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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Why apologise to me? Have I missed something? If you're in the US, Clymer is one option. However, the UK version is the Haynes manual. A quick Google (well, Bing actually since that's what we have here) came up with these: Click here and scroll down Can't actually see eBay here at work, but the description sounded promising Another clicky here More to click on Cor, your lucky day, innit? ANOTHER link!!! BTW - These were all on the first page of a Bing search. I haven't even looked at page 2 yet!!
  2. I swear by Avon Venoms, mate. Front and rear.
  3. Oh great - Another reason for me NOT to buy a new Star...
  4. I expect I'd trip over her first. Half my Facebook friends are 'celebrities' anyway and I often hang out with famous types, so it probably wouldn't matter so much to me.
  5. Drag tyres are indeed tubed. Tubeless... maybe. You'd need different wheels though, as the rims are different. 6000 miles sounds like quite a shite lifespan for a Cruiser tyre. I'd expect that from hi-performance Sporties, but not Cruisers... I ride pretty hard and average about 19,000 on my tyres. I'd say something is definitely wrong, there.
  6. It should still tell you how to switch on, switch off, re-set etc. If not, it's crap!! TBH, I wouldn't have ever thought an immob light would be yellow, anyway. Such things are usually red. My own alarm has a FECKING BRIGHT blue LED, but that's a custom anyway. Phone ye olde locale Yammie dealer and check it out. If it's a Yam-fit immob then they should have the full skinny.
  7. Immobiliser operation will be specific to whichever one you have installed. What do the instructions say?
  8. The reason factory pipes are so quiet is because they have several baffles in the silencers that slow down the airflow, by making it 'hurdle' around before exiting. This creates back-pressure in the engine, which makes it run efficiently. When you put loud pipes on, these have fewer baffles, or possibly even none at all. Consequently, your back pressure drops and you end up with too much air running through the system. You therefore need to upsize the jets in the carb to compensate and restore the balance. This is true of all bikes, restricted or not. Don't believe anyone who tells you you don't have to re-jet. Every mechanic I've ever known advises re-jetting. It's not a particularly hard job, either. Restriction has almost nothing to do with it, especially if you correct the balance with the proper jets.
  9. Potentially two right here. I'm in Reading, as indicated by my profile. If everyone remembers to complete this field, we can find out where is most central and go from there.
  10. Hi Peter, OK, my German isn't amazing, so I'm guessing what these are by the price. It sounds like these are just the silencers, or 'end dampers', as you call them. If this is true, then you will have to take your existing dampers off and replace with these. You may then have to change the carburettor jets to compensate. Or, if they are literally just end-pieces then I expect you will have to cut and modify your existing dampers/silencers. I would recommend just experimenting with drilling holes in the back plate. It costs nothing and you can start with just one or two holes and stop when you reach the sound you like.
  11. Custom pipes... Many self-modders claim you don't have to re-jet. Every mechanic I've ever spoken to has either advised re-jetting, or sighed and shaken their head when they that someone hasn't re-jetted. Who ya gonna believe. My own personal mech keeps telling the other half that she ought to re-jet. Has even told her which ones to get, how to fit them etc. No personal gain for him, just good, honest advice. Who ya gonna believe.
  12. I don't call it anything, but I have friends that do. One has an '04 import XVS1100 Dragstar Custom called CERBERUS!!
  13. Lots of kits available. Can be had or ordered in from almost any generic parts shop, some dealers, or even off eBay. Easy to fit - Mostly a swap out job. Takes about an hour or two to do yourself.
  14. I get a kick out of doing what I can. It's about ME being the one who fixed it. I use an independant mechanic for the big stuff. He knows more than me, has worked for several of the local big dealers, been officially trained, worked in specialist and independent custom places and now runs his own business. His rates are still very favourable and if I buy him some beers he will let me watch/help and learn. I have spoken with dealers before. I have usually walked out before too long.
  15. Well when it arrives, if you have any problems fitting it - we'll be here... just maybe not at the current time of 4:14am!!
  16. Right on!! Besides, despite my attitude and smartass posts like the Lightsabre one above, I don't know everything and there's plenty like you who'll know more than me!! Hell, someone once asked how many spokes there were on a Dragstar wheel - I just went outside and counted!!
