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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Start with GirlsBike2 down in Dorking. Click me... Belstaff make some nice bits, as do Frank Thomas.
  2. 535 supposedly tops out at 92. But then, supposedly so do all Cruisers.... Tell that to the Ferrarri I passed at 107 Trev, something is definitely up with the bike. It's a Cruiser and should sit comfortably at 70 all day. Might be a bit struggly on the rider if you don't have a windshield, but a few weeks of riding like that will build the muscles til you can sit all day at 85+.
  3. You chaps really are married to the wrong women, aren't you?
  4. Nope. No worries at all, chap. It feels odd because the oil inside the engine is cold and thick. Once it's warmed up, the oil is a bit thinner and flows easier. This same oil lubricates your gear assembly, including the clutch, hence feeling odd when cold. Just let the engine warm up for a minute or two before riding. Use this time to pull on and fasten the zips on all your riding kit. Then do a quick walk round the bike doing your pre-ride checks on the tyres, lights, oil levels etc. By the time you're done the bike will be warmed and off you go!!! I do it every morning.
  5. Tell me you're taking the piss? Tell me you know about wet clutches, synchro-meshes and all that? Tell me I won't have to sent The Taskmistress round to kick the living FECK out of you with her Pulse Rifle!!!! (she is a mean one, believe me... and deadly with a shotgun).
  6. AFAIK, bikes all stand up when you use the rear brake in a lean. They also lowside when you use the front under such circumstances. Try braking sooner, setting up the corner and then powering through the curve.
  7. HEAVY???!!! A mere 230kg.... Sissy.
  8. Aww...... And I was gearing up for a full-on rant against animal testing!!!
  9. Actually, mine has said ALL of the above... plus a few extrapolations that I won't detail as this is a family forum The best one was still, "You need a bigger motorcycle". So there!!!
  10. There are online parts lists available (try teh Search on here to see if it's mentioned in any of the lists). However, a lot of stuff manufacturers prefer to keep to themselves. This means dealers and mechanics keep their jobs and people are not too tempted to fuck up their bikes by trying a bit of DIY. I'm just stupidly fearless and love ripping machines apart to fix them!!
  11. Ttaskmaster


    I know. I'm getting horny just listening to her ranting That ought to quieten her down a bit!!
  12. Ttaskmaster

    crash bungs

    I almost dropped someone's bike over the weekend, actually. Off the centrestand, brake on and tiiiiiiiiiiiip. The SAD (Stopped And Dropped) thing is a common one to have happen when you're new to biking. Most people do it at some point, especially with bikes like the top heavy tourers.
  13. Ttaskmaster

    crash bungs

    Crash bungs cost a few squid. Fairing costs hundreds. If ever you drop the bike, the ground will hit the bungs, not the expensive plastic, mirrors, bars etc. Short answer: YES!!!!!!!!!
  14. WHAT???!!! Ah, fuck off. I have been away since Thursday, getting presents to seriously disabled and terminally ill children. They rank a lot higher than you.
  15. Ttaskmaster


    Get a copy of Bike Trader and read their advice on buying 2nd hand - First few pages of every issue.
  16. Can you not just swap the rocker out for a normal shifter, or lengthen the rocker arms?
  17. Gives you odd results and then you 'take off', while going, "Eh?".
  18. If it's still within warranty, then yes it probably does need to be done. Some people like to have the full service history, complete with dealer's stamps and all.
  19. Ttaskmaster

    baking soda

    RainX supposedly makes your visor go brittle. It's designed for use on glass, not plastic.
  20. Oh come on..... even now people aren't reading the posts!!!!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu*k sake. Gas-Up... I'll send you my porn directory, mate
  21. Has anyone else been getting problems accessing the site or with a strange pornographic PM? Despite there being about a hundred separate posts on the matter, I am not sure what's happening and I can't be bothered to read the board, so I thought I'd waste some bandwidth and ask the same question again..... FFS!!!!!!!!!!
  22. WHAT???!!! That little nut & bolt thing at the back? Fuck that, fella... Just replace them with a new nut and bolt. Any old one will do so long as they are thread-matched and the bolt is long enough. Mine's the same. Or did you break the bracket that the bolt goes through? If so, get someone at a machine shop to make you a new one for a few squid.
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