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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. 3 XTs... one is a '86 600 which I'm not overly sure what I'm going to do with, and two' 87 350s for me and my old man to play around on. Airhead, there's more important things in life than working
  2. Well peeps, much like a domestic cat i have brought home a half-dead but adorably tiny piece to play with. Yep, it's another chappy!... bought this one at the Kempton Park autojumble on saturday, looking very sorry for itself, the front end is in a carier bag with bent forks and generally looking sorry for itself. Tonight will mainly be spent reassembling and finding out what is missing, luckily i still have a selection of parts from my american chappy which i did manage to smuggle back (seat, wheel, complete exhaust e.t.c), started with a few kicks and ran quite nicely ,only thing it is missing is a headlight although im fairly sure i have a similar one kicking around in the garage which will do for now. Also picked up a couple of XT350s for me and my dad to do some green lanes on, and an XT600 just incase i want to wrap myself around a tree
  3. Haven't got my Haynes Manual with me at the moment, it's back at home with my DT50, I'll grab it when I'm back on Sunday and send you a scan.
  4. wild foamy

    Puter stuff.

    Pah, I don't trust anything I can't fix with a hammer. If it isn't fixed with a good whack it's an electrical problem
  5. Been pretty preoccupied with other stuff lately, so the bikes as a whole have taken a back burner massively, FUCR is still in the garage somewhere and I only recently dug out the DT125LC frame I had started to rebuild, so today was as good a time as any to actually do a few little niff naff jobs on it that were holding me back. Namely the shock absorber bushes, which had to be put under the hydraulic press to separate from the swingarm, the remains of the old ones put up a hell of a fight and ended up being dremmeled and pecked at with a chisel before the new ones went in. Ordered a lump of phosphor bronze and some grease nipples so will be spinning up some swing arm bushes on the lathe tomorrow, it's starting to look more and more like a bike and less like a cluttered mess in the garage, whilst its still a country mile off being finished It genuinely made me smile today to see it slowly taking shape.
  6. Only DT50 I have left will be going in my front room :p, and a mk1 125LC which is somewhere in my garage. Get on the Facebook groups, yes there's a lot of shit and timewasters on there but occasionally theres stuff on there worth having.
  7. I had my heart set on Bippo tbh... i fear Kev would be a bit too hairy for my taste
  8. I'm free for the dates, just a case of having something rideable!
  9. Cheers for the encouraging words peeps!, and bipps i would very much love for you to hold my helmet again...
  10. i've got an old S10 gas mask that i turned into a beer bong... but im guessing that wouldnt be very appropriate for the scouts?...
  11. DT50s are ace, blew mine up twice and had many adventures, they are rather forgiving and thankfully very simple to engineer. definitely be worth popping the bottom off the carb bowl and checking the size of them jets, iirc stock is #88, with a 65cc kit and aftermarket pipe i was running a #98 which was a tad rich but ultimately safe, move the needle up a notch aswell, keep the original air filter but you can drill holes in the cover to improve airflow. at 50kg it is possible to run the smallest rear and largest front (48t/15t i think?) sprocket, however as you would expect it makes hills a bit more of a challenge, but that's what gears are for right?.
  12. Amateurs... all about the fuel rod gun a'la Halo! Getting all giddy and excited anyway, been gathering up all my excess kit that i dont use/have never used so i can take it back in, still got another 12 months to go though so no doubt i'll have a couple more trips abroad.
  13. Hi there peeps. The day has finally come, i have handed in my notice and in 12 months or so my military career will be at an end, it is with giddy anticipation that i prepare for life 'outside the wire'... So after (what will by then be) 8 years of employment i feel i am no longer gaining the same satisfaction with my job and employer as i once did and the time has come to cut loose Parts of it have been fun, i've been drunk in some weird and wonderful place, and on the flip-side i've found myself in some right utter shit-holes, easy come easy go i suppose. as to what i will do after, who knows?. Something engineering based almost definitely but probably not in the aviation industry, might end up living on a boat and hunting for aliens and stuff, i haven't decided yet. this has been a happy day
  14. Ah it isnt steam though, it's a two stroke single cylinder marine engine... all of around 1.5hp! i'll post up a snap when im back
  15. Still do a lot of steam shows with my old man (he builds and exhibits miniature steam engines, i drink beer and rumage through the autojumble) Got a Stuart Turner R1M to go in my boat if you fancy lending a hand?... cant get it to spark
  16. Came up alright, got a set of cheap-o pods for them to make do until i can find something more suitable
  17. Woah there Louis, looks like you've posted the same thread three times, i've taken the other two down and kept this one active hope this helps. With regards to your stand, might be worth checking it isnt bent or deformed, also have a look from the rear wheel (looking forward) and check that your rear sprocket and chain are in alignment with the front, something is definitely amiss there
