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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Anyone know where i can get a decent set of RD350/250LC forks? been looking on ebay but wondered if there was any other place i should try looking,
  2. without a doubt it will cause me less problems, and if money was no object i would keep it 100% original. keep in my im working on a 0 budget, anything that can't be fixed with cable ties and/or electrical tape has to either be taken from a different bike or re-machined and duplicated
  3. The HT lead should be waterproof anyway, if it has perished or the insulation has cracked it will short out, buy a new HT lead and new plug cap and that should help solve the problem
  4. checked the floats for damage? also if your carb is fitted with a diaphragm also check this, alternatively lower the float height and see if that helps at all (had to do this with my jawa) can't see how the carb will still draw from the tank with the fuel tap off...
  5. check HT lead and all cables gonig to the coil, sometimes if it gets wet enough it can short the ignition straight to the head
  6. im going to try and keep the jawa front wheel and brake system if i can, otherwise i will go for a single setup i may have to end up fabricating a spacer setup for the front wheel/calipers but hopefully it shouldn't be too much trouble, lots of people in india have been putting 350LC forks on their Yezdi//Jawa/CZ 638, 639 and 640 bikes will just have to cross that bridge when i come to it
  7. as far as im aware you can't buy the horn bits seperately, i bought a whole new switchgear set off ebay (£25) because the horn button had fallen apart and the casing had cracked so every time i pulled the clutch lever it flexed it may be worth pulling the switches out and installing some proper SPDT switches for the highbeam/low beam switch and a SPST switch for the headlight on/off button, same with the horn. visit your local maplins, or i think its "radio shack" over there, and see if you can find a switch that would fit
  8. well, today it happened. for the first time in about 6 months my trusty thrusty little DT let me down . after weeks of sunny weather the heavens decided to open and it has p*ssed it down almost non-stop all day, and whilst i was at school the DT was left outside in the elements for six hours, so i come out and jumped straight on it, started 2nd kick with the choke on and ldled nicely, but as i get to the end of the street it started four-stroking and wouldn't rev above 2-3k, i thought nothing of it at the time because the bike was still cold. i manage to get it out on the main road and keep up with the flow of traffic by "adjusting" the fuel tap to get it running a bit better, but eventually i decided it'd be best to pull over (in the pissing rain) and let it idle for a while to see if it would clear itself out, but again the same problems arose, i toggled the choke numerous times to see if it had stuck on but alas nothing seemed to cure it, so in my desperation i pulled off the chrome pod filter and it instantly ran better, i managed to get it home (about 1.5 -2 miles) with the filter in my pocket, and upon closer inspection im surprised at how much sh*te has collected in it, i've now left it to soak in some petrol so hopefully tomorrow i can have it dried out and good as new again. even after this minor set-back im surprised at how reliable my DT is, now that i've stopped f*cking it about trying to make it "better" it has been absolutely faultless. i think im going to be keeping it next year
  9. wild foamy


    the old one was completely rotten and ceised up. i have seen some on ebay for use with trailers, these seem like just the job because they still have the adjustable end on them, but the smallest i can find is 860mm... may email the seller and ask if he can get them shorter
  10. wild foamy


    hi everyone. need a 520mm control cable for the Jawa rear brake, any ideas where i can get one?
  11. usually on peds there is a washer behind the variator on the back wheel which prevents it opening fully, the 70 kit will only increase your power and not your top speed, i suggest you consider a Polini variator kit so you can change the gearing for extra speed
  12. its going to be cheaper to replace the forks with a set of RD350LC ones (about £40-50) than to grind and rechrome the originals. if i had a job i wouldnt mind rechroming and rebuilding the originals, but alas i have to make do with whatever is cheaper
  13. the DT is pretty much bulletproof, survived many of my newbie mistakes (running into a curb flat out at 40mph on a country road, pissing rain thinking the road was straight) and has kept going through the freezing cold and pissing rain. the Jawa aint a mess, its erm... "under construction", it runs, everything is now wired in, all it needs is a new set of front forks (or rechrome the originals) and thats it. and best of all... i done all the work on it myself
  14. oh my DT does 100 to the tank easily (£5 to fill it up usually) but im burning atleast £5 in fuel a week, and now that i dont have a part-time job im having to make do with the £5 a week i get from cutting the grass and doing oddjobs around the house. so i can just about pay for the fuel each week, which leaves me nothing left for new forks on the Jawa or spare parts, anything that breaks on the DT has to be fixed with a welder, bolts, superglue and shoelaces
  15. erm, so its pretty much a CBT but a bit more advanced? it seems to be very practical-based so is assuming there still a theory test? (apart from the eyesight test and road safety questions, see Goffs post) if the bikes only need to be restricted to 44bhp, i can buy a bigger jawa
  16. ... where are the disk brakes?...
  17. wild foamy

    MOT test?

    hie veryone. is there a list of set criteria of what will be tested during a bike MOT? things such as seat locks, on my jawa the seat lock has rusted up and the seat has had the lugs bent open to allow the seat to be removed without having to use the seat lock, and also the rear tyre (Avon Speedmaster Mk2, relatively old) has gone a bit square but has plenty of tread left and is not perished or cracked, will either of these be MOT failures? regards Steve
  18. i couldn't make it to the show in the end, couldn't afford the train ticket and the DT would have let its smoke out of i tried going all that way. did you bring me back any goodies?, maybe a nice new Jawa seat cover, forks and rear tyre? oh BTW, in the first pic the bike needs a little bit more rust, and i dont think its a good idea letting OG ride it, the bikes extreme performance is likely to give him a heart attack, hernier or both
  19. hehe, i love that show, always makes me laugh XD they just dont make 'em like that any more
  20. nah, RAF is the way to go for sure, can do a-levels and NVQs whilst your training and start on £12k a year, all food and accomodation is subsidised from wages, get to see the world, learn a trade, meet new people... can't wait until i start in august ^^ but until then im siphoning fuel from the lawnmower so i can get to school in the morning... but Shhhhhhh ...
  21. probably because i dont have a job now and my only income is the £5 a week i get form doing oddjobs around the house and for relatives. i need work
  22. Yamaha stanchions are the same size as the jawa ones (32mm). and adding RD350 forks is quite a common mod, especially in India where spares for the Yezdi/Jawa cycles aren't available
  23. the DT was the first bike i have ever ridden, and it doesnt have the power to pull the skin off a rice pudding... i dout a 125 would be much better. and why bother with one when i can take my full test and hop straight on the jawa?
  24. lol, it's a bit of a learning curve, this bike... but it's cheaper to insure than any other bike i've compared it with. i assumed that because the majority of parts are swappable with the RD YPVS parts (forks, exhausts e.t.c) then the clutch would also fit... hence why i asked for measurements the clutch works, so for now i am going to just give it a service, new forks, rear tyre and leave it as it is,
  25. Nope, the original clutch is fine for now, albeit a bit sticky (think it needs an oil change, probably been in there about 10 years) but im making considerations for the future if/when it does go
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