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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. From the UK??!! Wow, me too!! Welcome to the mad-house!!!
  2. Dunno if he has answers, but he *does* have a screen on his Drag... Not my thing, really
  3. My thoughts are that you should read this page: http://www.parts-automobile.info/about/spark-plug/spark-plug-guide You're best placed to see the plugs, figure it out and make up your own mind. You learn better that way (or at least I do). Click on the pics to enlarge... then print 'em off and keep as a handy reference on your garage wall! I wish there were a 2 Thumbs Up smilie...
  4. Nope. Her lot are one of the Sisterhood Patch Clubs from down Kent area.
  5. Ttaskmaster

    The Gay KK

    How far? Since year dot. The KKK has more recently evolved into splinters of local chapters and variants, but the basic sentiment is still there, albeit expanded. If you want a recent date - 14th November 2008, when an IKA group beat up a 16-year old: http://articles.cnn.com/2008-11-14/justice/klan.sued.verdict_1_jury-awards-damages-klan-group?_s=PM:CRIME If it isn't "like that" any more, what is the racist, bigoted hate group like? I seriously hope you're just taking the piss...
  6. Well if you're not even going to try.... Actually, she's 24-odd, so mid-20s.
  7. Ah, the question is whether she would even like a dirty, filthy biker type in the first place. She gets on with me well enough, it seems. But she's very much a modern hippy-chick sort, early 20s, likes her beers and cider and music festivals, semi-vegetarian, travels a bit, stuff like that. Plus her 'boyf' is quite a stand-up guy, so you'll have considerable shoes to fill Still interested?
  8. Strangely, you're not the first to ask that... I can tell you she has one sister who is "not yet married". Beyond that, you're on your own... especially when dealing with said sister's current boyfriend!
  9. Ah... see my chick rides Cruisers too, cooks like a god (learned in a Michelin Star kitchen) and does all sorts of really cool stuff that no-one here could. I'm afraid the choice is fairly clear Besides, if I did skidaddle, her mates in her Club and all our friends in MCs would probably come and hurt me real bad!! Won't be once I've finished bastardising mine... But if you like the Drag, definitely go for it. I've never regretted that choice!!
  10. Welcome chap!! You ever been out to Croton-on-Hudson, by any chance?
  11. I guess not, since driving a car, riding a 125 and thinking you have good riding ability clearly qualifies one to ride something with twice the weight and thrice the power... Wish I'd never wasted my time listening to those with more experience, or paying for lessons. Guess it really is all about speed and nothing else.
  12. I'm still considering an 1100 Pan as a second bike, myself. Just need to get all the other expensive stuff (house, wedding, etc) out the way first!!
  13. Ttaskmaster


    IBT? Is that something European? Sounds like the UK's own CBT, which is basic safety training. Kinda essential in all cases.
  14. Wow - Video didn't look like he was ever going more than about 80...
  15. Personal preference, mostly. I just think Customs look better. For the same reason that, out of two bikes, same model, same year, same everything, the RED one is always faster!! You ever seen those heavily accessoried Harleys? The big Fat Boy models with all the chrome, the white leather and the tassles on everything (seats, saddlebags, bar ends, even floorboards)? The bikes look like frickin' Elvis in his white suit!! Well, Classics with their looooong sweeping mudguards and heavy accenting seem one step down the awful road toward having an Elvis for a bike, to me! Nowhere near as bad as that Kawasaki one, but still not to my taste. However.... The 650 Classic does have about 20kg (or was it 50kg?) extra weight, thanks to the metal mudguards and beefed up seat, fork shrouds and other chunkier accenting. So, technically, you could argue that the lighter Custom has slightly better performance... technically. End of the day, fuck what anyone else's opinions are - ride what makes you happy!!
  16. Well the above mentioned speedos all have the same electrical connectors as my bike, so I don't see any difference. I've had all three off and they all could be swapped over.
  17. A motorcycle parts shop? Seriously, ANY m/c parts shop should be able to get you one.
  18. I use a '99 reg 650 Dragstar for EVERYTHING, all year round - from pissing about with the traffic fuckwitts in the middle of Reading, to blazing down the open motorway, to filtering down the now congested motorway, to "playing in traffic" in the middle of London, to loooooooooooooooong rides all around the country, to posing outside the biker cafes, to.... well, everything. Never had any issues. Ride it often and the handling will be second nature. It won't be as nippy as a 'Ped or a dinky 125 in heavy traffic, but you're not often slowed down much, either. Only weather I would not advise riding in is ice & snow. It's OK, but very easy to lock up and go sliding. Rain and rust is not an issue so long as you wash all the road crap off regularly. Just get yourself a bucket and sponge, a few brushes and stuff. Try also ACF 50 or Scottoiler 365.
  19. Call me Snake... Recount? Go for it - I wanna see a complete statistical breakdown... yeah, as if you don't have enough work keeping us lot in line already!! Thanks for fixing everything, Alex!! It is appreciated.
  20. Ooh, sounds interesting!! I'd love to hear more on how the 1300 compares to the 650. I considered upgrading, to maybe the 950, but I really hate the long sweeping mudguards and chrome 'streamlining' accents on the Classic style. I'm a Custom guy, myself. Miss Goff made the 950 switch though and by all accounts is a dedicated fan!!
  21. Ttaskmaster

    The Gay KK

    Just to clarify - KKK in this instance means the Ku Klux Klan, the white-supremacist hate group that goes around burning crosses and hanging 'African-American' persons. It does NOT mean the Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanligi (Turkish Army division), a supermarket chain in Finland, the scorer's notation for three strikeouts in Baseball, or even the 'Knot of Knightsbridge Knitwear' enthusiasts, which is where you *may* be getting confused!
  22. Should be a straight swap. The '98 down the road and my own Mrs's 2001 both have the same speedo as me.
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