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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Ttaskmaster

    Yamaha Dragstar

    At the time of writing, he didn't have his location in his Profile. Then again, half the people here still don't.
  2. It will get better as you gain experience. Learn to look as far ahead as possible and look everywhere, to see everything. There hasn't been a single incident I've had where there weren't clues as to what was about to happen. Often I've suspected it was about to happen, but I'd been going too fast or dithering about my immediate action. Fortunately, the fact that I'd been aware of the possibility meant I was still prepared to deal with it and already planning a way out of it.
  3. Ttaskmaster

    Yamaha Dragstar

    Yes, you do. Get one from Halfords. Turning a normal bolt clockwise will tighten it. As you look at the face, turn it anti-clockwise. Same as opening a Coke bottle.
  4. I find watching the wheel itself is better - The instant it starts to turn, I'm taking action. That said, I rarely find any problems. Only ever had a few near misses in my time... and one soon to be Missus!! Ha ha - Did you see what I did there? I made a funny
  5. I did have a long reply all typed out, but it's at the office PC and I'm onsite now... at fecking 1am on a Friday night!! Gimme until Monday, I'll add some details in. Also, there's a thread from me somewhere with lots of info for doing Dragstar brakes, which are pretty much the same as the Viggie, IIRC. Thanks for adding your info, BTW. Useful to know whereabouts people are, in case we know of good local services. Hope you enjoy being part of the forum.
  6. Bike, bike and err... bike. Every day, every weather. The Mrs also has a car, which she insists on far more than I'd like, usually because she wants to wear a skirt or somesuch. I call her out on it, but she doesn't pay any attention.
  7. Yes, although I'd appreciate it if you filled out more of your profile and started off with an Introduction in the Intro thread
  8. Another tip for when approaching a junction: Say you see a minor left turn off the road ahead of you, with a car waiting to pull out. As you approach, you'd normally do so in a straight line, but to the car you appear to be moving slowly. You don't have the twin headlights that a car does, the increasing distance between which is used by the waiting driver to assess your incoming speed. As a result, the driver thinks you're going slower than you actually are, thinks they can pull out and WHAM!!! Instead: If it is safe to do so, Move to the left-most position of the road and then to the right-most position, ie next to the white line. To the car, you will appear to get closer a lot quicker and they will better judge your speed. I do this a lot and sometimes even see the car start to pull away, but halt when I move out toward the white lines.
  9. I thought everyone knew me Jeez, I've cracked at One-Post-Wonders enough that I have seriously sullied my reputation... Oh Inmafy, INFAMY..... They've all got it in fer me
  10. Which year and which style of bars? The width varied from year to year and the Viggie came with several different styles of bars, all considered 'factory standard'. Bank on 815mm (32.1"), which was the widest. Clicky here
  11. Do what your instructor tells you. That's what they're for.
  12. Which Virago? And why are you storing it? Get out and RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE!!!!!
  13. Is this gonna become another 'Japs are taking over the world' rant? One Mel Gibson is enough!!
  14. Do what you want. Without even so much as a Hello to the forum, I really don't care what you do. Buy a Hayabusa and learn on that.
  15. Well, I can't post details of them anyway. Dunno who edited my post as it was unsigned, but there you have it.
  16. Well... My ex rode for about 3 years on a CBT, then went for her test without doing any lessons. She failed the first one outright. She passed the second one somehow, but I always found her to ride like a complete c**t... And yes, I DO mean to use that word. She caused me to crash twice through her dangerous riding and has crashed about five times herself. Go for the Module 2/DAS/whatever it's called. You will get proper, qualified guidance, instruction, correction and all-round training. If old enough, you are then able to ride any size bike, whereas testing on a 125 will leave you restricted.
  17. Third Party = Damage YOU do to someone else. Fire = Hot burny stuff. Theft = Bike is nicked by some scrote. I have here, in my very office, a woman who is driving without insurance. There are MANY thousands of uninsured drivers out there. If one of them hits you, you are FUCKED. Seriously, you get NOTHING. Bike is a write off, you're physically (and possibly permanently) damaged and you won't get a penny... and they get away with it. Fully comp packages usually have some kind of insurance against uninsured c**ts. Lid & Leathers cover - Expensive stuff to replace if you have an off. Free breakdown cover - When you're stuck in the middle of nowhere, in the freezing cold and pissing rain, Uninsured loss - Anything you're transporting (SatNav, laptop, iPod, wallet, presents...) is covered. Often extends to any accessories, too. There are 101 reasosn to go Fully Comp!!
  18. Yea, you also find the webshites often differ. Any reason you're only doing TPF&T?
  19. OMG!!! Anything under £100 is a win in my book, mate!! My sensible 650 with a few years NCB, past 'childish dick' age and so on, fully comp with every belt, brace, bell, book and candle on is just over £200. But yes, see if you can play them off each other. Carole Nash are surprisingly good - I went to them after Bennets started to take the p**s.
  20. A decent auto locksmith will be able to cut you a key. You will need to prove ownership.
  21. If you want something cost-effective, you want a set of PMR446 radios. These vary in price tremendously, but you get what you pay for. Have a look at the Thunderpole website. They usually have a pair for around £70, which are a good quality, reliable brand and have enough features without going into the professional level. Try something like the Midland G7. These usually come in a pair for that price and include batteries, chargers and all that. You will also need a helmet headset. These will come with a standard 2-pin connector and a handlebar-mounted PTT switch. I always favour the Midland/Alan brand, but they *are* the best. Regardless of your helmet, always get the Open face version with the mic boom, because these have noise attenuation. If you need any guidance on use and features, gimme a shout.
  22. Summer: Frank Thomas Tourino jacket 331 custom tailored leather trousers Hein Gericke mesh gloves Spring/Autumn: Frank Thomas Classic Rider jacket Halvarssons Morgan classic trousers Hein Gericke something-or-other gloves Winter: As above, but with Weisse gloves and lots of under layers!! I have a Caberg V2 helmet, 1982 issue Boots Combat High and a wide selection of headovers.
  23. For some reason, I can't post in the For Sale section... unfortunalty my friend you have to subscribe to post in "for sale" section. anything out side that gets blocked.
  24. Well, she *did* buy a brand new washer-dryer, I suppose.... I like this idea. Several other forums do something similar to stop the 'through traffic'.
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