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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Cheers peeps, the e-cigs are great aslong as you have the will to use them, they dont provide the same "hit" as a regular cig but the beauty is i can use the e-cig in my room, in the car, at work e.t.c. not sure if its a side-effect of the e-cig or just because im stopping but i cant stand the smell of smokers now!, some of the guys i work with go out for a tab and then come back in and sit next to me in the crewroom, i have to move because they STINK of stale smoke which didnt used to affect me before. I tried stopping before but found i was either really irate and looking to start an argument so i could go outside for a smoke, or during my afghan tours when fags were £18 for 200 and smoking was the only time i had to myself during the work day. since being at cosford i find i dont 'need' to smoke, and so i dont but now im finding i dont wheeze or struggle for breath after a run, i dont cough up as much phlegm and i spend a lot more time doing things than i do going out for a smoke, even set myself a goal of running a marathon at the end of my training course, but thats just a pipedream atm
  2. Everything is being polished now!, engine cases and pretty much everything else were covered in some shitty horrible hammerite spray, managed to get that off and scrubbed up until i could see my ugly mug in them!, the rear wheel came up almost perfectly with a bit of elbow grease, front wheel needs a bit more doing to it but hopefully i can get it back to a presentable state, fitted some new indicators to the rear, stripped all the switchgear and cleaned them so now everything works as it should, changed the oil, just got the new front mudguard and clutch cable to go on, my new keys should be here by saturday aswell so i can put the clocks back together , also got some new tyres to go on it Total list of parts is currently: Battery Mudguard Clutch Cable Indicators (x2) Front and rear tyres New keys Not bad for what was a plant-pot, will get some pics tomorrow, its looking really really nice now, all shiny and stuff, makes me happy when i look at how it was before and how it is now , i sorta lost interest in bikes after my XJ650 restoration ground to a halt but after doing a couple of little ones like this and the DT50(s) im really starting to enjoy it again
  3. Oppsie!, posted the wrong number! , fixed now though
  4. Rohan Where abouts is it? they got a site or anything?
  5. Yeah, that one new mudguard is on its way as is the high temp paint for the engine, should be on ebay by next weekend
  6. Clutch is sorted, it seems that the quadrant itself wasnt the problem, it was the cable that was fucked!, ordered a new one but other than that its all good, managed to get it riding up and down the road a few times too
  7. Also managed to get a key cut over the phone to the number on the barrel, should be here in the next couple of days only problems i have now are the clutch and the shattered front mudguard
  8. Well peeps, after completing a military fitness test last friday i have decided that the cancer sticks arent doing me any favours. So i've stopped smoking now, im using an electronic vapourizer instead, its pretty neat because you can have high/med/low nicotine content liquid in it and even add flavours (Vanilla and strawberry is my favourite atm...) i had a few drags on a tab on saturday night whilst down the pub, i smoked half of it and then felt a bit ill so that was the end of that, the strange thing is ive tried quitting before but found i was even more unpredictable and volatile than usual, looking to start an argument at work for an excuse to go out and have a smoke e.t.c but since ive moved to Cosford and started using this vaporizer i actually feel pretty good, even managed to get my 1.5 mile run time down from 11 mins 11 sec to 10 mins 30 sec today no big acheivement but better than nothing also surprised about how much money im saving, even after buying all these "projects", is anyone else in the same boat as me right now?, had a few moments of weekness, mainly whilst sat in traffic, i get road rage in the cage anyway and found myself hanging out the window because the person in the car infront was smoking up and i could smell it. smoke free for 5 days now
  9. Always room in the foamycave for one more if there isnt enough space to set up a tent
  10. after 6 hours of head scratching and heavy grunting, IT RUNS! Unplugged the ignition barrel (its only two wires, so i shorted them at the plug with a length of cable i had kicking around) Ended up taking the carb off and stripping it, blowing it through with a can of WD40... cleaning the jets out as everything was ceised solid. THEN i couldnt get into the fuel tank so i made an auxilary one out of a mountain dew bottle somebody had left in the bin. had to mount the battery externally as the cables had been cut short by previous owner couldnt get the starter to engage from the switch on the bars, so had to take the switchgear apart for cleaning e.t.c EVENTUALLY... after a few stabs of the starter button it let out a few little coughs before settling down into a smooth (albeit a little high) idle its kinda growing on me, i like it :3 Also, was reading through the (limited) paperwork i was given with the bike, the V5 says the previous owner acquired it in 2000, i have a couple of old MOTS covering it up until 2013, so it may have been sat for around 10 years before i bought it. an evenings work and i already have it running, my next trick will be to get that engine out, strip the cases and find out whats going on with that clutch...
