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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Welcome to the asylum, thats a nice steed you got there
  2. hi there idealy you will need to change the main jet to a larger size to compensate for the higher airflow through the engine because of the new exhaust, you may also want to change your rollers to a lighter set and stiffer clutch springs for faster acceleration take the bike out for a spin and full-throttle it, then cut the engine and coast to a stop,remove the spark plug and check the colour of it on the end (should be a dark brown/chocolate colour or black), if it is white and chalky this indicates a lean running engine which will soon destroy itself
  3. ha, only in america! , id have thought you had an abundance of minks what with you being out in the middle of the desert
  4. by all means bolt it on, unlike the peds there is no centrifugal clutch or rollers to worry about. however, make sure to keep an eye on your mixture as the increased airflow through the engine will require extra fuel to work properly
  5. Comma chain lube for me, give the chain a good wipe with WD40 and an old rag to remove the grit & shit and give it a good spray with the chain lube
  6. Oh, you so didnt...
  7. could be a clutch problem which (hopefully) wouldnt be the end of the world, however, if the chain amanged to lock the output shaft of the gearbox you could have shredded a gear or sheared a shaft. start with the clutch, take off the engine case and inspect it for any damage, if that checks out then split the cases and give the gearbox a good going over
  8. you think too much... you really do
  9. checked the bulb?, could have burnt out the tail light filament
  10. Score
  11. the "creamy goo" is most likely oil that has combined with water, shouldn't be anything to worry about unless it is in abundance
  12. im not going to bother with buying my own 125 to ride on a CBT, its just a step-up from a 50 so i may aswell just practice on the DT and take my test(s) when im 17 im planning to get a bigger bike and restrict it for two years, im not riding through another winter on a peashooter!
  13. hey peeps, not long now until i can take my full test and ditch the DT for something with a bit more poke, but is it simply a case of doing the theory and then taking the practical test or is it similar to a car where you take loads of lessons before taking your test? - Steve
  14. No, that's the DT... the Jawa is more like the crazy frog with a sore throat... and hopefully i'll have a XJ600 aswell... unless it gets sold before i am in a position to buy it...
  15. fair play, we usually let lizzie (what a name for a lizard, lol) play out in the garden when its sunny, just have to make sure there's no birds of prey that will carry her off and put her onto the tarmac driveway if she gets too cold
  16. there should be kinipity pin holding the two halves of the expansion vessel together, dont loose it
  17. oh Goff m'dear... a chinese bloke down the pub once said: the women of the world are like flowers, and the men are all like bees, it is common to see the bees go from flower, to flower, to flower. but you do not see every flower going from bee, to bee, to bee is a man not allowed to compliment such a fine young lady on her physique? , it seems to me that there is an abundance of said ladies on this forum
  18. what, put it on your arm? O.o, you'd be riding lopsided!
  19. Hmm, i'd be tempted to try that with my bearded dragon, but i doubt she would like it... doesnt/didnt the iguana get cold?, i'd have thought youd need to use a heat mat or something to keep her warm
  20. Fawlty Towers
  21. Herman the german
  22. Fekin 'ell, BWJ... looks like your trying to strangle the poor thing
  23. The only way i know how was when my brother used to try starting his Golf Mk2 with the choke on, if you could smell the unburnt fuel then it was too rich
  24. looks remarkably like my jawa, what with that engine casing and rear light any idea whats missing from the blue one?, looks like a runner
  25. certaintly not, its a very pretty colour , besides i doubt you are old enough to have to worry about greys, you dont look a day over 30
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