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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Shooting Cooking Sex Drinking Partying Hiking Sleeping Gaming The list is endless!! Then again, I ride every day Hein Gericke may be able to steer you toward a company who makes stuff.
  2. Depends.... A lot of American bikes DO have the indicators on continuously as running lights. But then it seems to be variable. So long as it works how you want and flashes when it has to, I'd not be too worried.
  3. Coz it's been less than 24 hours and on a Sunday, no less..... Personally I don't know. Know nothing about your particular bike. But you can always enquire on the GIVI webshite and see what they offer that fits your bike. They cover most machines.
  4. Actually I'm at that age where the 'girls' stop being interested and the 'real women' are noticing.... Then they see the ring on my finger and either just want to be friends or view me as more of a challenge, in which case they try harder I'm not yet at the stage of being the desirable 'older man', so I have that to look forward to still!! In truth though, I can't be arsed with the charm stuff - I have far more interesting things to do than mess about, playing flirtatious games with todays modern women. Most of them have never even read a book, FFS!!!
  5. Heck.... LOADS of types, mate. Wide bars, curved bars, S-Curves, monkey bars, ape hangers..... Browse the accessories webshites for examples and then just find ones of the right diameter. Personally, I'd suggest riding along to a parts shop and physically trying them out for feel. You can also then hold 'em up against your steering yoke and check the sizing... 22mm I think it is.....
  6. There's an idle adjustment screw on the left side, near the top of the cylinders.
  7. Are they as imaginary as your charm, then?
  8. You mean they don't do it for you? 'spose you can't afford that much, eh!!
  9. 33,136.64 Km. The white dial is 10ths of a mile/kilometre.
  10. Dunno about that. Round here, Foamy was a euphemism for the result of a Hand Shandy
  11. Hmmm..... Looks bloody filthy, only has one mirror (and a weird one at that), has weird saddlebags that look like they've been put on wrong.... I can't see anything that immediately looks bad, though. I don't know what the Maltese laws are like, but in the UK you can get a 535 Virago for the same money (sometimes as little as £900) in great condition.
  12. YES!!!!! I'm slightly laid back, so the wind billows around me. I'm also working on my neck muscles - I'm at the Arnie stage right now, but I'm aiming for that Hulk kinda look, ya know Besides, I can always go belly down on the tank for extra streamlining
  13. In my opinion, ALL motorcycles are crap. They ALL fall apart over a period of years, NONE of them like the rain and electrics are always a pain. I'd not put too much faith in other people's opinions, especially regarding Cruisers, because the really bad stories tend to come from fuckwitts who don't look after their bikes. But biting sarcasm aside, yes - The Virago is a very good first bike, especially for smaller riders. The 125 Viragoes themselves are reasonable, but somewhat delicate. You want one that's in good shape to start with and don't try riding it like it's an R1. The assumed 35,000km is reasonable and the bike's value should hold rather well from here onwards. Parts are getting less easy to find, but the bike is well-loved by many people and there's still plenty of parts to be found. Every bike requires maintenance. Look after yours, keep it clean and lubricated and she may well see you an actual 350,000km.
  14. I tried a couple of times, but couldn't break the habit of pulling the clutch in. It's subconsciously engaged. Don't see the point in clutchless changes, myself. They don't seem any quicker and being a drummer, physical multi-tasking is second nature to me.
  15. Ah.... I checked the Official Stats 1100 has more low end torque, acceleration etc, but apparently both top out at 92. It all depends how you ride it, though
  16. 650 has a statted top speed of 92mph. The speedo goes up to 110 and I've topped out at an indicated 107.
  17. Blimey Aside from downing your bike, you're doing rather nicely here, ain't 'cha? You considered buying a lottery ticket while you're at it?
  18. YAYYYYYYY another Custom!!!!!! Bloody good price, too!! I'd say you got a good deal there. Ride safe
  19. @ the casing!! Actually, I knew a FltSgt who used a 120mm WOMBAT round for that exact purpose. However, people just stared blankly at me. I keep mine in a locked drawer.
  20. Good attitude, my man. Kudos to ya!! Extra points for wearing kit. It's the individual's choice, but I have more respect for those who do.
  21. Could be a mistake. Could be the Dealers are considered 'owners'. So Importer, dealer, owner, dealer. Depends how it was registered. Some dealers do register it to them, others don't. No MOT? What price did you pay for it? So long as the dealer did a proper PDI (Pre Delivery Inspection) and nothing's wrong with the bike, you should be fine. Valuation is mostly done on mileage, age and condition of the bike. You get the Classic or the Custom Drag?
  22. £216 FC with every bell and whistle imaginable for my 650 Dragstar Custom, L&L cover, Uninsured Loss, breakdown, the lot. I'm 29 and the bike is worth £2500. I use Carole Nash.
  23. Tried it. Doesn't work. Tried all 47 people in the office. Your concept is defective. I demand a refund!!!
  24. Aw, bad news buddy..... Could have been worse and I'm glad to see you're getting straight back out there!! Please don't take this the wrong way, but..... From the sounds of it, it wasn't the 4x4's fault and you know exactly what happened? For you, and indeed anyone else reading this, do your best to learn from this experience - Why it went wrong, what you could have done, what you will do to stop it happening again. The hardest part is if you did something wrong and being honest enough with yourself to admit that. I'm guessing for you, it was hitting the front brake in a corner? Don't feel too bad - I've done that myself!! Just don't do it again, eh Good luck with the rebuild!!
  25. Yep, check your 'leccy system. There are little gadgets that test the whole charging system. Most mechanics have one of some sort. Ideally you want the battery fully charged before it gets tested. Once that's OK, you also want a guaranteed good battery to test the system. Or you can do it all yourself with a multi-meter. However you do it - Check/replace the cheapest parts first.
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