  18. Good music and a TIG welder!
  19. Think it's safe to say he wont be nicking another bike any time soon...
  20. You may find Facebook a useful selling tool, there are many for sale/wanted pages out there but as is always the way with facebook you WILL get emails from people wanting to swap it for a pitbike and/or iPhone, others who want to buy it for nothing and general timewasters however there are also genuine peeps out there who will ask the right questions and hopefully go through with a sale, and it's all FREE!. Example, I posted a car for sale on one of the groups last year and within an hour i had a bite, the guy spent an hour and half looking over it (and under it) and bought it then and there, some of these groups have over 100000 members so thats potentially 100000 people who will see your advert in their news feed. Other than that, as much as it pains me to say it eBay is useful if you NEED to get it gone, I found classified ads to be a waste of time as they run for 30 days and after it finishes you will get the emails from timewasters, if you put it on an auction it runs for 7 days or so, and it sells (or not) when the hammer falls, so if there is anyone out there who wants it they have to put their bid in or miss out. Never tried magazine ads, bit too old school for me, i remember selling a gameboy in the local paper many moons ago though.
  21. The yamaha Chappy monkey bike thing i bought when i was working in 'Murica, dont worry i lose track sometimes aswell. Just want to get back and get started now, i'll be out here over christmas aswell so genuinely if anyone has a carb they dont mind me playing with that'd be awesome. hoping to have the DT125 up and running before then otherwise i'd bring that one, need to get back on two wheels I haven't been on a bike for 6 months or so it's getting quite depressing :/
  22. Update: A: Project TURD is no more, asked one of my guys to find out whilst he is out in Cali only to find that some f*cking British Army cockwomble had decided to bin it, would have been nice to atleast ring me? had my phone number written allllll over it... B: Decided to treat the XZ carbs to a set of gaskets, although this being cyprus they had never hear of an XZ, so i ended up touring around what i can only describe as "the workshop district" of Limassol, getting directions from shop to shop until i found an aladdins cave that is an auto parts store nestled away in a backstreet somewhere, got enough paper to do 8-10 carbs for 2Euros... couldn't say no, also came across a Skyteam cafe racer and a suzuki GS drag bike to name a few, this place is mad!. C: Mosquitos have teeth and are all belleds, also nearly cracked my skull open when i slipped on a cockroach getting out of the shower this morning... will be nice to be back in blighty but thats still a long way off.
  23. CLICKY. sent a few emails to the guy explaining what i want, basically going to send them my old top yoke so they can use it as a pattern, and CNC a new one with bar mounts so i can use my ace bars/clubmans.
  24. Well im pretty much done fettling them now, just wish i'd brought some more out with me, the fasteners arent OEM but at 2 cents a pop it certainly makes a difference, Oh and i found a place in the UK that will CNC a new top yoke for Project FUCR to my specifications, costing around £150 which i can live with, so there is progress there slowly ticking away in the background.
  25. Hey peeps!. Not been online much recently, inbetween buying cars in from Japan, rebuilding my boat and galavanting around the world with work it seems that FUCR has been left in the corner of the garage now surrounded by DT125LC bits, f*ck knows where the XJ Turbo has gone and the DT50 hasn't been seen for months. Currently i'm out in Cyprus, and tbh it gets boring here, you can either become a gym monster or a beer monster, pumping iron isnt my thing and there's only so many times you can wake up in the middle of nowhere naked in a pool of your own bodily fluids before you start to question your direction in life, so whilst most people bring a book/kindle/ipad away with them on det, i grabbed the old pair of mikunis off Project FUCR and forgot i had packed them until recently. Been stripping them down over about a week or so, left them to soak in a bucket of acetone for a few days, and been tidying them up with an old toothbrush, scotchpads and gun oil 'borrowed' from the armorers (used in conjunction with the scotchpads it's almost as good as autosol, brings them up a nice bright flat shine). Needless to say most of the original fasteners were partially rounded and looking generally tired, luckily during my ventures into the local town i came across a random DIY store, which sold individual fasteners, a whole new set of A2 Stainless fasteners and spring washers for both carbs and bracket cost me less than 2 euros... so about £1.20, most of that was buying a packet of 50 M4 spring washers which they didnt sell individually. they are still a long way from being finished and there are nooks and crannies which i cant quite get at, but it keeps me humble and satisfies my cravings for something mechanical to occupy my time.(the management have already cautioned me about trying to bring another bike home, afaik TURD is still out in america in a shipping container). Kinda wish i'd brought the DT125LC carb aswell, that'll likely be the next one to be built up in the same fashion as the DT50 was (weekend in the workshop, door shut music on, block out the world until it's done.)
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