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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. wild foamy


    Hiya peeps just wondered if anyone else had any experiance using freecycle? I moved in to barracks at RAF cosford a week ago and the communal room in our block was bare, i posted an ad on the site asking for furniture and within a few days we now have a nice pair of dimable uplighters and two brown leather sofas, for free!, its surprising just what turns up, usually just because the people have bought new things and dont want the hastle of taking the old stuff to the dump or getting it disposed of (fridges, sofas e.t.c) Check it out peeps
  2. Polish them shoes and heels together, someones been a naughty boy
  3. There is much about me you dont know A Foamy is a conundrum, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in fur, wrapped in a strait jacket
  4. just dont leave turn your interior light on or flash your lights, else they'll be all over your cab like zombies attracted to a fresh living soul
  5. Ah fair point, i think it was mikey who was in the navy, my bad anyway, i like my warm comfy duvet too much, the though of running around a field jumping over things with the rain pouring out of every crack i have doesnt seem to appeal
  6. Nah that sounds like effort, plus ive never really been a fan of hacked bikes, too many people have done it. aslong as i can get the barrel out and cut a key blank to fit with the pins in (shouldnt be too hard, worked on the XJ alright), then if it starts i will give it a quick coat of paint, buff the plastics and i may even put it through an MOT if nothing needs doing then flog it on, ive already got a battery on order and bought a new indicator lens for £2.50, from the photos all i can see that is missing are the rear indicators. if it doesnt run i will break it for parts, would be such a shame to let a near-complete classic bike go to waste, but tbh i really dont want/need it
  7. Yeah, as if i would want to spend months on end on a boat at sea with lots of men, scrubbing the decks with lots of men, down in the galley with lots of men... pfft... gay
  8. Yes but then i wouldnt be able to sit in my room and masturbate furiously, thats the done thing for us lonely single people nowadays
  9. Not a bad idea Noise, although i know for sure there is money in breaking the DT50s, i sold the shock, swingarm and carb off the last one for £70, so thats pretty much my initial investment paid for
  10. Ah piss! ive bought another DT50 aswell, im now changing my ebay password to something harder to remember when im drunk
  11. Hmm... i guess i could do with loosing 10kg...
  12. Fancy hitting the Red Lion at avebury in a couple of weeks?
  13. £100... Buuuuuut... Mileage unknown no keys wheels and brakes ceised missing indicator lens battery is toast tyres look deformed (and probably are perished) plastics probably faded mudguard needs new paint maybe it runs, maybe it doesnt dent in the tank Not sure wether to tart it up and sell it or break it for parts, problem is they are only worth £500 tops when they are in good nick, and parts are cheap anyway so not much point in breaking it, it even has a V5 so no reason why it couldnt go back on the road, be a shame to let another classic go to waste
  14. Yeah, fuck this im going to stop drinking, or change my password to something harder to remember when im pissed. Atleast if i can get it rideable for Squires i wont have to ride a H*nda there
  15. Woke up to a very nice email from eBay today, "you have won the auction for..." Meet the new project... 'Mong' :/ Hopefully this one will be a quick turn-around.
  16. Hey Merv, pm me next weeks lottery numbers? ta much x
  17. Well today wasnt quite as sunny, but i still managed to venture out to Loomies cafe with an old schoolmate, was fookin heaving! You can just see the fireblades big white grabrail infront of the table with all the coffee cups on it
  18. Well i fucked off to loomies instead in the end, was a good ride
  19. not that i know of, ive never been to ace before so have no idea, we're doing the M4 into london and the rest is whichever way my twatnav sends us
  20. Will put in an appearance, only thing is I will be on a h*nda
  21. Hey peeps Short notice, but anyone heading o the ace tomorrow? I'm riding out with a mate so if anyone's about give me a shout
  22. Well peeps, its the weekend! (wooooo!) not only that, but its actually sunny and not windy as fook, so i decided to venture down to bournemouth and get myself an ice cream. i also won one of them flame things that looks a bit like a turd at the arcade so what have you all done with your weekend?, been on any adventures? Also, im officially declaring it tit monday
  23. Hippy Barfday you ol' fart nout wrong with wetherspoons, just enjoy the day
  24. Karmas a bitch eh? fuckin shit an bollocks, bikes are good? hopeing best
  25. Could be worse, they could have given you a foamy in return, we're a strange bunch, hence i am the only remaining one i remember one of my brothers, the tall people came to our land on a big ship and took many of us away in cages, for medical research, zoos and all other weird and terrible things, they caught my brother trying to achieve sexual congress with the ships cat, they threw him overboard, us foamys are not the most buoyant of creatures, and so he drowned , and on the same night, one of my other brothers shat in the captains bed, he was hung form the mast the next morning... okay, im pissed i know -hic-
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