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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. PLEASE do.... Seriously, restrict them to just the Newbie section for, say, 10 posts. Have a Sticky, explaining that they need to post an intro, contribute and become part of our community here. Then again, what do I know? I'm just an abusive bully, aren't I Leatherat?
  2. Once you get things straightened out, the bike will be a dream. Viragoes have remained popular for very good reasons!! I would suggest replacing the ignition barrel, even if you have to have a second key. Last thing you want is the key falling out while you're riding!! You might be able to get an Auto Locksmith to re-pin the cylinder in the barrel. It sounds like they're worn anyway, hence not holding the key in. That way, you can keep the existing key.
  3. IIRC, when we all responded yesterday, the post simply read, "Has anybody got any idears as where I could get one?". Looks like he changed it. I can assure you that, as the post now reads, people would never respond as they did just then. If he has changed it, fair enough. Good for him. Good for us, too, because we now can get to know him. The reason we all went sarcastic is explained in Gas-Up's post here: One-Post Wonders Sites like this are a community of members who contribute their knowledge and experience, gained at great cost of time and money. All we ask is that people join in and contribute as well. We don't take too kindly to people who just come along, post "Bike is broken. Any ideas?" and are never heard from again. You walk into a mechanic's shop and ask that, they will mercilessly rip teh piss out of you for it... and probably overcharge you, too. Why should we be any different. I am one of several people here well-known for posting HUGE long pages of detailed, step-by-step advice on things. Why should we do this for free if the recipients are just going to rudely demand it and then fuck off without even so much as a thank-you? Seriously, if that's what you want, fuck off elsewhere. Mechanics get paid a good wage to do that. We here do not. I'm glad to see that, in the few weeks you've been here, you know all of us well enough to pass judgement. Now kindly fuck off and troll somewhere else... I recommend UK Bike Forum - That sounds right up your whiney little alley. Tell Fazer I said Hi.
  4. Ah, you mean you have the poser's Classic model?
  5. Yes, but Brian Blessed is one thing you WILL hear coming, no matter how soundproofed your car is!! I'm gonna sell my bike and start riding Brian Blessed instead.... How cool would THOSE pipes be!!! Leatherat - THIS is the sort of silly thread that kicks off our sarcastic rants: 1 post, no intro or hello, no nothing, except a rude question. You try that in person anywhere and you'd get far worse response than we dish out
  6. Ttaskmaster

    star wars

    I know her... She's part of a whole troupe that do a Burlesque SW themed show. Prett cool stuff.
  7. Well yes, it was demeaning. But that's part of the humour. I'm a very dark kind of guy - I grew up listening to people like Bill Hicks. But there's the undertone of care, too. If I didn't care, I wouldn't post. But in this context, what was being asked was impossible - It was the usual newbie post from a one-post-wonder (see our various rants about those elsewhere), coming along and just posting the equivalent of this: "Hi, I'm new here. How do I make my 50/125 sound like a 2000cc Harley?" ...and then getting upset because it's impossible. I personally dislike it because so many people do mod their 50/125s and then come back whining that it's now not worth as much money as a factory standard one. I'd wonder if it's actually a marketing technique to persuade people into buying bigger, more expensive bikes. "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so". Douglas Adams. I do acknowledge that many of my opinions are contrary to 'the norm'. Then again, just be being a biker I am going against the flow. My views are often considered incendiary and I will probably end up being a grouchy old bastard (back in MY day...). But enough people seem to agree with me that I comment with confidence. The rest is either playing Devil's Advocate and/or just heavily sarcastic joshing. I do advocate driving an APC against the idiot car drivers on today's roads, though. Once upon a time, I would have wholeheartedly agreed with you. But in recent years, "Loud Pipes Save Lives" has become little more than a slogan. It's no different to me than an office manager in a meeting talking about 'Overshooting the Landing Zone', 'Exit Strategy' or 'Parachuting In'. In light of recent threads, I will admit that loud pipes MAY get you noticed... But as my fellow ranters have pointed out, due to how soundwaves work even astute bikers in a quiet car won't actually hear the loud pipes until they're right on top of you. IMnsHO, loud pipes are like the whole bandanna, beard and leather chaps image - just for fun. Nothing wrong with it, just don't pretend otherwise
