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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Ideas... Get some new ones. How 'bout that? I use Avon Venoms on my Drag. Simply cannot fault them!!
  2. Never ask me for my opinion... because I will share it with you But seriously, no worries - Stuff like this is always in fun and taken as such But it's my job... That and typing up long, rambling explanations about how to do stuff on yer bike
  3. >are we any better than he is , for wishing him dead ,he hasn't even stolen from you or i. We're not wishing him dead. He IS dead!! >yet your all happy that that it ended in tradgedy without knowing the facts. More along the lines of 'we don't care' that he died. Do you think the gazelle cares if the lion doesn't catch him and starves to death as a result? >with people like us as judge and jury FATE is the judge, jury and executioner (literally) in this instance. There is no arguing with that, because Fate is always right. The concept of God being a woman cannot even begin to compare. >for reasons unknown to us had to resort to taking property not belonging to him. For reasons unknown, poor Jack The Ripper had to resort to killing and butchering five women. Poor Jack, eh... >yes i do feel sympathy for this poor unfotunate lad He had his chances and made his choices. He chose poorly and fecked it up. Game over, man... Game over.
  4. OK, locked and loaded - Time for a quick rant!!! The only real Cruiser I would consider a girl's bike is a Virago, but only because they're made for small riders. Don't make the mistake a lot of people do by thinking that Cruisers are for short people. They may be lower to the ground, but the distance from seat to the controls is what matters most. The 650 does very nicely for anyone, regardless of gender. I ride one and so does my Mrs. She is 5' 4" and can comfortably reach the controls, but anything bigger would need altering. TBH, unless this boy of yours is riding a 2300cc Rocket III, he too is on a girl's bike and I can bring a good hundred female riders to the argument who would kick his arse on whichever bikes they ride. The new Honda Fireblade is a tiny bike (far too small for me) so it must also be a girl's bike, despite it's insane speed, right? I know it's only in jest, but if anyone dares criticise your choice of ride, they can fuck right off. If he has a problem with what you ride, then he can pay out for whatever he thinks is a more suitable bike for you.... Of course, being a woman, he will 'decide' that the most suitable bike is the one you wanted in the first place, right?
  5. >he could have an illness The he should be in hospital, or at home in bed. >or an addiction Then he can get his cracked-up arse OFF my bike and into rehab. >or maybe a big black man is doin his wife There are support groups for this, too... >he was someones child And when he selfishly crashes into three teenage pedestrians (who are also people's children), are we still to bleed our hearts out for him? Hitler was the son of a customs officer, Goebbels of a factory worker, Himmler of a teacher, Göring of a cavalry officer and governor, Barbie (Klaus, not the doll) of two teachers and Eichmann of an industrialist businessman.
  6. Autosol abrasive??!! Absolute bollocks, I'm afraid. I use it myself, as do many others that I know. Go for it!!
  7. People can... the problem is that they don't. Don't or won't. Either way, there is no deterrent to keep them from committing crimes and nothing that motivates them to bear responsibility. Whether it's theft, murder or whatever, people are finding themselves increasingly able to get away with it and it's often only the easy targets, those who take responsibility for themselves, who end up being punished. For example: Three blokes break into a single mother's house. They beat and rape her on her floor, right in front of her children. She knows who they are and so takes them to court. The court finds them guilty. It's published in the papers. They then counter-sue her, for damage to their reputation. The court awards in their favour and the mother must now sell her house to afford the costs. The QC presiding over the case was Cherie Blair. If life is so precious and the taking of a life is such a deplorable thing to people, why am I reading about murderers who only get 5 years and are still let out after 18 months for good behaviour??!! I won't go out of my way to kill someone, but if they happen to die while committing a crime and/or I'm the one forced to make them dead, I just see it as part of the risk in doing something they know they shouldn't do. You know you shouldn't put your hand in fire, so why do people complain about getting burned?
  8. Awesome, mate!!!!! So if I get a limb hacked off during sword practice, you're the gal to call? Can I get a set of arms like Michael Ironside in my favourite flick?
