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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Trust me peeps, what could possibly go wrong!, it's got an engine in it (2-stroke I might add!) aswell as sails so it's sort of eco friendly.
  2. Bagpuss, bagpuss oh fat furry catpuss, wake up and look at this thing that I bring... You may now call me... Captain Foamy!
  3. was thinking about a tiny little Mitsubishi TC03 unit, like the one fitted to my pajero kei car (660cc, so not much bigger than the XZ), but in theory is it possible without having to go down the fuel injection route etc afaik im still a mod, i still have the moderator CP and all that stuff. either that or Alex got pissed that i was eating the national symbol of his country (kangaroo meatballs from Iceland, tasty but make me a bit jumpy)
  4. found that out the hard way in California... *shudder*
  5. Well peeps, its coming back, just er... slightly delayed. couldn't bring it back on the aircraft, because its had fuel/oil in it and may explode or something. so its coming back in a shipping container through the works supply chain... but it wont be here until mid/late December... I managed to strip it down and pack it into a big suitcase, leaving the engine in the frame (bubblewrapped), took me a few hours at most, i currently only have the exhaust and rear wheel in my possession, the rest of it is out there waiting to be loaded. However im also importing a car from Japana (Nissan Stagea, in case you're wondering), so its all getting a bit busy and overcrowded here.
  6. All in favour of naming the new arival Foamette... say aye... Aye!
  7. Probably, I doubt he'd want to share mine
  8. ... i dont think he's coming back...
  9. Ah, but see you've left out Foamys turn...
  10. Peeps, it is mushy cider brainfart time of night... Turbo... With downdraught carbs (a la project Fuck), is it a possibility?, or would it simply shit all over itself and blow things up?
  11. Of all the purposes I find for my socks, hiding trinkets is not one of them.
  12. I think they should call it Foamy Or maybe Foamette, seeing as it is a girly. Is a strong name :), congrats
  13. Ah disaster averted... It was in my sooper secret hiding place... Thanks peeps
  14. f*cking behave, peeps!. also, for the second time this thread, im out again, im on a support pass for the dorset steam fair which nfortunately clashes...
  15. I had my old DT50MX up to 70mph a few times... ... in the back of a Sprinter van
  16. thanks peeps, will drop him a PM
  17. Peeps, the sh*t has hit the proverbial fan... ive been looking everywhere for the title and paperwork i had for project FUCR (Yamaha LB80 chappy) when i bought it over in 'murica... Its due to arrive on our shores mid December, and i will have to register it within 2 weeks to avoid being fined, but without the title i am well and truly up sh*t creek, will i still be able to register it without the title? im assuming i will need a dating certificate or something.
  18. wild foamy

    RIP Oldtimer

    This is sad news :(. Only met him once in person at squires, was good to sit and chat with him over a cup of greasy tea, he will be missed. RIP fella.
  19. Well, i got bored at the weekend and stripped the engine down for new bearings.
  20. wild foamy

    OH bugger !

    Ive done a few on my cars/trucks with the stringy insert stuff and they all last until the tyre was replaced because of wear. wether i would do the same for my bike, probably not... tyres arent THAT expensive, i've even got a couple of sets of part worns at the workshop in Marlborough you just need something to get you by (im never likely to use them)
  21. Id rather chase the local tail wherever i happen to land. i miss America... but i dont miss the itching burning sensation i caught from it.
  22. I've been on there for a while, the buying/selling groups are always handy because they are free, i've practically given up on eBay selling. WhatsApp is great, especially for sending messages from overseas because its free. Snapchat, kind pointless unless you're sending pics of your knob to the missus and you dont want her to save it and giggle to her friends the next day. Chat Roulette, well... it wouldnt be a complete night until you've had an eyeful of some fat sweaty portugese man masturbating on camera.
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