Its all going to shit peeps, i took the job i am in now mostly for job security, but after about a year and a half we started having redundancies, cuts e.t.c, o wonder so many people are on the dole, it's f*cking ridonkulous!
dont even get me started on politicians... oxford educated c*nts with no idea how the real world works.
Foamy for prime minister peeps!, there's gonna be some changes.
First Decree of Foamy: It shall no longer be a legal requirement to wear a seatbelt, if you want to die a horrible death then feel free, i will not waste taxpayers money trying to enforce a law intended to try and save your pitifull life, if you do not value your life enough to use a seatbelt then feel free to wrap your saxo around a lamp-post
Second Decree of Foamy: Compulsory drugs testing for people on the dole, if your smoking dope with our tax money then you dont get paid, simples.
Third Decree of Foamy: If you cause an accident because you are not paying attention to the road (on your phone, applying makeup, changin tampon e.t.c) expect to pay for damages and your own trial, jail sentence and loss of your licence.
Fourth Decree of Foamy: If a person is unwelcome on your property and intending to cause you/your family harm or deprive you of possessions, providing they are there of their own accord, you may take measures deemed nescessary to discourage his/her actions and hold them at the scene of crime until a police cuntstubble arrives,
Fifth Decree of Foamy: All drivers of class B vehicles and above MUST at the very least have completed a CBT
Rant over peeps.