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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. F*ck it, I'm on holiday all of that week
  2. If it genuinely causes someone offence, flag it and myself or one of the other mods will remove it
  3. One of my earliest memories is a frog, well a toad to be specific; my old man found one in the garden and proceeded to chase mother around with it (she did not like said toad), she ran back to the house and ripped the drainpipe off the side of the wall taking the corner and locked the old man outside!
  4. I dunno but will be sure to share it with you my peeps
  5. Behold, Phileas Frog! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TfdmXhqKiA
  6. Is that left over from the mankini photo?
  7. There's lots of whirlybits and 'hings whizzing around in there, ofc it's gonna vibrate
  8. Respoke it, it's a fun learning curve if nothing else.
  9. Number 5, i already bought number 2 (£40 for a set of f*cking seals! what a ripoff!)
  10. FTW = For the win. I.E. something is good, or is seen to be 'winning'
  11. Hey peeps I've been trying to find one of those little rubber bellows that sits in the top of the clutch master cylinder on my FJ1200 as mine had fallen to bits, But can't for the life of me think of what they are called, anyone hazard a guess?
  12. My mind goes to a wonderful place in the small hours of the morning
  13. I meant swindon but autocorrect is being a count.
  14. Fucks sake drew... First the sing it kitty video and now I'm photocopying everywhere!
  15. I dropped a bike in the showroom of what used to be George Whites in Swinton a few years back (think it was a WR 125), I was sat on it generally getting a feel for it as I considered buying one, went to get off and dwhere the Sidestrand was more vertical than over centre as I got off the bike and all the suspension relaxed it rolled forward and off the stand and sort fell on top of me, luckily there was nobody around to point and laugh/bollock me
  16. I like where this thread is going... Sir Mix-A-Lot - I like big butts ( Official Music:
  17. Yamaha DT, I'm not biased or anything!
  18. I think you should name it foamy After all, we both communicate by grunting, occasionally shit ourselves and love boobs. Make sense
  19. Soak it with oil and if it still won't budge cut it off so the top is flat, centre dot the bolt and use a good centre drill to start off before following up with a drill of the tapping size of that hole (i prefer cobalt drills for this) followed by a tapered tap and finishing tap.
  20. My dad was always into bikes, I grew up with honda CBXs, Mike hailwood replica ducatis, Nortons and various other unusual bikes. When I turned 16 I took my CBT and bought a DT50, tinkered with it every waking minute and blew it up a few times (some of my first posts on this forum!), I then sold it to buy a car, took my bike test and nought an XJ600 pre diversion. Rode that XJ for a few years and put a few thousand miles on it. I also bought an Xj650 Turbo out of a widows garden which is still an ongoing project. I then bought an urban tiger fireblade after my first overseas tour, didn't really like it and sold it after a year. A few weeks ago I bought an FJ 1200 and so far all is well. Oh and I also went through a phase of buying dead/dieing DT50s and ended up restoring one which is now hidden away in my dads farm unit waiting for it to go the same way as the fissies
  21. Dammit, I came into this thread late I just saw the post about bippos gearbox and got excited
  22. I like it a lot, lovely clean lines to it. Top job bud!
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