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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Welcome back bud . Did i not say before that we should have a rideout/fix it day at your place?, provide the bacon butties and im sure there would be a whole squad of helpers willing to come out!
  2. You seem to have an obsession with my mankini, andrew... I know im quite a catch, but you arent my type mate, sorry.
  3. Hey peeps. had a very worrying experiance today, i was on askMID checking if the previous owner was still insured on my new Pajero as some companies wont allow two policies on the same vehicle. just as a passing fancy, i put both of my other registrations through. both came back as being uninsured!. the FTO was insured with diamond about 3 months ago, the Kia has been insured since november last year and to my knowledge both vehicles have been covered up until now. i havent been home for atleast 3 weeks now, and it was only out of chance that i drove the kia back to hungerford to sell it (buyer never turned up, c*nt) and found that i had mail from two weeks ago from both insurance companies asking me to send a copy of my driving licence and proof of employment as part of an audit, i intended to contact their customer services tomorrow and email them copies as i wouldnt trust royal snail with anything. again, at this point to my knowledge i was still insured, i had no emails, phone calls or letters to say that my policy was being cancelled. say on the way back up i hit someone/someone hit me/i got pulled by the police. i would have been 100% illegal, 6 points on licence and probably a bit of porridge where i would meet a big black man called bubba, who says he wants to be my special shower friend. god help those fuckers when i get hold of them tomorrow :madflame: :madflame: , if i pay £2500 for something i atleast want a sweaty brow and a full johnny to show for it!. okay, f*cking rant over. may be worth checking askMID to see if your own vehicles are still insured.
  4. sent s econd chance offer to the second highest bidder, he hasnt responded yet. more the fact that i burned £40 in gas and made a 250 mile round trip to my home address so the buyer could pick it up, and when i get there he doesnt even want it!, i didnt ask him for a deposit as a sort of good will gesture after i kept him waiting whilst i found a shogun.
  5. ITS HERE!!! Brilliant car, drove it back from Stockport without issues
  6. Well its all gone to shit now the buyer for the Kia turned out to be a timewaster, travelled up from bournemouth and had a look around the car at about 9am this morning, left a voicemail saying it was worse than he thought and he was no longer interested. so i now have to pull £600 out of my ass to pay for the shogun -.-
  7. not even i would fap to this... 0/10 for effort, dude...
  8. Its the Scala Rider G4 my mate uses, he had the Scala Rider Solo before that, and he cant say enough good things about it
  9. The Pajero is inbound... even more room inside for waterbeds and misbehavior.
  10. The soft spongey ones are good, the old man has them on his 'Guzzi to damp down vibrations and they do a good job, have been on there for the past couple of years. my XZ also has them, they've been on there for many more years but it was barn stored, have yet to try them on the road.
  11. I use earphones if im going to be doing lots of motorways and constant high-speed stuff, but for nipping in to town and back i dont bother, takes longer to sort them out and get the right playlist than it does for me to do a trip. its more-so an iusse for me when you come off the motorway and reach a roundabout or town where the road is much quieter but the music is still playing louder than i normally would have it.
  12. Kia has been sold
  13. See the post "Foamys new toy" have bought myself a 2.8 LWB Pajero
  14. once you've got your lid on this will reduce your hearing to some degree, there are speakers available that will fit inside the helmet (quite popular with people who use intercoms) one of my mates has an intercom which doubles as a hands free and a music player, will have to ask him what it is
  15. I do sensible things when im pissed!... i listed the kia on eBay whilst pissed... that worked out pretty well.
  16. Hi bud. removing old grips is a stanley knife jobby unless they are loose enough for you to peel them off, as for where to put them, you could wire in a relay with a split feed from something that is only on with the ignition, maybe the headlight or something.
  17. treacherous swine!...
  18. Sounds like a hell of a whack if it bent the stand!, im assuming it pushing it over on the stand-side?. get yourself on fleabay and price up the parts, if you got the other persons details you may be able to work out a settlement without getting those robbing bastards insurance companies involved
  19. Well, i dare say it was one of the most reliable bikes at squires...
  20. So... thats a no to swapping it for a 'blade? :/
  21. ... Swap it for a fireblade, Blackie?
  22. I bought an SR125 for £100 with a running engine and 36k on the clock, but once i'd spent the money on cutting new keys, new tyres, new battery, new cables e.t.c i barely made my money back selling it at £360. A slightly more viable alternative may be buying a written off or spares or repair bike like i did, using the whole engine (or just the top end) and splitting the rest for spares to recoup your money, I once bought a DT50 field bike for £80, used the headlight and handlebars, split the rest and ended up about £20 in profit with basically a free headlight and handlebars.
  23. as above, it turned out the cable had frayed on the inside of mine, hence i didnt need the springs!
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