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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. The FTO doesnt have a tow-bar, its a sports coupe! . leave the kia alone!, its done 40,000 miles in 3 years under my pilot and has cost me fuck all in that time. screw it, im bringing the fireblade, only problem is i cant really secure the tent from Andrews attacks... i have a knife under my pillow, you're move...
  2. 9st 4, i am the 'Moues' of halton owing to my size. but this mouse squeaks, i have made mistakes on the road and i have paid for them, i slid down a hill into a parked car into the slow (ABS wouldnt have helped me then, it was a case of 'hands off, gravity is in the drivers seat now') lost no claims bonus on the cage and the life cycle continues. ive removed plenty of wingmirrors, and i can safely say all of the times i have done so it is some twat flaunting the rules for personal gain, i.e a BMW sales exec on the phone cutting across 3 lanes of the M6 to overtake the 50mph speed limit.
  3. bang on the money, gizmo, i still have a fiesta mirror in my shed somewhere. if someone reversed into my bike it would be smashed window time followed shortly by a helmet-on headbashing, possibly a kerb stomp, none of this tap on the window bullshit. but im quick to anger at the best of times. Foamy justice is the way forward peeps.
  4. You may take the piss out of my Kia, but atleast im not on f*ckin L-plates!
  5. Would look silly towing it behind my FTO!... and lay off the kia, all it needed in 3 years was a set of coils... other than that its been faultless.
  6. When i looked into 'charging the FUCR i was planning to have a poppet valve in the plenum to vent any excess, a quick google search should turn up some solutions.
  7. There's more than one use for two-stroke oil i suppose... looks like im either turning up on the fireblade, or the FUCR on a trailer behind the kia if its the latter im sleeping in the car with the doors locked!...
  8. swingarm bushes are a standard thing i think, i ended up having to rebuild most of my shock absorber link assembly as there was about an inch of play at the rear wheel .
  9. forks will be £200 for a grind/rechrome down here, i think theres a guy that does them about £150 a set near luton (philpots) but its a case of shopping around to see who will do them. the rusty shock?, that may cost £100 to rebuild, but if it works id just clean it up and reassemble it, i'd be more owrried about that shitty swingarm, get it off and shotblast/powdercoat it!. ive just about finished shotblasting my XJ650 parts so if you want anything doing let me know, ive got all the gear to do it sat in the shed.
  10. run LPG, peeps... it may not be as cheap as it used to be either, but its still half the price of petrol, had my kia converted in june last year and made my initial investment back within about 9 months... now to get the FTO converted :/
  11. There's something not right with you guys... It feels weird hearing myself say that...
  12. Fuckin hell dude, glad to hear he's still with you and is hopefully on the mend. Im sure i speak for the rest of us when i say you have the club here to support you bro, foamy salutes you.
  13. Nah not at all bud they are still available as I order them on a as-and-when basis, leave it with me I will chase up my supplier
  14. lallasro... i was hoping that picture had been long forgotten about
  15. There may even be some exclusive YOC lingerie coming online soon, perfect if you want to treat the wife or treat somebody elses wife... its a lot more fun if you dont get caught.
  16. Oh right, now i understand. its been ages since anyone ordered one so i think vistaprint have binned my templates, i was working on getting an alternative supplier but i cant find his number now...
  17. buy what? O.o, nobody is making any sense today...
  18. Huh? what boat?? what have i missed??
  19. indeed it is heavier than air, hence why LPG boats have extractor fans in the bilges to purge them before starting incase there is a leak , i briefley looked in to converting a 5.7L mercruiser in a fletcher speedboat until i realised i didnt have the cash .
  20. Dam, that fucker had some horns on him! Surprised he didn't try and ride the ram up the trail!
  21. I always thought they were threaded jets, just bought some off Ebay for my Mitsubishi lpg conversion
  22. Maybe if you had a different sort of lump every now and then... She'd take an interest
  23. Apparently, something like 8% of kids do it - but whatever...
  24. Mob justice ftw peeps. Foamy has spoken!
  25. there's only one way a DT50MX can do 50mph on a flat... skip breakfast and have a huge dump.
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