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speed freakster

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  1. speed freakster posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi,need help im trying to wire new indicators on my fz6n as the standard ones r ugly lol iv got them all on the indicators flashing fine till i hit the hazard warning button....thers a wire rong sumwer but cant find it!!!! can sum1 plz help me on this
  2. the restrictor is just a bigger butterfly that restricts me fully openin the throttle i can take it off easy enough but will i need adjust the mixturednt wana risk just takin it of n feckin my bike up lol....
  3. just passed my test n got a 2008 fz6n i had to get her restricted for my insurance. i want to take the restrictor out(need more speed!!!) n was gona hav a go at it myself but i need to kno if id hav to chance the mixture can any1 help me????