So I can have a tube and a helmet sticker, an ICE flash drive necklace, ICE in my mobile phone, another helmet sticker, a card on my keys and Biker Tagz, as well as my normal set of tags...
So what, if any, details do paramedics actually need?
Those I've spoken to say "nothing" as their sole purpose is just to stabilise you at scene and get you to A&E asap.
A&E onwards is where any additional info carried is more useful, it seems, even if it's just NOK's contact details.
But with so many different incentives, all of whom insist are the standard info form in standard locations, how will anyone at A&E know where to look, unless we all carry all of them?
Oh, and apparently A&E won't trust such devices anyway, preferring to test stuff like Blood Group themselves and find out that way...!