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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Nice one dirtyDT, if you could please pm me a link to the high res copy i will add it to the calender portfolio
  2. wild foamy

    Spot the Cat

    got ya you bastard... good bit of camoflague though
  3. Well peeps, im starting this thread early as i will be working over xmas and away shortly in the new year. at the moment it looks like the calenders are coming from vistaprint and will cost around £10 for a wall calender or £6 for a desk calender, if you order any other YOC merchandise at the same time you will get a postage discount (please pm with your requirements and i can get you a quote). postage overseas or to islands will cost more. i may be able to find a local company who is able to do it cheaper although i cant tell for sure probably until the new year VOTING: now, here's how it works, at the top of the page you will see a poll (once artwork has been entered), simply vote for the artwork which you want to see displayed on the January 2014 calender, the artwork with the most votes will be added to the calender, do not use duplicate accounts or doppelgangers to increase votes. ENTERING ARTWORK: If you would like to enter artwork into the competition there are two ways. Firstly, you can contact me via PM/email/carrier pidgeon with your artwork attached also including your name, location of the photo and bike pictured, i will then add your artwork to this post and it is then open to the votes. Alternatively, reply to this thread with a post containing a link to your artwork, your name, location and bike make/model, i will take this information from your post and add it into the competition. QUALITY: Its sort of self-explanatory, the artwork you enter may well end up on the calender, if you've taken a photo on your camera phone chances are once its going to look like its come off a N64 by the time its blown up to calender size, use a good quality digital camera for best effect CLOSING DATE: i will close the competition for January on 15/1/2013 to allow time for admin and finalisation before opening a vote for February. Well that's the formal side completed peeps, enter your artwork now and get voting! , any problems or queries send a PM my way as an example/test, here's one of the donkey in weathered livery ^^ Mervin ^^
  4. wild foamy

    Spot the Cat

    ah well, guess ive been shot out the sky by an enemy fighter... ive never really liked cats anyway -.-
  5. it hasnt got any pedals on it though...
  6. @stroker crazy; may i remind you that this is a family-friendly forum and there may be minors viewing, displaying pornography is strictly forbidden! im watching this thread with interest, looks like its going to be a weapon when its finished , there doesnt look like theres much clearance between those pipes and the front wheel though, is that just a mock-up fit or will that be the case with the final assembly?
  7. just wait until i get my donkey up to squires ... 100mph all the way!
  8. well that's going to happen at some point, even if its just a drop or so from the filler, i have a spray gun i think it would be best to sell the black fenders that i have now and buy some blue plastic ones, atleast then all the chips and defects that will inevitably occur will still show through as being blue instead of the original black.
  9. bit far for me to venture tbh dude, post a list of what needs doing and no doubt somebody would know how to do it
  10. depends what sort of project it is... more details would be helpfull
  11. try this on for size
  12. could be head gasket, shagged piston rings, scraped bore, warping of the head, overheating f*cks them up a treat
  13. Sorry, im talking bollocks, the photo was at a funny angle: Bracket, licence 5J0-84551-20-33 That's the one im after, now just need to see what other bikes use that part number so i can find a good second hand one off a different bike
  14. Thanks for the links peeps, but it seems that the one on the megazip site is a different variant from that fitted to the UK model, and without pics i cannot guarantee that it is the right one :/ there must be a solution here somewhere...
  15. float needle not seating or set incorrectly, if its coming out the overflow O.o
  16. found a few pics of my old DT which had the original light bracket,
  17. Hi there peeps i have been hoarding parts for my DT50MX project for a few months now but there is one part that no breaker seems to have and appear to more rare than rocking horse sh*t made of unobtanium with hens teeth in it. It is the rear light bracket/assembly, which also holds the number plate, i have bought a universal stop/tail light for the time being but it would require new mounting holes to be drilled in the rear mudguard and bracket and is not the original part which sort of defies the whole point of this project in addition to requiring a self-fabricated number plate mount. is there a way that i can find the part number, and find out which other models (if any) use the same part? the DT100/125/175 rear lights look almost identical but i cannot tell for sure. any help appreciated peeps, i have now started taking it apart, sanding down the parts in preperation for a rebuild inbetween various bits and bobs on the Turbo Foameh
  18. Was great fun on the DT50 though
  19. clutch plates probably stuck, happened to my XJ600 pre-div when it was left standing for about 6 months, and the fireblade after 2 months. i used to start them in first with the clutch in, run it at a fast idle and gently tap the back brake with the clutch lever pulled in, just be prepared for a sudden stop if the plates suddenly come free
  20. why not?, i now spend my nights drinking cider and masturbating into a sock because there is a famine of bog roll dont worry you werent being insensative,
  21. if only i had a traily, the fireblade would spend more time sliding across the snow on its side than it would on its wheels , plus the fucker still wont start...
  22. lucky he was wearing that helmet, cracked his head on the sail pretty hard lol
  23. hence why i use the car for moving around in shitty conditions
  24. sadly not any more, im heartbroke to say the least
  25. could keep it as a pet
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