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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. I see a lot of forum posts arguing the FJ and it seems everyone finds the US versions are very low HP. Maybe they are, since everything I've seen from outside the US says 130 straight. Shifters? Who needs those when you can break the speed limit just in 1st gear (which over here is 70mph)? That's also what I mean about the roll-on - Whatever I am doing in whatever gear, I have massive pull right up to the redline. There is pretty much no power band - Knock into 3rd and whazz open from 40, see what I mean. As for no soul - My opinion stands. I spent three months on a Bandit 1250S and couldn't WAIT to get that fucking piece of gutless shit off my drive. Everything I asked it to do it responded like an embarrassed teenager (and the modern electrics just made it worse). You do have to be pretty heavy handed to play with an FJ, but it will seriously misbehave if you make it! And your simple fact concept of measuring a bike's worth means your "B" would be beaten by anything lighter. Edit: Tell your friend to STOP fucking about with the carbs. Loads of people over the pond insist on doing this and not a single one reports being able to get it correctly configured to their liking.
  2. You *sure* about that? Bandit quotes seem to vary around the 140-150mph mark, depending on mods. FJ will uniformly do 160 quite happily, unmodded. Suzuki Bandit 1200: 100bhp at 222kg (0.45:1) - 0-60mph 3.4 seconds, Quarter Mile 11.3 seconds. Yamaha FJ1200: 130bhp at 266kg (0.49:1) - 0-60mph 2.8 seconds, Quarter Mile 11 seconds. Lap times are the harder part, but even with the slower handling you can deck out the pegs on an FJ and a few people still race them (pre-injection class) with notable success. However, as you may have noticed, these are road bikes and what matters most is how they perform under normal traffic conditions. In that, I have you beat hands down and on motorways my roll-on decimates everything but a Busa or a ZX12. You seem to have a serious issue over my dislike of Bandits, don'tcha... We were talking about bike weights and now you're waving your willy around??!! You troubled that a bike more than two decades older makes yours run for its money, or just upset because I said the Bandit has no soul?
  3. I believe not. The front ends on the two Draggies are very different and I believe the Classic is too wide for the Custom. Vice versa too, but in both cases the brake disc is not in line with the caliper.
  4. I've also done it with a 1250 Bandit, because it weighed feck-all. I'd never do it with the 42st FJ and I likely would snap the sidestand on that one!
  5. Tends to be more the 1%er types who use that.
  6. Does it need the clutch pulled in? Try a couple twists of the throttle before you gun the starter. Then also try giving it a bit of throttle as you start it. If it still doesn't work, have them come take it away and demand a completely new one, or a full refund if the replacement is also fucked.
  7. Kes? Blimey, now you make me feel old!!!
  8. No you shouldn't, which is why we're advising hammering the dealer if they give you any bullshit. Might be you just happened to get the one that slipped through QA, but whatever it is the dealer should be making sure that bike is *perfect*... assuming it was brand spanking new and is not an ex-demo or anything, that you're aware of?
  9. Start by taking your money to another Yamaha dealer, if indeed there is one nearby. At the end of the day, brand doesn't matter - These are still just franchised dealers. Some can be very good while others are just rip-off cocksmokers and there's no guarantee a Honda one wouldn't be just the same.
  10. Pretty reliable, fairly cheap, parts not to big a problem. Moves well, handles well and a very reasonable entry-level Cruiser. Downsides - Very short, looks squished up, designed for women so can be cramped, is a girly Cruiser with lots of chrome, tassels, conchos, studs, etc etc. Oh, and a small tank. Bigger versions are around, but I think the max is still only 13L. If you like it, get it. You will be happy. Just ignore the good-natured teasing of the membership here.
  11. Congratulations to you and Laura, mate!!! My condolences to the poor sister, but at least she's the older one!!
  12. Long as I can still come visit my beautiful birthplace and get my fill of things like Balvenie, lorne sausage, venison, tattie scones and proper haggis, I really don't mind. You wanna be indie, go for it. You wanna stay UK, OK. 'Ain't gonna change my feelings fer ye!
  13. To get the tank off??!! Oh, you mean the side fairing panels, rather than the main one? Those are even easier - Mine came with soft foam already in place, but you can glue some on yourself. Again, feel free to come round and see mine (or persuade me to send some pics). I *believe* they have the original foam. Scottoiler - Start with the bike warm and idling. You want 1-2 drips per minute. Then go for a quick (10 min) ride and see how your chain looks. I usually keep mine quite high (around 70%), as I do a fair amount of town riding. It's a bit of trial and error to get the balance between right lube volume and avoiding too much oil fling, as well as depending on your riding style, etc etc, but you'll get there.
  14. You depend on these to save your life. How much you value your life is shown by how much you spend. I always advise getting the best you can afford!!!
  15. Come round and have a look at mine. Bring yours and I'll help you fit it. Is pretty easy. I assume you have the standard V-System model? Also, for the FJ you'll likely need one of these: http://www.scottoiler.com/uk/Spares-Adaptors/Mounting-Plate-Stainless-Steel/flypage.tpl.html I assume your rear axle goes in from the right and the nut is on the left? If not, it needs swapping around. NOTE: The flow rate on Scottoilers will need a bit of adjusting depending on whether you're doing slow town, nippy A-roads or high-speed/long distance motorway. It runs off your carb vacuum, so if your engine is revving high, you will draw more oil. Do this and it does work properly!! (no offense to G1hsg, there) Err... it's an FJ.... That's part of the charm!! If you mean the rattling, you can pack it out with bits of kip mat foam, Foamz (ha ha, did you see what I did there?). Might be worth sticking some tinfoil over that or somesuch, to prevent melty.
  16. IIRC, the XVS series does have mounting holes for a centrestand. My 650 did... I've never seen one mounted, though. Just pull in nice and close to the bike on your right, shimmy/wiggle around their sticky-out bits and then put it on the sidestand. We have m/c parking bays here that are under 3' wide and most Cruisers manage it without a problem... even the big 1900s. You'll get the hang of it soon enough. Part of the price you pay for having such a sexy bike, I'm afraid!
  17. Words of one silly bull? Ask... this... on... the... F...J...O...C... Boards!! Seriously, there are a couple of FJ-specific tools required for certain tasks. Valve shims being one of them. There are certain ways to achieve this without the tool and without fucking up the bike, but it is very specific to the FJ. Honestly, even I don't know this one, so I *really* would advise asking there. They'll know.
  18. Owning an FJ myself, I insist on the premium. I do believe I get slightly better mpg as well, depending on type of journey. I favour BP and Shell where possible.
  19. Shadow-hop??!! I'm just up from Basingstoke and apparently within the Wokingham council area, so I guess that counts...?
  20. Yeah, but what's your renewal going to be?
  21. Tyres? Avon. Avon, Avon,Avon,Avon, all the way, every time!! Nah, they were just brilliant on my Dragstar and are fantastic on my FJ (they even make Radials to fit wheels that are specifically designed for Crossply only!!), plus I usually find most people have no problems with them. They're my default.
  22. Avon Roadriders? http://www.avon-tyres.co.uk/motorbike/xj-600-s-n-diversionseca-ii http://www.avon-tyres.co.uk/motorbike/xj-600 I'm a big fan of Avons - Good price, good performance.
  23. Generally you have to push the key in and it will then turn towards the lock position. Then turn the bars until it fully engages. Before leaving the bike, be *sure* you have only turned it as far as the steering lock and not all the way onto Parking Light, else you may come back to find your bike won't start!
  24. Ttaskmaster


    What you need to do next is post an Intro in the relevant forum thread, so that people will value your manners and be more forthcoming on useful advice.
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