  17. In my (not so) humble opinion, heh heh: The 650 is more of a mid-level Cruiser and at the lower end of that band. The new 950 would be the top. The 1100 Drag is just getting into the 'Big' bracket, with the new 1300 and 1900 Midnight Stars occupying the main place, shared with the 1600 Wildstar. Power-wise, especially power-to-weight ratio, the 650 is actually slightly lower on the scale than the 535 Viggie. What makes it seem like a bigger Cruiser is the fact that it looks and feels physically big. In fact it is - It's very long and low, although the rake angle of the bars lends it very good handling and a surprisingly quick turn-in on the corners. It actually has a smaller turning circle that many sports bikes - Particularly my mate's Honda VFR800!! However, DO NOT think this makes the 650 a lightweight!! The 40HP it has and the low end torque is more than enough to blast you off the line and beat most cars. 0-60 in about 6 seconds, with a top speed of around 92mph. I've topped out at 107 and that's a complete factory standard model. 2-up, with luggage, you do notice a bit of a struggle, but again it will happily top 85 on the motorway and tour all day. Your pillion will probably want a backrest for any trips much longer than an hour. As for dragging (ha ha, Drag-ing, Drag-Star - see what I did there? ), it depends on your set-up. The 650 weighs 230kg as opposed to the (I think) 144kg of the 125cc Drag. It can be done, but you'd be far better placed to find a way of fitting it in normally. I'd suggest maybe reversing it in and, carefully, leaning the bike over one way while turning the bars the other and kind-of putting it in purposely 'on the conk', so to speak. Does that make sense? Or, a totally different option is to get a device that you whack under the wheel, which allows you to pivot the thing round. It's hard to describe, so I'll see if I can find you a link... Yep, check out things like these: Busters - Bike Movers
  18. This is indeed the place. Lightsabres are usually made primarily from a Graflex handle. There are several licenced replicas, but Lucasfilm command a seriously high licencing fee and mercilessly pursue any unlicenced producers, even one-off fan builds, flooding them with C&D orders. If your blade is a bit limp, I suggest checking the earthing on your blade modulation circuit: For more information, check out: The Lightsabre.com It has also come to my attention that some people do not know what the colors of a Jedi's lightsaber mean, or the fact that they mean anything. So here is a basic guide: Blue = Jedi Guardian = "I WILL PWN YOU WITH MY BLUE LIGHTSABER!!!!". Red = Dark side = HATE!! Yellow = Jedi Sentinel = "Can't we all be friends?". Green = Jedi Counselor = "I am so much smarter than all you people, but I would never say that cuz I am SO at peace with myself". Orange = Jedi Fodder = "I am only in this movie to die in the first major fight / get PWNed by generic clone troopers". Purple = This is a unique case. It happened thusly: Prop Man: So Mr. Jackson- SEJ: YOU WILL ADDRESS ME BY MY FULL NAME, FOR I AM THE LORD OF BADASSERY!! Prop Man: Sorry Mr- I mean Samuel L. Jackson. Anyways, what color lightsaber would you like? SEJ: Purple Prop Man: But Samuel L. Jackson, that's not one of the colors!! SEJ: ... Prop Man: Purple it is.
  19. Errr.... possibly not. Depends how it's supposed to attach. However, it might and you may well be able to make it fit with a slight alteration. Have you any pics?
  20. You're in exactly teh same situation as I was with the 125 Drag. I also upgraded to a 650 and it's absolutely perfect!!
  21. Ttaskmaster


    Welcome to the forum, Bru!!
  22. The seat height of a Cruiser is not an issue. It's about the distance from seat to foot and hand controls. Personally, I would have said a 535 Viggie is too small for 6-footers and above. I'm 5' 11" and I find Viggies too small. However, you can get extended foot controls fitted - My guitarist is 6' 8" and he did this, along with fitting straight handlebars and very tall handlebar risers. His only complaint was that the pegs deck out a bit earlier than the standard ones.
  23. You have only six posts and yet have just contributed. It's this sort of thing that we're talking about. If you want to tap us for free info, we'd like some kind of return. Simply joining in is enough - Express an opinion, start a debate, post some jokes, link to a news article... there are many ways.
  24. This is *EXACTLY* like a group ride. If you go up to a bunch of bikers and just simply say, "I've got this bike and it's not working. Thoughts?", the response will be a unanimous Feck Off. If you rudely demand info, without so much as a pleasantry, then rudeness and a brush-off is all you'll get back. This is a community, not a free reference library. The idea is to contribute wherever you can, not to just demand information as if we're a vending machine and then feck off without so much as a thank-you. A lot of our answers take hours of typing and checking against manuals, sourcing of pictures and so on. If it's just gonna go unappreciated then none of us will bother. This place will be just a forum of wannabe kiddies boasting about getting their knees down, pulling wheelies and shagging their birds. If you introduce yourself, make friends and take the time to make some sort of attempt to join in the forum community, then the people here will freely share their wealth of knowledge. Half the issues can be resolved by using the Search function anyway (I have even referred back to previous posts of my own, mainly because it's quicker than typing the whole thing out again) and these threads do display both on search engines and for non-registered users. If all you want is info, there are people who get paid to fulfil your rude demands. They're called professional mechanics. What I want is mandatory profile fields, teling me who someone is, where they're from, what bike they ride and perhaps a few other details. This actually helps anyway because I may know of an Aerox specialist in Tidfield, or an R1 parts supplier in Chilton, or wherever the Newbie happens to live. If they're that local to me, I'd even be prepared to go visit them and show them what I'm talking about. I know others here have done that. I also want a posting limit and restricted membership, say 5 posts, before allowing them access to the full forum. Other forums do this, for these very reasons. It stops timewasters and it stops us miserable buggers from ranting!! Whaddya say?
  25. I like riding alone, usually at night or on long distance trips. I do enjoy motorways, almost as much as country roads.
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