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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Maplins, Maplins and Maplins. Job done. Or, if you prefer, harvest a waterproof switch from Hot Grips, a bike to bike radio PTT kit, another bike's control cluster, etc etc. There are a myriad options!
  2. 0-60mph in 7 seconds (faster if you use clutchless shifting ;-) ) is the quoted time for a stock standard 650. Both bikes use many similar components, but with all the comparisons, I'd say the 650 wins on all counts. Just be sure to get a Custom and not the Classic as the latter has about 30kgs of extra metal styling weighing it down. Not what you want for a Bobber.
  3. Both generally top out around the same speed, but the 1300 will kick fuck out of a 650 on performance, 0-60, etc. Even the 1100 is noticably more beast with 20 more horses and less of a percentage increase in weight. I go as fast as is practical, I am able and is sensible at the time. I am often accused of treating my Cruiser like a Hoolie Bike, mainly by the comparatively sedate other half... I do outride a fair few bikes that should be whipping me, though. It all depends on my mood - I like slow, controlled corners and scraping the pegs at 10mph. The best feeling is getting a corner perfect!
  4. That's what it's all about! I love to piss off the fast cars when they get onto my country roads - Mainly because I sit happily at the front of the traffic queue doing a nice sedate 37 in a 40. Just obeying the law like a good little bikie!
  5. Ttaskmaster


    How much you gonna pay me? Seriously, that'd count as an official bribe and you'd have to make my weather-working wothwhile... As is, I've sorted the sunshine enough for my wedding. The rest is up to you folks.
  6. Traitor... TRAITOR!!!!! Burn him at the stake!! And give me his bike, so I can flog it and buy mine a new engine!!
  7. Use black exhaust wrap and make up some 6-12mm chainmail sleeves to sit over the top. Rings come in a few different cross-sections and a lot of different finishes - Chrome, rust, satin, antique, gold, silver and even lurid platinum tints. By the end, you'll have forearms like Popeye and a grip that can crush a wrecking ball. But it'll be one hell of a project and you'll need months of patience - Trust me. I used to make maille for folks, once.
  8. Ttaskmaster


    They were in their BMWs, wondering what the fuck a crazy bastard like me was doing riding a large-looking Cruiser on snow every day!! Some nob has brought his Goldwing into work today... and parked the fucker such that he takes up 2 bloody car spaces!! Prick has just earned all us riders a black mark there, since it will *of course* be all our own personal faults...
  9. You should be able to adjust the sensitivity, if it's too touchy. RTFM.
  10. Nah, no need. People just won't bother being compliant. ECU? Do I even have one on the Dragstar? What about a 20-year-old bike or something? You gonna fit all that crap to it? This just ain't gonna happen.
  11. Ttaskmaster


    See, I really *am* as good as they say. 25º was about the best we could manage with such short notice, but I hope it's adequate. Probably trail off to around 21º by Saturday (nice and relaxed for the hot wedding outfits we'll be wearing) and then I have to move back toward rain, to help make up the water tables - They've been drastically low for the past 2 years, so we need lots more rain to bring them back up, I'm afraid. And you can bet that people were preparing scathing responses for what they thought was my customary grumpy and aggressive sarcasm...
  12. He also said beware of 16-year old girls in bell bottoms, I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy, and many other cool things! Tom is a god!
  13. No idea what size. I just tell the fitter bloke what I want and he gets the right ones in, heh heh! I'd probably get: Front: 110/90-19 62H Rear: 170/80B15 83H Mine last an easy 20,000 and handle great in all weathers, so you've made the right choice!
  14. Posted in yer other section. But yeah, getting out there and riding is what it's all about. I ride a 650 Drag every single day, so I can tell you it's a great daily ride! Just get out there on your own, learn your way around the bike and it's capabilities, experience all manner of weather, traffic and road conditions and just live the life.
  15. Ttaskmaster


    Help? Yeah, sure, I can help. I control the weather in South London, so I can have a word with your regional representative and see if they can order you something a bit more temperate...
  16. The lever is adjustable anyway. See the owners manual
  17. He should at least have changed gear in order to reach 30mph while practicing emergency stops. If scooters are what's required, that's what the school should provide and, if they can't, either reschedule or refund. The instructor has final say on whether the student is safe enough to take out on the road or not. But more info is needed on the incident being discussed here.
  18. The 535 Virago actually has a touch more power than the 650 Drag! But then, the Drag weighs 230kg and only has 40BHP, most of which is low-end torque. It all depends on your set-up. A 700cc Deauville will destroy a Drag on performance.
  19. Pah - Just one more challenge for you. Learn to read the road and be prepared for anything. They were here first and they have right of way. You choose to ride a vulnerable machine and you know the dangers involved - Choose to ride it well. I might take issue with horse shit on, say, the A33, but out on the fast, unlit country roads where I live it's all just par for the course. Conversely, when someone drives like a cock and tries to cut you up, do fucking well have their wing mirror off, by all means!!
  20. Surprised no-one's mentioned horses, yet... "bloody stupid, dangerous things, shouldn't be allowed on the road" is the usual argument, despite the fact that horses have belonged on the road for centuries before motor vehicles came along. I actually think the number of 'problem road users' one rants about is inversely proportional to the skil level of the road user themselves. I'm not perfect, but there's really no one specific group of people I tend to find issue with. There's pricks, tossers, morons and dickheads in every walk of life. They're just all crammed onto the same roads.
  21. Looks like you can't do that as there's a cap in the way - There does appear to be a bolt up the bottom of each fork outer tube, but I'm thinking they mainly hold the cap in place, which is connected to the inner tube. I haven't actually taken these apart myself yet, so I haven't a clue. PM me your email - I can send you the manual PDF, although it is 15mb.
  22. Above 70mph, the average unmodded Dragstar speed is approximately 85% of indicated speed. Below 40 it's approximately 84% and above 40, it's approximately 90%. I asked some Yammie bods once, when trying to figure out how fast I was actually going through speed cameras. Figures are approximate, since the average unmodded Drag is supposed to top out at 92mph.
  23. Chavs - Agreed. >>learn to speak English THEN learn to drive a car on British roads with BRITISH LAWS! Man who no sperry Engrish properry in no position to cliticise* :-) Velly solly. >>so why are you driving on a road parallel with a tossing field???????? Because it's someone *else's* field... and if you ever want to eat chips again, you'll let them drive their wares to the market ;-) I love tractors - Farmer Giles bouncing and bimbling along in his tra'ter, combine 'arvester followin' on be'ind... Never had a problem with them myself. Just wait a few seconds for the road to open and zooom! *Cliticise - The new sexual workout for women, heh heh!
  24. Refer to pages 6-32 to 6-39 of the Service Manual. I have an e-Copy, but it's 15mb! "Remove dust seal (with flathead screwdriver), remove retaining clip. Remove damper rod bolt, remove damper rod & rebound spring. Carefully remove inner tube, with the fork horizontal in a vise". It doesn't actually mention draining the oil at all, which is worrying. I prefer to just let my mech do it. He likes this sort of thing!
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