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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Viggies are good, solid bikes. You made a great choice! Welcome to the forum, mate!
  2. Hey up, Bru! Welcome to the forum - Quite a few SAs here, now. I love 80s bikes!!
  3. There is no 'thinking about' ACF-50.... There is only 'must use' ACF-50!! Unless you're a fan of Scottoiler 365, in which case...
  4. And that's SO the truth of it!!
  5. Gimme your Biltong!! Actually, keep it... and gimme Droewors instead! Welcome to the forum, bru!
  6. ACF-50 or Scottoiler 365. Both work great!
  7. Ttaskmaster


    Mine is getting some authentic repros of WW2 chocolate - she likes the 40s, it will keep her quiet for a few minutes and chocolate is supposedly better than sex for women, so she'll be all satisfied and I can get back to playing my online computer game! No, wait..... Dammitt!!
  8. Ttaskmaster


    Who you calling old?
  9. Take it slow, leave plenty of room, don't do anything sudden... pretty much the same for riding in heavy rain. Wrap up proper warm and be aware that the cold will dull your awareness and responses.
  10. Gizmo, that little breakdown is utterly awesome!! For once, I fully understood an explanation of bike electrics without having to Google the meanings of everything and only once was spotted counting on my fingers!! Very nicely done, chap!!
  11. South African??!! Why didn't you say so!! Get round here and join us for a Braai, ma bru! The young one has some Bredie on and I'm not too bad with the Bobotie or a Bunny Chow. I'll score us some Windhoek (or a Castle, if you're a heathen) and I even know where the best Droewors is at! Seriously, I *LOVE* S.African food - I spend far too much on Biltong and Borewors as is, but I go past the local SA shop and have discovered TV Bars, Astros, Top Deck and so many lekker things!!! That's why I'm a broke oke!!
  12. A proper, professional Locksmith can impression the lock cylinder and cut a key from that, regardless of whether it has a number on or not. A set of three is usually £7-15. He may even be able to use the VIN/reg to find the cutting index, if he has the right kit. Make sure it's one who specialises in vehicles and go for a small local firm, NOT one of the big national companies with the nice full-page colour ads in the Yellow Pages.
  13. I'd have thought so. I'm not aware of any differences in the stock pipes across years and they fit the 2000 model.
  14. Ttaskmaster


    Dude - It's considered good, polite 'netiquette' to post an introduction to a forum you're new to, before blazing off and blurting out questions, especially if you expect a kind response. It's also considered VERY rude to just blurt questions out expecting a response, without first posting an intro. Just so's ya know
  15. The reg/recs do tend to suffer on the 65- Drags, mainly because of the idiot who put them right behind the front wheel where they get covered in rust-inducing road crap. But if the battery is OK, check the wiring also. Could be something as simple as a loose connection. Do you have any accessories, alarm, heated grips and the like? Do you leave the bike with just the ignition switched on, much?
  16. The scraping thing is mostly from reviewers who are used to getting their knee down and have no idea how to ride a Cruiser. Great intro and lovely choice of bike, that 650! Welcome to the forum!!
  17. Oh, there is a trick where you use a dab of washing-up liquid instead (which of course is probably a lot cheaper, per 100ml), but this needs constant reapplication and can actually damage some visors. People seem to have mixed results, so I've never tried or recommended it myself. Just letting you know.
  18. Easy one, chap. Nip to yer local bike accessory shop and grab some anti-fog spray. There are several brands, costing about £4 for a little bottle. Clean and dry the inside of your visor, then spray a good few squirts of this stuff on the inside. Rub it in until you get as streak-free a finish as possible. Then go ride. Simple as - Job done. One coat lasts 2-4 weeks on average, assuming you ride for at least 2 hours every day. I bought my bottle from Hein Gericke about 4 or 5 years ago and I'm still using it!! I know there's a ProBike in Newbury and several places, including a Hein Gericke, here in Reading. Any difficulties finding it, gimme a shout, OK?
  19. Definitely - I use this too!!
  20. 600 Fazer, 17k clocked, FSH... AND in good condition? If so, I'd be happy with £1,500! Restrictor kit, fitted, should be around £175.
  21. Now THAT is an Intro!!! Welcome aboard, chap! Certainly come to the right place. Ya know, at £600 for the abike and maybe £400 for a new engine, that ain't so bad - A good nick 125 Dragstar will cost you at least £2,000 anyway, so you're doing OK. Plus, by the time you've sorted all the other little niggles, you'll know a LOT more about the bike than most 125ers do! Nothing like learning by fixing it! Any questions, ask away and we'll do our best to help!
  22. Reading? Nice to live? AHHHHHH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You clearly didn't go near Whitley... Taxis all refuse to serve that area. Then again, you were on the outskirts, which is pretty much country folk and countryside folk (the latter being jeans, wellies, green bodywarmers and Land Rovers). I live there now, so it's OK. I just avoid town if I can.
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