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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Not so true, i only have a couple of cars now and the DT50 is hidden away in the shed until squires
  2. saved on the watch list
  3. Make sure you use motorbike specific oil!, if you chuck any old car oil in your bikes' wet clutch will slip due to the additives in the oil which is designed for dry clutches (in cars).
  4. Fuck the lot of ya's, im bringing the pajero up this year so i can have something with lockable doors!
  5. Handbags away, ladies!...
  6. Fucking good riddance to the worst car ive ever owned.
  7. Welcome to the forum, you will need to post a brief introduction in the newbies section, just so we can get to know a bit about you, your bikes e.t.c. as for your question, try http://www.bikez.com/
  8. Holy shit, when i started with my first bike (remember that Dt50, anyone?) i had absolutely no idea!, took me a while to properly work the lcutch and gears!... Now look at me 5 years later, i have more bikes than i care to count and a problem with dirnking and eBay Also, i feel it fair to mention, motorcycle engine oil is not the same as car oil!: Car oil contains mobylene, this helps all the engine parts to slip and reduces friction which is good in a car engine wihhch has a dry clutch (i.e. there is no oil around the clutch mechanism) but a bike such as yours will have a wet clutch, meaning that your clutch is constantly bathed in oil, if you use a car oil which has mobylene in it, this mobylene will get into your clutch plates and cause it to slip (because that is what the oil is designed to do in a car, reduce friction by making things slip), make sure you buy an oil that specifically says its 'motorbike use'
  9. Welcome back dude, definately check your clutch cable travel, if your clutch is dragging (cable too short) it will be harder to shift gears especially finding neutral Try turning your clutch cable adjuster outwards a few turns and see if it makes a difference.
  10. Shit the bed you peeps dont waste time, Firelbade has been parked in the same spot since september! My Passat seized up at the top of birdlip hill on the A417 today so with just my FTO to get around i have no way of moving the bikes (Fireblade is fully road legal, but to be honest i dont like riding it, give me back my XJ600 any day!)
  11. Means exactly that Mike.
  12. i think its only fair that the mankini makes an appearance at this years squires
  13. Wow that is one seriously neglected RD!
  14. Personally, i think its bullshit. So if you change registered keepers the tax becomes invalid, what is happening here is people are essentially going to be cancelling their tax part way through the term if they sell their vehicle before it expires, and the new buyer has to pay full whack to tax it again, just another way to screw more money out of the motoring public utter bollocks imho, its been working fine the way we have it for the past fuck knows how many years. and i have never been able to tax/sorn a vehicle online after changing keepers (i.e. trying to sorn a newly purchased vehicle) which means printing off another form and buying another postage stamp from royal snail.
  15. Happy valentines day, peeps
  16. you can fill in a V62 Form and apply for it yourself, but i applied for one for my DT50 resto and its been 5 weeks now :/
  17. Im a techie, probably the least military section of the military, thats why they keep us hidden away in dark hangars far far away from conventional society... draw the blinds when you enter, we dont like natural light, it burns. You should be more worried about the Navy!, we had a RN matelot deployed with us in afghan last year, f*cking useless would be an understatement, was always asleep in the crewroom (got set fire to a lot coincidentally), would forget his rifle and leave it in the shitters, back of the landys, on the shuttle busses, e.t.c. used to stand in the smoking area reading poetry whilst smoking a pipe wouldnt want to be on a ship now having worked with the navy boys! not to mention all the sodomy.
  18. Dont see why we would need to defend it, nobody would want to go there without good waterproofs and wellies!
  19. Oooh, a dirty mind... i like that
  20. oopsie, left my inbox unattended
  21. Hi dude, welcome to the forum
  22. Old but pretty addictive. http://www.weebls-stuff.com/games/Cat+Death+Auto/
  23. Get off the phone, dog! :|
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