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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Can't really put a generalised value on an individual's experience. I'm smart (ish), sensible and fully appreciate how badly fucked up I can get if I am stupid on my bike. With 40HP I can really cause some damage - So with 196HP on a fast sporty bike....... I did DAS and spent a few months on a 125 before upgrading. I had 3 offs on the 125, none of which were directly my fault and none of which involved another vehicle. Not even a scare on the big bike. My younger ex spent 2 years on a 125, upgraded and had several incidents. She rides like a twat, period. It's nothing to do with age, bike or anything like that... it's just that no-one's killed her yet. Even after coming off the bike at 70, she still rides like a twat and IMO should not be allowed on the road. Putting car drivers on bikes first will not help them become better drivers... unless you put everyone in vans and trucks, too. Focus needs to be on better training, restriction on vehicles and frighteningly serious enforcement of road laws.
  2. I'm sure he will, when he gets the time......
  3. You just watch where you put those hands!!! So yeah, Goff... You go to any dances or anything like that? I can sort of Charleston.....
  4. I wonder if she liked it... that taste of her cherry chapstick..... Hope her boyfriend di'n't mind it!!
  5. Ttaskmistress is my other half. When the shit hits the fan, I and most of the MC crowd I hang with all sit back and let the female Club members deal with it - We like to inflict proper cruelty on our enemies!!!
  6. Ttaskmaster


    Not a fan myself - Bike looks like it's had it's nose punched in on a Saturday night.... But I hear it's a great 'Hoolie' bike, like a Bandit.
  7. Thread all about it here...
  8. Ttaskmaster

    carb icing

    You can still get it, even with carb heaters. On some bikes (like mine), the carb heater sensors are quite well shielded from the cold air, so they don't always kick in. A bit of modding will take care of that, but it's a reet pain. Also - Silkolene and others do fuel additives that help prevent icing.
  9. Rather nice!!! You ever shop at My Old Dutch, perchance? Any interest in the 1940s/Military shows? Nah - Perry I actually have a chance at wearing out The Goff-Machine would expire my warranty overnight!!!!!
  10. Perry is OK. I'll admit that she has an eye-catching figure, but she's not totally jaw-dropping. Neither is she ugly, though... I really like her 1940s impressions. As for music festivals... My town has just been invaded by the first wave of outlandish, drunken scum that is The Reading Festival audience. With them as ambassadors for what to expect at such things, you can stuff it as far as I'm concerned!!! I have nothing against people having fun, but already my other half's bike has been kicked over by some motherf**ker, who doesn't care because this isn't their town and they think being a visitor means they can treat it and everyone in it like shit. So yeah - I don't really give a toss about festivals in this country. I've heard there's an annual one in Germany, where the town afterward is left looking as tidy as a Swiss train!!
  11. In short, you can modify pretty much anything. Depends whether you're modding for speed, performance, looks, function or what.
  12. For someone so misogynist in attitude, you seem to be quite inept yourself. Respect our Sisterhood.
  13. My first thought is, "Someone's been a twat...". Whether it's you or someone else, I don't know, but there's definitely some twattage involved.
  14. How fast do you want to go? Buy a pre-2000 Hayabusa and go all the way up to 215mph, apparently... You'll need about 4 miles of clear road in front of you to do that safely, though. Thing is, naked bikes feel much faster. Rip off all your bodywork and, while you won't be going that fast, it will feel like it.
  15. OK... When you up-shift, you are moving through 2 gear positions, which is why it seems like a long movement - Because it is!! Bikes are designed to easily slip into Neutral, precisely so you don't spend all day pissing about with the lever. The little tap you mentioned, that puts you into Neutral, is exactly what it's designed to do. Usually this issue will go away after you've been riding for a few months. It's just practice. As for overtaking a woman - Good luck, mate. Thanks to the mysogynist attitudes of blokes, women have to ride twice as hard to be considered half as good. They got balls of steel and some f**kin' excellent bikes out there. Chances are you've already been outridden by several women and not had a clue. Oh - and in case you actually need to be told - fear any women who rides a Rocket III.
  16. Where, where? Did I miss him, already?
  17. Look at the rear mudgard (fender in US terms). If it curves down slightly then flicks up at the back, then it's a Custom If it curves all the way down, then it's a Classic. Look at the rear indicators (turn signals). If they're mounted directly either side of the mudguard, it's a Custom. If they're on a seperate bar, near the rear brake light, it's a Classic. If the mudguard is plastic, it's a Custom. If it's metal, it's a Classic. An easy way is a Google Image search for each. Side by side, the differences are stark!! Forks are different sizes, mudgards are shaped differently, indicator placement is different, as are the headlights. In general, Classics look bigger, have different parts (seats, bars etc) and have more metal bits.
  18. Can't see eBay. What is it?
  19. 2nd hand leathers are bargains. Personally, I'd not suggest you buy anything that you haven't tried on. Me, I got a pair of £180 Frank Thomas jackets for £30 each in the end of season sales. Awsome deals out there if you look.
  20. Ttaskmaster


    I meant where is the topic?
  21. Funny, but why are you typing like this? What's wrong with conventional single-line sentences? Or do you just want to be an individual, like everyone else?
  22. Oh yeahhhhh...... Just seen your gallery pics. Yours are indeed more flat, like stickers. I have ye olde ones, which I think have a slight contour to 'em anyway. They're chromed plastic. I know, because a mate had his electroplated with gold plating, back when the mobile plating business was a franchised idea from another mate of mine up in Inverness. But yeah, they should have enough of a natural contour to just stick on. That's what the ex did to hers when she got the custom paint job (poorly) done. Go with whichever you like the look of best.
  23. Second thought - You mean something that actually intakes and cools the existing air? Pro - You'll be colder than a polar bear's knackers. Cons - MASSIVE current drain, increased fuel consumption, bulky bike, time, money, effort, possible MOT failure....
  24. EH???!!! Surely you already got aircon, dude... It's called helmet vents, perforated leather panels and the lack of a cage around your motorcycle. Those of us without windscreens call it Direct Air Conditioning, or DAC for short...
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