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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Nice and very tidy looking bike!! The luggace support rails look particularly cool.
  2. Always nod. It's just polite and good manners, if nothing else!!
  3. Lies. Absolute lies. The new Honda Deauville (the 700 one) has some very groovy fog light accessories that fit to the lower front fairing. I say do it!!
  4. Partfinder.com Partfinder.co.uk Partfinders.com And a myriad combinations thereof.
  5. Take everything nice and slowly. Ride easy and just enjoy it. No need to even break the speed limit. Take time to go out on as many different types of roads as you can. Get thoroughly used to the bike and learn how it handles. We're about to hit rainy weather, so that should help teach you to keep everything calm and gentle. Above all, remember your training. Once you've been riding for a few months and have a good grasp on the bike (perhaps around Spring next year), then you can look at advanced training. No point doing fancy stuff until you understand what the bike is doing under normal riding.
  6. 2nd hand is probably your best/most affordable option. I expect Yammie OEM will be pretty nasty for this. eBay, partfinders etc...
  7. There are no nuts on these bolts. They simply screw into the rubber bushes held in the brackets- The rubber is to dampen the vibration and keep your speedo in good nick. If they are that loose, I'd suggest adding a bit of rubbery sealant type stuff into the holes, reducing the diameter. Poke something (narrower than the bolt shaft) into it to shape the hole smoothly and then let it set/dry completely before putting teh bolts back in, else you'll have stuck bolts.
  8. Do it at least once. It's really.... character-building!! I recommend about 80 miles each way, with a couple of stops for coffee And yes, I am slightly insane. How d'you think I got in here?
  9. It's possible you jet-washed the lube out of the cable and it bound against the casing, rendering it what we call "proper f**ked". New cable, aftermarket version, costs about £7-14. Get one a couple inches longer than the OEM one.
  10. I tried Electrexworld when my own reg/rec went and they sent me something that was NOTHING like what I asked for. Very nice people and great service, but not very good product/knowledge. I'd suggest Wemoto instead. They even put me through to their engineer to make damn sure I got the right part!!
  11. Many bikes do this. Get a multimeter though (a tenner from Maplins). You will need this to check connections. Loose/faulty wiring is usually loose (obviously) or corroded. Sometimes the wires themselves will be damaged. Earthed wires are usually black and attach to the frame.
  12. Are services within warranty/break-in period not free, then?
  13. I assume you're keeping eyes on the usual places like eBay, Bike Trader and all that?
  14. Sounds like an electrical issue. I expect your reg/rec has gone, hence the swollen battery in the first place. Usually the selling is caused by overcharging, which teh reg/rec is supposed to prevent. First check for bad/loose connections, especially in the earthing. Then look at reg/rec itself.
  15. Just the way it's set up. I never paid too much attention to it and my own custom pipes don't have one. You can alter the balance at the carb end as well, to reach a set-up that you like.
  16. Have you looked at your local m/c parts shop?
  17. Little ones, big ones, funny shaped ones... we got room for all sorts here!! Welcome to the forum!
  18. Gloves are something I would ALWAYS suggest, not just for when it's a bit nippy. If you really need to know why, just imagine what happens when you crash/fall off your bike, even as low as 20mph. End of the day, your hands, your skin, your choice. Heated grips serve their purpose well, but if it's so cold that you feel they are pointless, then it's probably too cold to ride anyway as the grips will still work fine but rest of you will freeze. Hypothermia is a serious risk to consider in Winter riding. For the record, -7ºC with a 70mph wind = around -35ºC and is far too cold for any sane person....
  19. Found this thread while browsing for other stuff. Simply HAD to bump it back up!!
  20. OOH... I rather like the look of where this seems to be heading!
  21. Ttaskmaster


    Chrome, I assume? Autosol and elbow grease. Also heard vinegar and tinfoil work rather well.
  22. The Spanish Inquisition. No-one ever expects them... Barcelona is the only place I can speak much about and all I can say is 'watch your pockets'. The thieves there, pickpockets in particular, are especially skilled. Theft is a major part of Barcelona's income and continues unopposed so long as the tourists don't get hurt. The police will also not speak any English of use... unless you get hurt during the crime. Suddenly, they become fluent speakers and you will often find said thieves a short while later, lying bruised and bleeding in an alleyway. I have not. Well, not overseas, anyway. Fair few domestic ones, but that's about it.
  23. DAS, definitely. There's nothing you'll do that you haven't already done in CBT... DAS just teaches you to do it better!!
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