Scouses vary, I find. Some are great, some are grating. Prefer Geordie overall, I think.
Norfolk, West Country, Cornish, Somerset and all the 'countrified' ones are cultural musts, along with a well-spoken Londoner (think Ray Winstone)!!
Most Scots are just brilliant as are most Irish - Daragh O'Malley has all the best lines in Sharpe!!.
One I find particularly fascinating are the South African dialectic variations, from Durban and Maritsburg, through Jo-burg to a deep Pretorian and then the very groovy Cape!!
Welsh, spoken properly, is quite dreamy..... and yes, I do happily watch Torchwood with the wife just because of Gwen!! Jack is entertaining, but I do like a bit of Gwen
Still no idea where to get a fleece, though