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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. PartFinder Breakers yards (if PartFinder doesn't help). eBay. Any of the many online bike part finders - seriously, just Google up "motorcycle part finder". You'll get .com, .co.uk, .org, .this, .that, MCparts, Motorcycleparts, Mcycleparts and a myriad variants therein.
  2. Seriously - Not just being my usual sarcastic self here - There are HUNDREDS of places to stay!!! Hotels, B&Bs, Hostels, Travel-lodge/Premier Inns, Guest houses, campsites, caravan parks. Very spoilt for choice!! It will take a good couple of days to go through them all.
  3. I'll be in my bunk.....
  4. NOT to want one? I hope that's a typo.... otherwise your opinion is just meaningless and unquantified bullshit. The 535 is fairly old now, yet no-one has made a bike that even comes close to matching it and the specific rider group it is aimed at.
  5. I certainly would. We watch her documentaries sometimes and it's difficult - The instant you see her, the mind heads straight to the gutter!!
  6. Personally, for dryness I'd just get decent gloves. I have a Weisse set that are fully waterproof and very warm. They're also less restrictive than muffs and less of a hassle to fit. In the depths of Winter, a Wildstar rider I know just made a set of baffles out of some PVC pipe.
  7. Do we not still have a proper Intros thread any more?
  8. Supermarket, shopping malls and even the streets all have marked bike parking bays. Parking outside of them will lead to ticketing and/or 'towing' by private clamping companies. Hence getting very nasty at cars who park there. I have also threatened to permanently disable drivers who park in the Disabled bays, too
  9. Not a Sports rider myself, but I do see many of 'em with steering dampeners fitted. Maybe that's an option? As for Kawasaki... There is an old South African saying: "There is kak, complete kak and then Kawasak!!"
  10. Fix it. Seriously, fix it. For further, bettter, more polite and helpful info, here's the best suggestion ever: What you've just done is pretty damn rude. When you walk into a Forum, especially a close-knit one like this, it is the equivalent of walking into a random pub. If you just stand there and make a statement, expecting assistance, no-one will even pay attention to you. Seriously, try this - Walk into a pub you've never been to, where no-one knows you. Just walk in and, in a loud voice, ask that very same question you just asked here. See what happens.... If you take the time to introduce yourself, make friends etc, then people will fall over backwards to help you.
  11. Google is your friend!!
  12. Don't see the problem, myself - Most wardens, especially those on 2 wheels, tend to leave bikes alone. The only problem is finding one when there's a car parked in the bike bays.
  13. Best man cannot ride (long story) and Claire is too much of a traditionalist for a Biker wedding. Besides, if we start down the Biker route, we'll have to invite all the friends from Patched Clubs, deal with arguments over Colours and so on...
  14. April 2012 is, I believe, her date in mind.....
  15. Pah - Seen guys do far better on bikes with just one wheel!!!
  16. If you're lucky, I *might* have a set of old 650 Drag pipes knocking around. The pipes themselves are shot, rusty and one heat shield was wrenched off by a car... But I believe the mufflers are complete and in reasonable nick. Perhaps some slight spotting from light rust or summat, but nothing a bit of elbow grease won't fix.
  17. It will probably sound 'better' to a certain extent... But it is still a 125. It *may* even sound worse... Yes, the shell will still get hot. Very hot. If they'll fit, a standard set of mufflers off a bigger bike (emptied, of course) may well work fine. You should be able to get the right size of inner collar to fit them tight onto your pipes, so it's just a case of proper and secure fixings. In fact, maybe see if a set of 650 Drag silencers will work. You'd probably need to cut the back open, gut the baffles out and maybe re-weld the back plate on. You'd then have a set of straight-throughs going... or leave them as is and just cut the open silencers to shape. You WILL need to re-jet. Just don't expect to pass MOT afterward!!
  18. I was just talking inflating. You can get extra/bigger mini-cylinders anyway. The point was that they are far less dangerous than the other option mentioned, though!!
  19. Yamaha do. So will the Virago & Star Owners Club (VSOC)
  20. A small 12v air pump attached via a hella plug is FAR better. Or, you can get the puncture repair kits with a valve and small mini-cylinders of compressed air - The kind they use on life jackets.
  21. Somewhere here there is the thread about the guy who did that and seriously injured himself. I believe he also said, "Hey, it works for me". I also believe that the politest comment he got from his fellow bikers around the world was, "F**king stupid c**t". Others were far more judgemental. But hey - Your fingers. I won't be paying your disability benefit.
  22. Err.... not really. I'd have to see it to be sure. Get the workshop/Haynes service manual and pay close attention to the exploded diagrams.
  23. So why can car drivers still not hear your über-loud, über grunty straight-through pipes until you're 5 feet from them? Make... fairly hard, unless you just want an empty shell, in which case just shape to your liking. Buy and fit - Pretty easy. They usually have a variety of different collars to ensure a very snug fit on the pipes. Just remember to re-jet the carbs.
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