  11. Get down the pub and then get on eBay, works for me, hence why i have now got 3 DT50s and an SR125 :/
  12. i wouldnt reccomend it, having said that atleast i have some fun doing what i do with cheap/disposable bikes . that SR though, i can tell is going to be a pandoras box... fuel tap is stuck in reserve position, no keys to get into the tank, if i can cut one to fit no doubt the tank will be rusted from the inside,, the clutch is stuck in the "pulled in" position so i cant bumpstart it, to free that up is probably going to be a split cases job e.t.c, aslong as i can get it to run i will be happy because that saves me having to strip the top end
  13. Hiya peeps Have started work on project mong and have discovered that there are 3 white coloured cables coming from the charging side of the engine going to the rectifier, however the cables have been cut and i dont know which ones fit where. as i understand it, the rectifier is a series of diodes which will only allow certain parts of the AC circuit to flow (converting the 3 phases of AC into one flat DC sinewave), so does it matter which phase goes to which diode on the rectifier?, hopefully i can get this sorted later tonight and have it running by tomorrow maybe
  14. parts are on the shelves mostly, he has a few bikes which are partly dismantled but most of it is either hung on the walls or boxed up on the shelves, he had a whole room full of fuel tanks of various shapes and sizes and another room completely stacked to the rafters with engines!
  15. The blokes name is Joe, give him a call on 07811247517, its best to take a car and trailer down to his lockup(s) in swansea and spend atleast a day having a mooch about, sometimes you can just ask "have you got a left hand red side panel for a 1989 XJ650?" and he will dissappear into one of the far corners and point up to the rafters where you will find the panel hanging on the wall, quite a skill lol Just tell him Steve sent ya, (or the guy who bought the DT50 if he doesnt remember me lol)
  16. Hey peeps! i picked up another DT50 yesterday, and it starts and runs!, matching frame/engine numbers, all original albeit missing the usual parts (switchgear, wiring looms, lights) buuuuuut... when i went down to swansea i happened upon a most magnificent workshop, the best way i could describe it was the size of an aircraft hangar, divided into 3 levels with every single bike parts you could possibly imagine, there were fireblade parts, RD parts, suzuki parts e.t.c, boxes full of indicators and control cables, it was the sort of place i could get lost in for days! and in the back of the workshop i found a DT50 paris dakar bodykit! , so have now decided to turn my 3rd DT into a paris dakar model will get pics tomorrow, after i'd taken it up and down the scrubland behind the workshop a few times i couldnt bear to break it down!
  17. Well peeps, i picked up my SR125 last night (went via swansea to pick up a DT50 aswell) and managed to get down to the workshop today after work and get the run-down on my new project The back wheel was ceised, i ended up taking it off, prising the hub off and using a hydraulic press to get the little cam out of the hub that spreads the pads onto the drum. electrics are a problem aswell, there are 3 white cables coming off the engine and should be paired up to the rectifier but they arent, they just cut the cables right after the plug rather than unplug it. also the battery earth cable has been cut off, the starter solenoid was rolling around underneath the airbox with the feed cables cut (again, right before the plug, why dont people just unplug things??) also probably my biggest problem, the clutch is stuck in the disengaged position so i couldnt even turn the engine over in gear to see if it was ceised, and the clutch arm goes right down through the case behind the front sprocket so it looks like its a split-case jobby unless i can find another access panel to remove. needs a front mudguard aswell, the one thats on it is fucked
  18. Well it isnt actually that bad, just needs a good clean as it looks like its been sat in a hedgerow for the past few year, needs a new front mudguard, a battery and a key but thats about it, 32k on the clock and pretty much all complete
  19. dont get me wrong, i respect a persons rank, but i dont always respect the person wearing it, but most of the time especially at Benson it wasnt a case of "you will do this, because it will help get the cabs ready for next week e.t.c ......." because then i could see the point in the task, its more a case of "You will do this because im a (insert rank) and i say so.", in which case if its a stupid idea i would prefer to tell them to stuff it up their ass, but is it worth a charge? (yes, you tell a CPO to go fuck himself and thats what happens), probably not.
  20. get some in, drewps
  21. not exactly mike, but having spent 3 years on a training base i have had the pleasure of meeting the jobsworth pricks we call 'Discips' on a regular basis. nothing like being spoken down to by some shit-trade wanker plastic corporal who has spent their whole career sat behind a desk in an office and has never done a tour in their life, "Why is your shirt creased!" "because ive been sat in a classroom all day wearing it!"... they dont like being wrong, and they certainly dont like being wrong if you call them up on it. worst bit about being at the bottom of the food chain is not being able to tell someone to piss off because they are either talking bollocks or being a bellend, oh how i long for a simple civvie job ah, i needed that
  22. And thats just my dogging contacts
  23. I bought the mini because I thought it would be a good idea, I bought the DT (1) because I missed my donkey, I bought the DT(2) , the DT(3) and SR125 because I was pissed, so THERE
  24. Ive usually asked for pictures before, but like with the sofas i got atleast 3 offers of different sofas so was just a case of choosing which ones were most suitable, for free im not expecting anything special though
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