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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Oh, HOW to fit? I thought he was asking either IF we offer that service, or IF we would choose to....
  2. How can you start a bike without one?
  3. I wear glasses too, though...
  4. Visor open only works when I'm moving. It's when I stop that it fogs up most. I have a 'bike bag' of little tools, cable ties and bits that I always have on the bike, but the little bottle is small enough to keep in a pocket with a cloth.
  5. Takes less than 2 mins. Unclip visor, spray on, polish to clear, reaffix visor. Job done. Only needed once a week, if that...
  6. You can buy cheap stickers that go over the glass and indicate MPH. You can swap out the clock for a MPH one. You can buy adapters like the one above (many bike parts shops do 'em) that make the dial read in MPH. All are good.
  7. Well, *I* think that's it, yes. Just below the starter relay. However, this pic from the parts manual suggests it's up higher, ie just under the seat. possibly attached to the main fuse box - Not the right shape, though...
  8. You mean it's a Cruiser? I don't like Harleys. I bough the Drag because I liked it best of all. Nothing to do with how much money I have and even if I was rich as feck, I'd still not buy a Harley - For the one reason that I've not found one I liked. What you riding? R6? Kawasaki wannabe clone!! Power Ranger junk! Look at me, look how fast I can crash! Do you have a Rossi haircut as well? :-) But seriously, so what. The whole point is to have the bike you like, regardless of who makes it. Just because Harley are THE big name in Cruisers, doesn't mean we all want one...
  9. How's this? Flasher Relay is No. 11 in both pics.
  10. OMG!!!!! I am SO gonna buy half the crap on this website!!!
  11. I can't imagine the insurance going up, since this means you stop *better*! Not sure on the taper thing, though. I'd have to measure it.
  12. Most start with a brighter bulb. Phillips do one about 60W, compared to the usual 45W, or whatever it is. I can't recall the exact figures, but it's notably brighter. Get 'em from Halfords. Thing is, your lights can be as bright as you like - You'll still be blinded by oncoming lights.
  13. Friend of mine rode a bike that was the same orange as the Dyno-Rod vans. Wore a yellow hi-viz vest, white lid and black leathers, rode with headlight on and has been pulled out on twice, sideswiped twice and run into once. People don't look and if they do, they 'look but don't see' (which is an official description cops use for accidents). The average car driver takes between one quarter and one third of a second to check for oncoming traffic. Then there's the plague of my life - The ones who either only look for big car-shaped blocky vehicles, or see a bike and think that it's not something to worry about because it's smaller than them and either they can beat it on speed, or simply that the biker will die but they won't get hurt in a crash.... so they pull out from the junction/roundabout. Then there's the tossers who come at you on purpose, thinking they can concoct some kind of BS to convince plod that you were the twat. Nice idea and would probably be great as cosmetic aftermarket accessories (seriously, DO THIS!), but really... I don't think little lights will do anything to make us safer.
  14. Good. Now get off to a lockie or key-cutter and get some spares done, pronto!!
  15. Jeezy, that's nice!!! Campa - Lever tassles usually cost about a fiver. Grip ones about 7 or 8 quid.
  16. All over the place, I'm afraid. There'll be one for this and one for that, engine oil pressure, throttle position sensor, all that. You could probably find all the details in the Service Manual but, to be honest, if you know nothing about these bikes then ripping yours apart with soldering iron in hand probably wouldn't do you any good anyway. Hell, even *I* had to look up what the light meant. It's likely just a bunch of reed switches or something, any one of which will trigger the light if they locate a failure of some kind. But for the amount of hassle it'll take to check each and every one, it's quicker, simpler, easier, cheaper and far more likely to result in success (as opposed to utter disaster) if you get the Yammie guys to just plug their computer in and find the fault. If you really want to try it yourself, I have a manual I can email you (LARGE file, though...).
  17. 'Ello Matt! Whereabouts in Berks are you? Reading is good for playing in traffic, especially up and down the A33 in rush hour! You also have the A4074 with Fox's Diner (now called H's Cafe) and M&P a mere 28 odd miles up the way, with some great countryside roads to cut your teeth in on!! Just watch for speed traps along the road into Berrinsfield...
  18. Possibly a sensor wire is just loose. You never know. Always best to check, anyway.
  19. Right click on the link and choose 'open in new window' or 'open in new tab' (most internet browsers use tabs these days). ANother tick is to hold down the CTRL key and click normally - Opens the link in a new tab. That's my personal favourite.
  20. There's a third type - The kind that never crash. There was an article on one chap who'd never crashed in 52 years of riding... and he didn't hang about, either. The journalist was on an R1 and having serious trouble keeping up! You may not have been speeding, but often we are going too fast for the conditions. Just keep thinking, "What If" and ride accordingly. There are also times we literally could have done nothing. That's what insurance is for.
  21. As for where I'm from... <--- Look here
  22. None of my manuals say anything, other than it means one of the electrical monitoring systems that monitor the bike has detected a fault and you must take it to a Yammie dealer to find out what's wrong
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