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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Its funny, i jumped into the blades of a combine harvester
  2. Glad it passed dude, my fireblade is about due an MOT, dont think i will bother this year, stick it in the shed beside the DT the back tyre needs changing and i cant afford to splash out on a new one if im never going to ride it i miss my XJ600 where tyres were £30-£40...
  3. Holy shit yes i want that.
  4. I thought i saw him in the newspapers...
  5. Ah, see what happens
  6. I wasnt even in the FTO, it was my Pajero i got caught in I'll be paying for their christmas piss up then.
  7. Reminds me of someone i know glad to hear its all up and running
  8. Hey peeps. Came back from work last night to find a Notice of Intent to Prosecute from the south wales police on the mat, doing 35 in a 30 (yes yes i know, im worse than Hitler, i kill babies with hammers, I punch nuns in the face and all that other hippy bullcrap). Ive filled out the S172 and sent it back along with a letter asking for photographic evidence of the vehicle, what device was used to record the speed, proof of calibration e.t.c, is there any other way i can squirm my way out of filling their piggy banks? insurance is a rip off as it is (1300 for Pajero, 1200 for FTO) and i dont want to have to fork out more of my hard earned when renewal time comes around. Cheers peeps
  9. wild foamy

    1976 DT175C

    You came back for me!
  10. I swear some day i will finish what i sta-... ooh, look at that, something shiny. FUCR now has spark, new starter solenoid on order as the old one was fooked, definately gonna need to go back to a 12ah battery thought
  11. Well the FUCR wont start and my Pajero has immobilised itself (removed battery to jump start bike, alarm went apeshit and locked me out. wheres me wire cutters.)
  12. Number 3 for me las
  13. Its when you wake up in the morning and the bedsheets stick to your back like a cape...
  14. Hence why i haven't got my laptop in the picture... Its pr0nbase
  15. Most of them are momentos, ive got a collection of number plates stuck on my door aswell, the M plate was from my old jawa and the F plate is the DTs new plate
  16. Erm, sort of
  17. Its all fun and games until somebody has to sleep in the damp spot...
  18. Okay, i was interested until she mentioned knitting on the rag... major foamy turn off
  19. Now thats just a low blow!. ive had been out in Wolves, it could be an intersting prjoect?>..
  20. Oh I have no intention of buying it, was just surprised how bad it was!
  21. Wow, sure has been a long time since i even looked at the FUCR!. however today i moved it from the same spot in the car park where its been sat for the past 6 months, its in the workshop now and with the DT nearing completion i hope to start work on this (getting it running again will no doubt be the first priority) next week, im spending a lot more weekends on base so ideally want to get it all up together before i move base in a couple of months, probably not MOT'able but atleast moveable in one piece
  22. I already have a DT50, RD80, Fireblade, XZ550 and an XJ650 turbo, need to downsize before i get any more toys!
  23. Ive never gone to bed with an ugly woman, but ive woken up next to a few
  24. Hey peeps. was browsing eBay looking for my old DT50, came across this, it looks so sad how could someone just leave a bike in a hedge? (unless it was nicked i guess), the tank has literally rusted through from top to bottom!
  25. I like the look of that DR! got a sorta dakar look to it!
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