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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Cant wait to get home and start work on the Turbo!

  2. I gotta say, i miss the smell of my humble DT... cant beat the smell of regular two stroke imho why oh f*cking why did i ever sell it...
  3. Definately fap material,
  4. B*llocks
  5. Still trying to find my old DT... still miss it G237 MYA <3
  6. sounds good, will have to pay the £50 courier charge as west yorkshire is too far from me to drop off in the car, would cost me more than that to get there each way!. have pinged them an email and hopefully will be able to get a few other parts powdercoated aswell (surge tank for example) EDIT: just recieved a reply from triple-S and they will charge around £250 to collect, shotblast, powdercoat and deliver the frame, swingarm, handlebars, engine covers, sidestand, mainstand and seat pan, so the rest of the bike will be dismantled shortly after i get back and prepped ready to go
  7. Depends if you want to keep it, look around and see what the VFRs' in good condition are going for, also take into account the working hours you are willing to put into it and cost of miscellanious parts such as tyres, and any other underlying problems (rattles, oil leaks/burning e.t.c)
  8. So far cheapest quote ive had for the frame only is £230 to be shotblasted and powdercoated, is this a decent price or a ripoff?.
  9. purely because i have absolutely nothing better to do than browse the forums at this time of night... as for the naafi it aint much to shout about over here, duty free cigarettes though, $25 for a sleeve of 200 Marlboro!, as opposed to £7.11 for a pack of 20 at the RAF Benson naafi
  10. wild foamy


  11. or bodge a little jerry can to the front of it, an extra 50-60 miles
  12. i second the grease gun and nipple(giggity) idea, basically screw a grease nipple into the appropriate hole (giggity) and pump away (giggity) be carefull if the nipple you are using isnt the correct thread pitch as this will damage your threads
  13. wild foamy


    good christ, im not going to shag the camel!, i meant ride it to the next village, theres lots of women there And it wouldnt be an affair... i aint got the missus anymore (still want my friggin' surf board back b*tch ¬.¬)
  14. This sounds like a good plan, not sure when i will be back in the UK but if im back then its a go ... only issue is the XJ does about 100-120 miles to a tank
  15. wild foamy


    Aye Cynic, i admit, i do still hold that little flame for mistress Goff, i hope that one day she returns to us, this place seems so cold and empty without her... but i see where your coming from, ive only been out of the UK for a week and already the camels are starting to look appealing but anyway, i digress... as for the toolbox issue there probably wont be a lot there to work with, usually two double ended (stop sniggering, Cynic!) spanners (10/12mm and 15/17mm), a screwdriver, two maybe three plug spanners and thats about it, its usually a good idea to keep a small section of tools in the tankbag just for good measure, failing that i have fixed many a problem with nothing but a bootlace... loosing the bellypan on my XJ600 for example, and a throttle cable on the DT (R.I.P) by "Vintage" i mean grey haired, often seen mumbling bout "the good ol' days" when steam driven vehicles were the norm...
  16. try manually squirting a small amount of fuel into each cylinder and crank it over, if it fires this should indicate that the ignition and compression are ok. or, try running it from an auxillary tank, therefore bypassing the petcock and existing gaslines, there may be an air leak in there somewhere even if you have cleaned it thoroughly
  17. wild foamy


    Severely off topic... i think your arrival has excited the more "vintage" forum go-ers... there will be corinaries left right and centre at this rate...
  18. Cant say ive ever been to Fallingbostel, but if its anything like the rest of germany no doubt they have good beer and good festivals ~XD
  19. Its because im just so friggin' awesome, i see myself as more of a Maverick, all i need is to get the Turbo running a nd a pair of aviators anyway, i digress...
  20. Hello and welcome to the YOC Insane Asylum, hope you enjoy your stay... where abouts in Germany are you from? i have a few friends in Weiblingen and Winnendon
  21. Cor'blimey thats a nice sound, certaintly ran better than mine did, be sure to post some pics when its all back together
  22. Cheers for the tip cynic, have just been told that my local Timpsons branch have been able to make a key to work the ignition barrel, so thats one less job out the way. got another seat on its way from the US, footpeg, goodridge braided hoses and stainless hex fasteners from eBay aswell as a few other bits and bobs, will hopefully be able to find a place that can powdercoat the frame cheaply and locally, im wondering if it would be worth powdercoating the swingarm aswell in a similar colour scheme to the original paint, any thoughts? - foameh x
  23. Work on the XJ will continue in a couple of months when im back in the UK, watch this space and progress will alsobe going up on my blog
  24. fair one lads, its on my list have removed the front brake system now and the calipers are quite different to the Jawas' which were a piece of p*ss to get apart, the rebuild kits arrived this morning and are waiting to go in along with the new oil filter, foot peg is on its way, currently in negotiations for a seat and im just getting ready to fire it up. Calipers are now stripped down, just gotta clean them up when im ready to start painting stuff and jobs a good'un, pistons have no major signs of corrosion and have cleaned up nicely
  25. All i can say (and this is experiance gained from a 1989 DT50... which i owned last year and miss dearly) is spray a rag with WD40, wipe the chain off every week and spray it with a chain lubricant (these can be sourced at any motorcycle shop), drop the oil every 5000 miles and change the filters, check tyre ressure and condition whenever you ride, if something is wrong or it is leaking follow it up, ask questions and get it sorted as for rust, try using a wire brush with soft BRASS bristles to scrub it off before polishing the metal with the relevant metal cleaner
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