  8. OOH-RAH, mate!! Freedom never tasted so good, eh!!
  9. A lot of military places employ civvy caterers. Might be worth a look in, mate...
  10. Depending on their reasoning, we are the same people who might tell them they shouldn't speed. Whether they do or not is up to them, but we are free to voice our opinion... More so if they are new to all this, since we are the voices of experience. I have nothing against loud pipes (just the opposite, in fact), so long as people understand it's just for show. My own girlfriend rides a bike with pipes that sound like a bloody Spitfire rumbling past. Nothing wrong with it - It just doesn't make your bike go faster, which is what many people seem to think it does... I don't ever assume that. However, the rant was in response to a recent spate of learners on tiny machines, all asking about loud pipes because they think it makes a difference. I will always advise new riders against modding 50/100/125s, simply because it destroys the resale value they will likely want/need if ever they decide to get a bigger bike. End of the day it's just advice and opinion. No-one ever listens anyway, do they? I have opinions. But unlike many people, I'm not afraid to voice them... So what? They're just that - Opinions. Much of mine are based on my own experiences. I just like bringing inconvenient truths to the forefront and making people think. It prompts disscussion, which is the point of a Forum, after all. I have a life - I ride around 120 miles every single day, all weathers (on a Cruiser, no less), I do my best to post useful advice (see various page-long posts with detailed instruction on performing various maintenance tasks) as well as my particular brand of good old-fashioned British sarcasm. Seriously, if I was that much of a horrible prick, I would have been banned by the Mods a long time ago, mate. Lighten up and join in the fun!! If not, take it to PM and I will happily have it out with you.
  11. 1100cc? What a pansy!! Tell him to come back when he rides a 2300cc!!
  12. First and foremost - get it serviced. Not by the dealer, but by a decent, independent mechanic.
  13. It's not about being a strong or weak person. This is the Western World, land of The Free, home of The Brave, corrupt, decadent and free-for-all. There are enough people driving around in flash cars while claiming every benefit under the sun that it's an easy, lucrative enough business. People get all sorts of welfare, while having never worked a single day in the 20-55 years they've been on this planet. There is no bad situation you cannot get yourself out of here.
  14. No, never. You just have to position the bike right and fiddle around a bit. If the wheel is so far round that the valve is too close to the frame, move the bike back/forward a bit. I had a 2002 model 125 Drag.
  15. Try bleeding or just changing the brake fluid, also. Could have picked up air and moisture. Usually this makes the brakes feel spongy... but not always.
  16. I'm guessing women don't have such fragile egoes and inferiority complexes as us blokes do.
  17. Just the one time. It was clearly one of those "Read the questions closely" sort of things.
  18. Most of the time it's just fiddling and maybe even rolling the bike back/forward. You'll probably have to shove fairly hard to get the thing to fit.
  19. Big, huh? My 650 Drag is almost 3 feet wide at the bars. It's longer than a Hayabusa, yet I still filter through busy London traffic perfectly well. TL1000 187kg Busa 217kg XJR1300 230kgs 650 Dragstar 230kg So much for 'Heavy' being a mark of manliness... Difficult to ride... I've already mentioned the filtering. I have no fairing and still endure 90mph wind chill at up to -7 (standing temp). I blitz around town, getting pegs down as low as 10mph. It's also a very heavy ride - You have no foot or body bracing. ALL your countersteering is done with arm strength alone and you have to plan much more advance than the more manoeuvrable bikes. TBH, I wouldn't say it's easier or harder to ride than anything else... But it's a very different ride!! As one last point - The Fireblade and Ninja are supposed to be all manly because they're very difficult to ride. I ride home after a week of long, tiring work. The absolute LAST thing I want is to be on that knife edge of riding skill, when I'm tired, surrounded by rush-hour tossers and just want to go home. There are old riders and there are bold riders... there are no old, bold riders.
  20. Meh... I got one of these: Is that any good, then?
  21. How long will it take? About the length of a phonecall. How long until you can do a CBT? They'll probably book 2 weeks to a month in advance. Maybe more, if they are busy. So yes - The sooner you book, the quicker you can go do CBT.
  22. Reach out your hand? We live in a world where they will grab your hand and yank you forward onto a knife, before robbing your corpse and fucking off... I've been down on my luck before - Dumped with no job, no money, 7K in debt and owing 3 months back rent. I never robbed anyone, stole anything, murdered anyone, turned to drink or drugs. I took care of business and got sorted out sharpish. six years later, I am doing very well for myself - I eat well, have a roof, central heating, steady income and a proper, legal life. They have no excuse. They really are just taking the easy way out and no amout of "loving care" will get them back on their feet. Just the opposite in fact.
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