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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Cage driver is someone who gets in the car, switches on the radio, uses the heater and bimbles along, looking ahead only as far as the vehicle in front. They know they're perfectly safe with their roll bars, their airbags, their crumple zones, their ABS.... They're in a safety cage. Consequently, the motherfuckers think nothing of bumping you out of their way and assume you will get out of their way because they're safer in their cage than you. This attitude may or may not be a consciously enforced approach, but the motives are the same. Basically, the mass of idiots who don't want to be there, stuck in traffic and fucked off. Those who don't realise or care that they're driving a weapon. Typically, it's fecktard mothers in mini-4x4s and anyone else who has ever uttered the words, "Well, I'm safe".
  2. The first working day of Summer, wherein men may travel to and from work, bearing witness to the British female's typical response in sunny weather - Wear something skimpy that shows off your tits. Personally, I don't care for it - I have a girlfriend, so I can see tits any time I like. We call it 'Wank Holiday Monday' in reference to an Adult Film joke made by a mate.
  3. Pretty cool, then!!! Still prefer my Pulse Rifle
  4. Rode through Central London for the first time ever. Down the M4/A4 and straight through the middle, past Piccadilly Circus, Knightsbridge and so on, through to Newnham and finally Beckton. FUCKING CRAZY!!!!! I used to live in Camden, but never actually used the roads back then. Most of it was fine - It was just the stupid office girlies on pink scooters and bullying bastard bus drivers!! Courier Bikers are amazing - They ride like lunatics, but do so in a way that you see them coming in time to move aside... and still take the time to wave their thanks!!
  5. Can't see YouTube. What is it, chap?
  6. It's been Tit Monday a few times this year. Saturday was most notable for me as I was at the MCM Expo in London. Thousands of scantily clad female forms in fantasy, movie, comic book and Anime costumes all bouncing around us, offering Free Hugs and funny coloured sherbet/sugar things.
  7. Ttaskmaster

    tyre choice?

    Bloke at work with an FZ6 uses Avon Storm STs, if that's any use. Failing that, browse the manufacturer's webshites and see what they recommend for your bike.
  8. So all those guys who thrill audiences and make a living out of performing stunts... are THEY just Chavs fucking their bikes over? I'd like to see you tell THEM off like that. Barwell is at least being sensible about this and learning how to perform the stunts professionally, rather than just pissing about. Please give him the credit he is due, here. As for fucking his bike over - His money, his bike, his body. He's making sure he won't hurt anyone else while doing this, so who the hell are you to tell him what he can and cannot do here? Personally, stunts are not my thing, but I at least have the maturity to appreciate the merit of Barwell's particular endeavours. Also, I have the ability to perfectly understand his grammar
  9. Hey, no need to get all bent out of shape, dude... To be honest, this is the wrong place to ask. Most of the girls here will have their own bikes and ride them proudly. Try asking on places like BikerMatch or Motorcycle Junction. They're not just for dating - They're networking too and there are loads of people there who prefer to ride pillion.
  10. Ttaskmaster

    New tyres

    Afore ya do... Browse the various manufacturers' webshites - Some have a Bike Finder thingy which will find all the tyres they make for your bike. It'll give all the shpiel about what they're best for, what they do etc. That's how I chose Avon Venoms for mine.
  11. Then it LIES!!!!! This and all similar products are a TEMPORARY fix to help you get home. It simply seals small holes and can still give out if used for prolonged periods or at high speeds. Some can cause an imbalance in your tyres, which is why manufacturers (who have spent many years developing the perfectly balanced tyre) don't really like them. Be advised you can also develop several small punctures and not be aware of it until the tyre finally gives out. Definitely UltraSeal is a good idea, but check your tyres regularly for defects.
  12. A code 22? WTF???!!! That's "Public Lewdness In Progress, all officers respond", isn't it?
  13. Fowler's, PartFinder, Yamaha themselves, Motorcycle Parts Centre or similar local parts place... maybe even eBay. Search these websites, or just chuck it into Google and see what results you get. Failing that, ask the Virago Star Owners Club.
  14. If you're using a protectant like ACF-50 or FS-365, then you shouldn't need to wash it too often. The idea of the protectant is to form a barrier between crap and bike. The crap sticks to protectant, so washing it removes protectant as well. If you're a poncey poser who rides a shiny Cruiser, then fair enough - You need to maintain your shiny chromed coxcomb so you look your best. Otherwise, if it's just a load of road crap, I'd say maybe once a fortnight. If we're talking mud and off-road style crap, then you might want to do it more often. Cow and other shit is likely corrosive. Oh, speaking of corrosion - The reason warm water is a no-no when washing bike is because the salt dissolves into it and gets washed into every nook & cranny. Remember that when you're sponging the thing down with cold water on a freezing winter evening!!!
  15. No, but I do know where you can sell one of your kidneys......
  16. Now now, children.... No need for a pissing contest!!! Does that weigh 230kgs and have only 40bhp? That's MASSIVE next to my Drag!! If you can indeed wheelie anything, do it with a Tank!!!! Hence me directing him to a proper school, where he can go to safely learn this. He never precisely said it was on private land.... but neither did he say it was public road, either... So he ain't the only one, then? Seriously though, let it go. OK, so he's not exactly behaving himself, but he's having fun and not hurting anyone else. He's also taking steps to ensure he isn't going to hurt anyone else. Let him get on with it, let him learn at a proper school and if he falls of and hurts himself, just smile sweetly and mercilessly take the piss out of him. No worries, eh!!!
  17. I'd love to see someone manage it on my Dragstar!!! Try this; Find a long, wide stretch of straight, level, empty road to practice on. Pull away in 1st and rev it up to speed. At the point where you'd normally shift up, just pull in the clutch and let it coast. The speed will drop away slowly. Then give it some serious revs on the throttle and let the clutch out. Experiment with how far you let the clutch out. Start by letting it out and then pulling it in straight away. Remember to make sure the bike is perfectly upright when you start fucking about on it, else you'll high and/or low side the thing. Or, just go here; http://www.thewheelieschool.co.uk/
  18. Viggies are 4-Stroke, I believe. Even the 125s.
  19. Just thinking - 12BHP isn't very much and you may one day want something bigger. You'll have one hell of a job selling a bike that's been 'fecked about with'. If you want to do it purely as a fun project, then by all means. But if you want to get more power because you want a powerful ride, it's better to change machines (or buy another one, even!!).
  20. If that doesn't work - Look at Hagon's webshite. Whem my own rear shock went, they were the top name mentioned by everyone. Works wonderfully, too!!!
  21. Most hills I'd knock mine down to 4th. Even the gentle motorway ones. It did manage Porlock Hill in 2nd, though.... just.
  22. Check it all again, or get it checked by someone that you trust. Plugs, oil, filters, chain... the whole works. On a motorway or NSL dual carriageway, you should be able to manage 65mph in 4th and gently cruise up to 70-ish, before knocking it into 5th to just ease the engine. From there, decent throttle management will allow you to drift up to 74-ish from there.
  23. Unless you want to do this as a fun project, just get a bigger bike.
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