  9. You're actually WANTING my opinion???!!!! OH JOY!!!!!!!!! OK, simply put - Feck him... or her. Whichever they are/were. They tried to get away with something very wrong, fecked up and paid the price. This isn't just about bikes, either... I always explain to people that if they pull out on me, I won't care because I will be dead. THEY, on the other hand, will get 37 stone of bike (plus 12 of rider) crashing through their side window and into their face. They will live the rest of their life horribly disfigured. Or, if they've been really unlucky, I will crash through the back window and into their kid's face, leaving *them* a horrible wreck. If you're big enough to know that what you're doing is wrong, you're big enough to pay the price. All the bleeding hearts out there can stuff it - Death is a very natural and frequent price of failure in all aspects of Nature. Humans are not excempt and while I don't think the death penalty discourages idiots from committing crimes, certainly I have no pity for people who die while doing others wrong.
  10. Not even that... We regularly drive around down Kent way, where you get a lot of 1%ers blasting past on VERY loud bikes. Being bikers ourselves, we do SEE them, but you still won't hear them until they're almost past... and we're talking 15+ in formation!! As mentioned, ride to be seen.
  11. I was thinking more that, from experience, I know that you cannot even hear a Harley inside a car until they're already in your blind spot, by which time it's too late. Most drivers have windows shut, possibly music going and the bike is approaching them. If they hear it at all, it won't be until the bike is already past them.
  12. Pah... while the cat has been away, I have been seriously misbehaving and abusing the newbies
  13. It's not a "wussy whisper"... it comes with a Stealth Mode as Factory Standard!! Seriously, my neighbours don't even hear me come home late at night/early morning. Someone might now try and mention how "loud pipes save lives"... but they'd be wrong
  14. Highway Hawk, Vance & Hines.... Most of them are plenty loud.
  15. See, THAT is how you do an intro post!! Look at that... fully completed profile, location included, bit about themselves... Exemplary!! Welcome AndEdward!! Friendly here, huh? Guess you haven't seen the posted rants about newbies who don't even bother to say 'hello' before rudely demanding we tell them (for free) how to fix their bikes, eh? Maybe we should link to this thread as an example of how we do things round here... You'll do very well here, mate Welcome
  16. Ttaskmaster

    Bike shops

    Google for "Motorcycle parts shop manchester"
  17. I'd need to see it to both figure out what you mean and to explain an answer. However, the easiest way is to try fitting the cables. If it doesn't work, try swapping them round. It's as easy as that!
  18. Several options: Go to Yamaha and pay a fortune. Fly me over there and pay me a fortune to impression the lock and cut a key for you. Find an Auto Specialist Locksmith, prove ownership of the bike and pay them a reasonable fee to cut you a whole new set of 3 keys. You may have to shop around, but I can't understand why any of them would turn down business.
  19. A completely dead battery will need charging. Even then, it might not be salvagable. If you have all the engine lights etc, then you can jump or bump it, but a charge will still be neccesary. To bump: Ignition off, click into Neutral. Shove it along, preferably down a steep hill. Switch on ignition. Clutch in and click up into 2nd. Make sure the bike is going straight and upright on the most level road available. Dump clutch and rev throttle - Be ready for the bike to lurch foward. Pull in and click into Neutral. Hold the bike at medium revs for a few minutes. When you've done what you need to, get the battery on charge.
  20. Ask an Auto specialist Locksmith.
  21. You can get adapters that go between the speedo cable and the wheel. These will register as miles on the speedo, rather than kilometres, so you will know your speed in MPH. They only cost a few quid, too. Easiest way to tell is to check the VIN and associated paperwork, or look for stickers in a foreign language. The DVLA and other places have websites where you can check the history via the VIN, or even do one of those HPI checks.
  22. Sounds more like foreplay to me, mate
  23. All your cable controls will have adjusters to mess about with teh slack and put the operation right where you want it. Have you reset the throttle adjustments? Your manual should explain exactly which way these work... because I can't remember back that far Reset them to give you maximum slack, fit the new cables and then set up according to taste.
  24. Stop, click into neutral and rev it up. Does it still make the same sound, or is it only whilst moving? Are there any other behavioural/handling oddities, or is it just the noise?
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