Aye Cynic, i admit, i do still hold that little flame for mistress Goff, i hope that one day she returns to us, this place seems so cold and empty without her...
but i see where your coming from, ive only been out of the UK for a week and already the camels are starting to look appealing
but anyway, i digress... as for the toolbox issue there probably wont be a lot there to work with, usually two double ended (stop sniggering, Cynic!) spanners (10/12mm and 15/17mm), a screwdriver, two maybe three plug spanners and thats about it, its usually a good idea to keep a small section of tools in the tankbag just for good measure, failing that i have fixed many a problem with nothing but a bootlace... loosing the bellypan on my XJ600 for example, and a throttle cable on the DT (R.I.P)
by "Vintage" i mean grey haired, often seen mumbling bout "the good ol' days" when steam driven vehicles were the norm...