if defeated he is demoted of his position and becomes a regular member of the pack with the winner attaining the rank of Alpha Male. having said that, i seemt o have turned into a bit of a chav myself... Before: During: After: I really miss that car... R.I.P Swifty <3 xX
  15. That's gotta be too good for fieldbike use!
  16. Nah am I fook, still hold a flame for the DT50 though...
  17. Alas, the Jawa is no more... Loaded it into the back of my buddys A6 yesterday, so that it may begin a new life by being converted into a trailie type thing... still got £100 for it which is better than a kick in the teeth... now for my next project, hmmm... FJ1200?
  18. I'd give you £300 for it? , let me know if your interested in a deal
  19. Welcome to the asylum... er, i mean forum... I see you've already met the village loonatic, lol
  20. ITs horses for courses for example, i drive a 2002 Kia Sportage, its a 4x4, it weighs just under 2 tonnes and has a 2L petrol engine putting out roughly 140bhp, i get 25-30mpg when driving at a maximum speed of 70mph, top speed is 110 but fuel economy is terrible at that speed. However, my bike (Yamaha XJ600, '89) is used mainly for getting from A to B quicker than it would take me in the car, or cheaply. it puts out around 70bhp, weighs 230kg and 65mph is roughly 6000rpm although the average speed is usually 90mph upwards with a maximum speed of 120mph. I live on my own, i rarely have other people in the car, and unless the weather turns really bad, i need to move some stuff or pick up some mates i hardly ever use the car, so it makes more sense for me to use the bike, if you have kids or live with over people then obvious it would be a more efficient use of your time and money to use the car.
  21. im sending them an angry email, and i shall be using red text to show my displeasure
  22. my thoughts would be the carb, did you notice if the engine was running particularly hot and have you disturbed the carb in any way recently? undo the four screws at the bottom and take the bowl off the carb, if there is a build up of debris in its probably best to strip the carb down and blow the jets out
  23. check your inlet rubbers, if they are showing signs of perishing its best to replace, dont ask me where to find them though as i just covered mine in speedtape
  24. wow, thats exactly like my bike, just less rusty, and less abused... and so much nicer welcome to the asylum, as mention above i am foamy
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