it does appear to share a fair few parts with the smaller yams of the era, im just excied to have a new toy to play around with and keep my bike no claims current!.
havent really touched the XTs since i last posted, we fixed the decompression lever on my 350 and had a bitof a ride along the farmland where our unit is, the 600 isnt in quite as good condition as the 350 so i think the 350s are going to be the first to get MOTd, wont be until the new year though.
Got a Suzuki SV650 taking up space in the garage aswell which i never really wanted, so that can go on eBay in the new year, it's looking more and more likely that im going back to Afghan to work as a contractor, so starting to downsize the fleet a little; get rid of the 4x4s, boats and bikes etc, so only a select few will be staying and going into a rented lockup (XZ550, the DTs, Chappy and my smallest 4x4)