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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. and mine will call the army, wooooooo!
  2. okay then i will. Hahaha, lol, rofl, pmsl, lmfao
  3. is that what you call it?, sounds a bit brokeback mountain to me
  4. wild foamy

    New member

    ive said it before and i'll say it again, youve been smoking something a bit too strong
  5. wild foamy

    New member

    ive said it before and i'll say it again, youve been smoking something a bit too strong
  6. why not take it to your local dealer and ask them to have a look at it if its under warranty?
  7. im not familiar with that particular bike so i cant comment on how easy it will be to change them, i dont think it is a common problem but its not unheard of
  8. could be wear in the selector forks? :s
  9. why not take a short film clip to savour the moment?
  10. did you overfill the crankcase with oil?, consult your haynes manual for the correct measurement, my manual even has a diagram and measurements for making a "dipstick" to check the oil level
  11. thanks merv, any idea what weight i should use?
  12. wild foamy

    Fork oil?

    hi everyone wheres the cheapest place to get fork oil and what weight should i be using in the Jawa? (149kg) Regards Steve
  13. the breather pipe should be in the top of the oil tank point downwards, there should be a feed nipple on the bottom of the tank with a pipe going to the oil pump in the engine (RHS engine case), its best to repalce the pipe as holes are not always visible. if there is oil coming out of the overflow this indicates you have added two much two stroke oil to the tank it may also be possible that your oil tank has a crack in it, if this is the case then you may be able to drain the tank, clean it and apply a small amount of epoxy resin or cyanoacrylite (basically superglue) to the crack to seal it. hope this helps Steve
  14. compression?, are there any signs of an air leak?
  15. i agree with that guy ^^^ save up and get a bigger bike, my DT is running a pod filter, 60 bore kit, performance expansion chamber and exhaust, pretty much everything i could find for it to make it go faster and it still only tops out at 50, cruises at 40, ive poured atleast £500 onto that bike looking for a bit more comfort, style, speed e.t.c but there isnt much you can do with it, pass your test and get onto a real bike the cheapest and most effective way to get more speed is to put a larger sprocket on the front, you will loose a bit of acceleration however and you need to make sure your engine has enough power (usually 2 teeth larger on the front is adequate)
  16. how many miles has it done and has it been service, have other parts changed recently and are there any modifications installed??
  17. possibly a hole in one of the pipes, most likely the feed pipe coming from the oil tank, remove the tube and replace it, i wouldnt advise riding the bike in its current state and it will most likely be deprived of oil
  18. could be the gearbox, could be the main bearings, could be a lot of things... where abouts on the engine is the rattle coming from?
  19. if you had to turn the key a few times to turn the light on i would have put that down to the ignition switch, maybe a dodgey connection or full of water?
  20. MZ-B have quoted me £296 Euros for a rotor including P&P and tax its gonna have to be a second hand unit i suppose...
  21. wild foamy

    New member

    mentioning no names, eh?
  22. £250, just needs a bit of tidying up as its been sat outside for a while, needs new forks aswell as the current ones are pitted, but unlike the Jawa replacement forks are plentiful and cheap on evilbay i just prefer to research the bike first before i get too involved, wish i had done that before buying my Jawa ¬¬
  23. Never said it was a bad think, just i have a habit for tinkering with my rides the bike ive been looking at has done just over 37000 miles and has 11 old MOTs, V5 and a haynes manual, is 37k good for a 1988 XJ?
  24. Hot diggity feckin dam! got a reply from a bloke from the jawa owners club who is selling a load of Jawa 350 parts and he has a Magneton rotor for a 640 and is going to get back to me on thursday! watch this space...
  25. welcome to the asylum, im afraid we've run out of Medium straite jackets, we have only got Large and Extra Large left enjoy your stay...
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