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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Two reasons: 1/. It'd costs a fucking fortune, relatively speaking and I don't have that kind of cash. 2/. Handling is not the issue. I can handle a 1900. It's my loooooooooooong limbs curled up in the riding position that make it look too small. Seriously, where most people are straight-armed and reaching forward, I'm in a position similar to the DSE pic of how to sit on a swivel-chair, everything at 90º, sorta thing. It's comfy as hell, but looks a bit silly. Anyway, I now ride an FJ1200 which *is* bigger in almost every way and one of its many advantages is that it's far more suited to the stupid things I was trying to make a Cruiser do!
  2. This is usually weaponed, mainly swords and Quarterstaves. Both make a satisfying and definitive THUMP on the headguard, to signal one's definitive early win. Did that once to my mate Bruce in a public tournament. He stepped in, WHACK, he shrugged and stepped out again! So why do you have to get your leg back down so fast?
  3. Perhaps we should all pool our broken Drags, see if we can build a top-notch runner from the bits and then split the sale proceeds!! If anyone here wanted it, they can buy out the others easy enough.
  4. Mine always fall off the opposite side and I look like a tit reaching over to pick 'em up! TBH, The 650 is actually too small for me anyway and I never look that good. Not with full-face lid on. I look alright with my Classic jacket and Halvarssons' leather cargo trousers, but I really need to ditch the lid and go round in the leather vest look. Can only get away with that at Rallies. Mostly, I like the way people look at me/the bike and go, "Ooh nice... but WTF is that- Oh, it's a [thing]... Wow, never thought I'd see one of those on a/that bike!". Function over form. The only time I look proper badass is when riding along with a blatantly obvious sword-shaped case slung on my back!!
  5. Bike-wise: Correctly diagnosing something. Posting a long How-To on here and have someone actually respond with appreciation. Taking a corner well enough to think it was perfect. Opening the throttle and actually feeling the forward surge on a big open road. Others include (but are not limited to): Getting the first hit in within the first few moments and ending the (sparring) fight right there!! Pulling off any number of drum patterns and having it feel effortless. Giving silent hand signals and having the dog obey instantly, when everyone else in the class is struggling with voice commands.
  6. I do find a lot of humour differences between me and my American buddies... Whenever I'm being properly funny, it's very subtle and usually depends entirely on the context of what I say than anything else. Whenever I swear, I seem to breach all the US laws of decency and insult them quite seriously, yet by contrast, whenever they swear it is crass, childish and base beyond belief, without any art or refinement. We cross each others' lines so easily that I just tell them to always assume I'm making jokes. I did rather enjoy explaining to them the subtle differences between a shit, prick, nob, wanker, tosser, arsehole and complete c**t, and when each is best applied.
  7. Saddlebags without tassles, studs, conchos etc look alright. Also gives you a handy shelf to put yer gloves and bits on when you're gearing up. Plus you can go shopping for 'stuff' easier. Ruckies get in the way sometimes and cramp your style.
  8. You have clearance Clarence! Dunn was over Unger and Oever was over Dunn.
  9. Thames Valley - 19% were bikers, 56% were cagers.
  10. Most people have some hidden secrets... I sometimes wonder if I was off sick the day everyone else got theirs!! Just glad society has changed enough that most of those who do no wrong have no reason to hide, or at least get legal protection.
  11. Thought it was about a relationship, not an outright porn film? I've no problem with gays and will happily cheer on the likes of Jack Harkness, but... I *WILL* take issue with anyone who dresses like THAT ( ) and expects me to take them seriously. Lady Gaga and a few others can make it work... Libbie and Douggie there cannot
  12. Yep, that sound is normal. Sounds even better on a Dragstar, though!! However, WTF is up with that rider's gear changes, man? Is that just the recorder, or is his idle somewhat fuck'ed?
  13. Sounds like a spaceship, or a bit like Luke Skywalker's speeder-thing? Perfectly normal. Kinda cool if you like sci-fi, as well.
  14. Just cleaned and swept the garage out and am FINALLY in the process of chucking the broken white goods and stuff the previous tennant left behind. Suddenly there's enough room to house the seating, a Vauxhall Corsa and three bikes down the side, while still retaining access to the bench!! The other 'shed' is more like an outbuilding that straddles the fence, with a divider between us and the neighbours. We use that as a garden tool storage/homebrew cellar at the moment. However, the actual 'man cave' isn't much of one. Just the third bedroom converted into a DVD storage place with a sofa, my PC rig on the desk and a bunch of guns on the wall. Nothing special, really... I'd like to get one of the swords up there as well at some point.
  15. Newer models *should* fit... Never heard anyone having problems otherwise. I know someone round our way, who's breaking a '99 to do up an '00 Draggie. Likely he'll have chromey bits in reasonable (ie used, but good). Not sure when they'll be available, but likely fairly soon.
  16. Precisely. I have the option on most online forms to exclude it but unless specified, it comes as part & parcel. You can do pillion on 125, but it's pretty shit unless you're just nipping into town or summat. The poor things suffer enough as is!
  17. It's usually in your hand or rolling loose on the floor, innit?
  18. 75 times? It was only 12 last year!!
  19. Too busy reading the road and watching the fuckwitts to get that bored... I ride daily, and yet each one is a different ride.
  20. Good price for a great bike... and you KNOW how much we love our Draggies here on YOC!! Enjoy!!
  21. GPS is the system by which a SatNav operates.
  22. Barrett no longer holds the world record, I believe... plus it's an arse to lug around on yer bike.
  23. Take Speedo unit off and check for loose connections.
  24. How much is a replacement relay? Couple of quid?
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