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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Heya, Bit of a weird one, but after many years of wearing leathers I'm finally trying out textiles. M&P had a sale, so I grabbed me some discounted trews to go with my jacket. However... When worn on their own, the trousers get all clammy inside and feel like I'm wearing old plastic waterproofs on bare skin. When worn with the quilted liner, they are insanely hot and itchy. Same for having jeans on underneath. I thought it was just because they were £50 cheapies so tried a friend's £150 RST ones, but they're the same too... So the question is - What do y'all wear under yer textiles while remaining comfy?
  2. Another no-gear thread? Must be Summer..... I'd chip in with my thoughts on riding without protective kit, but I'm sure everyone's heard them before and I don't fancy getting people from other forums coming to bitch about it again!!
  3. Bike is 23 years old and I have to go into London at all sorts of times. I'd hope I can claim that back off the company, but I suspect they'll have a get-out for that as well...
  4. You can have constant orange lights at the front, which you find 'perma-on' with some import bikes. What I think we really need is some kind of lighting arrangement that makes it clear we're a bike on the road, rather that people mistaking us for "a distant car with one light out", or something.
  5. Just about anything that goes from side to side, left to right to left to right to left to right to left to right to left to right to left to right is hypnotising. Just watch a tennis match and see how quickly you find your eyelids getting verrrrrrrry heavvvvvvyyyyyyy and you feeeeeeeellll yoursellllllllf faaaaaaalling intooooooo a deeeeeeeeep sleeeeeeeeeep......... ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........
  6. Make it live again!!!!!!!!! If you still don't want it, I'm sure there's a few on the FJOC who would take notice...! Heck, Doc might even take it off your hands, for the racing team.
  7. Is it not illegal to have green lights on, like that? As mentioned, most people won't even see these through the headlight at night, same as the tiny thin little bits of reflective piping on my kit... During the day, if you cannot see/hear me, you are blind and ought not to have a licence.
  8. And yet you still feel the need to tell us, for some reason... ?
  9. You should not need 5 minutes of choke to warm the bike - 30 seconds, to perhaps a minute at most...!! Have you tried altering the idle? Most carbed bikes seem to need it turning up a touch during Winter. Also, have you balanced the carbs? Cleaned the carbs? Checked the diaphragms? Got the right tyre pressure? Lots of little things can kill your mileage...
  10. Sky went a bit dark and it looked like it was about to rain. That was all...
  11. I personally find most cyclists riding single file and are behind me within seconds, so not a worry at all. In town, it's often very different as they're like Ped Boys without engines. Saw several groups just today, all riding three abreast, with one even placing the little kiddie on the OUTSIDE neares the white line!! Generally, those who do have on all the lycra and shit, ie the 'professional cyclists' do tend to be the 10% that behave like pricks. It's the rest that seem to actually ride sensibly, which is just bizarre. I guess it's kinda like the Summer Bikers?
  12. Sounds good to me, chap! Just a shame how all the good hobbies are insanely expensive... I like my computers/gaming and there's an awesome new graphics card just come out - That one component actually costs more than I bought my bike for!!
  13. I'll be riding to work at that time.
  14. Yep, always been this way. Summer is when the weather turns nice and all the BMW drivers, sick of being stuck in traffic, see us filtering along and decide they want a piece of that. Couple of weeks later, they take their nice shiny DASed licence down to the dealership and ride away on a Daytona (always the yellow one) or a Fireblade. For the rest of the rabble, who cannot afford shiny new bikes, second-hand is the way to go. Most know fuck-all about bikes and so long as it's a big, pretty, shiny V-Twin flower upon which these Butterfly riders may alight, they will pay their monies for it. Often, the hilarious ones will be 1800s buying 1800 bikes off last season's 1800s. The 1800 - Cruiser term for both the type of rider and the bike they ride. That is to say; an 1800cc bike bought new for £18,000, before the rider spends £1800 on branded (usually tassled) clothing, another £1800 on a big name helmet, plus £1800 on tassled & chromed accessories, rides the bike for 1800 miles, then gives it up and sells it... and because, having been incorrectly by a clueless noob over Winter, it's now only worth £1800!! I reckon if I painted a few Sons Of Anarchy logos on the Dragstar, I'd sell it for a mint!!
  15. I sent my Draggy shock back to Hagon for a rebuild. They did a great job, but it still cost £110...!
  16. Howzit BG46! I'm no expert, but the first thing I'd check is the idle speed and carb balancing. Have you checked that the fuel line is clean, HT leads & ignition coils are in good nick, etc?
  17. Nice one!! I was thinking of trying some out myself, along with the taller touring screen. You'll have to let us know how they are!
  18. Check your tyres for damage, too.
  19. Fixed that for you...
  20. You mean around the 3:12 mark? Nah, that's just the fumes and vapours catching the glistening morning sunlight!
  21. Cyclists have a right to be *on* those roads, yes. They do NOT have the right to be all over it. Riding three abreast, going 10mph while a fourth one cycles all the way up the outside of the column on the opposite side of the road, expecting us oncoming to move aside for them? Where is that one in the Highway Code? This happens a LOT on my road, particularly around school collection time when there are parked cars all along both sides. Respect is not an entitlement. It must be earned... particularly as there is virtually no mechanism for enforcing the law on them, unless there is a cop or a camera on scene at the time, or the cyclist is downed and unable to ride off. They could start by fitting bar-end mirrors - That, in the opinions of colleagues who cycle as much as I ride, is one massive step up in cycling safety. Seen a couple who learned what it means, right at the moment the oncoming truck hit them.
  22. Shadows are pretty good.... but the Yamaha is more fun!!! Welcome to the forum!
  23. I got the DVD of this years ago, free with a helmet or something... Pretty good info, especially for newer riders and great reminders for those who haven't ridden since Summer!
  24. I was thinking more that you'd post the question on that forum as well. Between here and there, there should be several people who could advise, either in person if they're local, or some well-explained online instruction (maybe even with photos). TBH, a knowledgable FJ fan would probably buy it as is and be able to change it, assuming it was even a problem. But if you're not keen on selling and would rather hold on to it for various reasons, then so long as it works OK I think you'll be fine to leave it like it is.
  25. Not something I know much about myself, but there are some folks who know the FJ's wiring inside and out: http://www.fjfjrbiker.co.uk/index.php
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