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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. WHT dont they set these adverts to music anymore?, people would be mroe likely to remember it then... even now ive started singing that tune... catchy aint it? "Lay back, ride wide!"
  2. that cat is really f*cked up...
  3. fixed the clutch, ended up taking the whole basket off and pushing the sheared bolts out from the back. my dad picked me up from work yesterday and took me straight over to his place where i had left the bike on thursday, so i took my helmet and leathers but forgot to take my leather trousers... was a very cold ride back... ... still had a big brin on my face though ... i may have to cut my tour of ireland a bit short, maybe shorten it to a week and cut out a few of the stops...
  4. thats okay, lol, i was in that position about four months ago, its amazing how fast you can learn to maintain these little bikes. a "Plug Chop" is used to determine the fuel mixture and as a result, the jet sizes, when you add things like free-flowing exhausts and K&N filters you increase the airflow into the engine but not the fuel flow. run your bike around at full throttle for a few minutes, then whilst at full throttle (dont rev the nuts off it, just riding through the gears normally) kill the engine and coast to a stop, take the spark plug out and look at the electrode on the sparky end, if the engine is running LEAN (not enough fuel) it will be white, chalky and may have whiskers on it. a lean engine can cause overheating and in extreme cases overheat, ceise your engine and burn a hole through the piston. if the engine is RICH (too much fuel) it will be black and sootey, this wont harm your engine but it willlack power and burn excessive fuel. its sometimes better to run rich if your bike is new If the mixutre is CORRECT, the plug will look like an overcooked cornflake (chocolatey brown). this is where you should be runnign the bike at. keep changing the jets until you get it right, better to start with a bigger jet and gradually reduce the size to prevent lean running
  5. if only i could find a set of jawa 40 forks kicking around at my local autojumble...
  6. not quite that simple, ive put up with enough shite working there and ive just had enough of it, the miserable customers who think its my fault we dont have any of those 4 TVs in stock, the miserable managers who have a go at you because nobody wants to buy the shitty "product support" packages we are forced to sell, on your feet constantly for 8 hours a day, being called in to work on your days off, having to wait another hour to take a 15 minute break cus "theres too many customers on the shopfloor". no, f*ck that, i'm applying to be a motorcycle courier now...
  7. going to get the clutch basket off my DT50 and extract the two bolts that i sheared off, then ,maybe a ridout in the evening with my mate who's just got his Suzuki RMX50. can't afford to ride much now, quitting my shitty job at currys so im'a be unemployed for a while bike runs for a week on £5 of petrol, Jawa may have to go back on ebay...
  8. have you done a plug chop to see what the mixture is like? have a look at your current jet (take the carb bowl off and have a look) and go up by about #10 (my original jet in my DT50 was a #98 and after putting on my K&N filter, BigOne exhaust and bigbore kit i change to #115
  9. thanks for the heads up, im currently in the ATC (211 Sqr.) so have been trained in marching and a bit of service knowledge (RAF stations, where certain aircraft are stationed, aircraft variations. e.t.c) aswell as my .22 cal WHT
  10. ive joined up at the Oxford AFCO. going in as an Aircraft Engineer (Mechanical), doing 9 weeks physical training at RAF holton and then a years trade training somewere else (arent sure where yet). can't wait to tinker with big expensive toys
  11. my DT certaintly aint stock. expansion pipe, K&N filter, bigger sprockets, 60cc big bore kit. will do 50 easy now . with the old 50cc kit it would usually get to 40 and sit there, maybe even up to 45 if you went down hill and could get it up onto the powerband (last few thousand revs were usually the best) before leveling out im 55kg, a bit over 10st so... erm... kinda shat in my own slipper there
  12. no, thats the pink walrus... will get plenty of pics and vids of it once ive got it running, should be able to do that when im voer there sunday as i sheered off two of the bolts that hold the springs under tension in the clutch basket on my DT, so ive got to extract them and get it all sorted
  13. the Blue Dragon is at my dads now, the DT has to stay on the driveway 'cus her car "needs" to be in the garage... got a source of alternator brushes for it, so hopefully i can sort the charging problem out and seal up the carb to get it running properly, after that its all systems go... also gave it a new paint job (Royal Blue, same as my DT and quite close to the original albeit a little lighter) my DT spat a load of oil out onto the new brick driveway a few nights ago when i changed the clutch plates... she wasn't best pleased with that...
  14. I did my weeks work experiance at Brize Norton. 101 Sqr. Heavy Engineering, worked on the VC10s' and absolutely loved it, got to go for my medical next week, then my final interview and hopefully i will be doing my training in the summer
  15. Put in my reg, G237MYA... Caught on th A30 in cornwall do 73.6mph in a 60 zone!... im quite impressed with my little DT... didnt even know it could do 73.6mph... i thought cameras were calibrated to +%10 of the speed limit? on the topic of speeding...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0kSTcUELAY...feature=related
  16. Sent an email to Mick Berril (SP?) and got reply back, £10.29 inc delivery sorted ,
  17. your FS isn't being piloted by an ultra-light, mindless, scrawny nutter
  18. wild foamy


    my avatar says it all... just go over the usual like steering head bearings, forks e.t.c, wouldn't be surprised if there were some goddies added on so have a good look over it and make your own mind up. my dad has a 1995 CBR900 RR Urban Tiger and it is a blast to ride!, can't see why the 600 would be any different
  19. he started it... bet my DT is louder than yours , nobody likes it because "its too loud", but loud pipes save lives, atleast now they can hear me even if they can't see me.
  20. How very dare you!, my DT would run riings around your "push, pedal and pop" FS1...
  21. an Oddball referance from Kellys' Heros? can't wait till summer, will hopefully be going on a few rideouts when a few more of my mates have got peds, gonna be a blast
  22. Lies... dont know what you are all complaining about, i was riding all through xmas, all through the snow and the pissing rain on my trusty thrusty DT50MX, no fairings, no heated grips, very little in terms of a headlight, just my dad's old leathers to keep me warm and the moonlight to guide me home. it hasn't let me down since i sent the old big bore into meltdown and i ride it whatever the weather then again, i dont have a choice...
  23. oh, erm... my german isnt that good mate, any chance of a translation? (dont want to order it and then have to send it back because it aint the right thing.) have translated the word in three parts and it has returned "frictional coal bracket"... O.o
  24. thing is its for my jawa, it wont charge so im considering replacing the brushes and generally just giving it an overhaul, but replacement brushes are near impossible to find
  25. best way to do it is with GPS, even a Satnav will do. on my DT i have a satnav mount on the handlebars (i kept getting lost...) and my indicated speed from the speedo matches the speed on my satnav easy way to check
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