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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. For very hot weather I actually use the Hein Gericke vented mesh ones, myself. Then again, I have, like 10 pairs of gloves and a billion headovers, anyway.
  2. I'd have suggested a proper, full-on bike jack, myself. I've done the block o' wood thing more'n a few times, but known too many accidents. You can get some decent proper jacks for less than £60.
  3. Ain't nowt wrong wth the RAF. I almost joined the 'guins myself, albeit as a Rockape. Ended up going Pongo as I wasn't old enough at the time.
  4. Very sure. They're too low, innit. 'sides, the catalogues *does* state they're for the rocket launchers.
  5. Glad you're OK and still here to post this, that others might learn the lesson in time! I only ever take insurance that includes RAC or AA full recovery and everything, for this very reason. Also, almost all the drivers they use for m/c recovery are bikers themselves, have been there, seen and done it all.
  6. It's frightening just what horrors are out there, ain't it! I mean, c'mon - they actually let Jamie Oliver have a scooter!!!
  7. SHHH!!! It's a good excuse. Don't let the cops know!! I understood the signature Harley sound was, after much money and many years of reasearch on what people found most aesthetically pleasing, finally found through purposely having each cylinder misfire at certain key points during the cycle. The open pipes just amplify that sound.
  8. A good nick 125 Drag should be between £1,500 and £2,000.
  9. Some people turn the idle way down low, for an added edge of "Chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga" effect...
  10. Some bikes, Harleys in particular, are loud right out the factory. Nothing you can do as it's factory standard... what a shame, eh! Basically, so long as you're not riding like a cock, you should be OK.
  11. All that gubbins that got smashed... That's there so if/when the chain goes it doesn't tear the duck out of your leg! Chains do go. Fact of life. Closer attention and maintenance will help you to spot the signs once it needs replacing and well before it actually goes. But don't ask me - I'm a fan of shaft drives!
  12. Err... I just checked the catalogue. Part number YAM470/452 is actually the Posing Camera mounting bracket, which clips to the front right of the handlebars. The Posing Mirror (for the left side) is YAM470/425. YAM570 is the offensive series of accessories. YAM470 is the posing accessories series. YAM821 is the Scottish series, which includes the Haggis horn, wee dram holder, bagpipe exhaust set, tartan trims, front-mounted Glasgow Kisser, side mounted 'chibs' blades (Custom model only), wee bairn pillion seat, and sticker set with choice of Yamaha styled 'Get tae f**k' or 'Ah hate tha English' slogans.
  13. I use Carole Nash. Reckoned to be the most expensive by most folks, yet they beat every other quote by at least £100 and offered far more stuff. Give 'em a go - You never know. Also, pit each company's website quote against their phone quote, see if that makes a difference!
  14. Without the picture, I'm guessing yer chain bust and was lying on the road 50 feet behind you?
  15. How are you riding it? Are you revving the nuts off it and dumping the clutch?
  16. Sure... I bloody well LOVE them!!! Never a fan of chains and messing about. Never had confidence in belt-drives, as I have heard of several snapping. I just don't like the idea. Given the choice, I'll choose to be shafted every time... and with the British government, it's more a way of life anyway! For cleaning, I use something called Muc-Off and a couple buckets of *cold* water. Dry and then (maybe, if I can be arsed) polish the chrome with Autosol. Protect during winter with ACF-50.
  17. It is one of several such sockets that combine to serve as the primary mounting point for the M-56 heat shield (left side). The M-56 shields extend upward to protect the leg and lower body of the rider from the passing exhaust of Hydra-70 rockets when the motorcycle is engaged in Urban VVC (vehicle to Vehicle Combat). The Hydra-70 rockets are fired from twin 19-tube laucher pods, typically affixed to outrigger arms either side of the XVS650 Dragstar subframe, with folding mechanisms to retract the pods during heavy cornering. While the pods add extra weight to the motorcycle and further lower it's centre of gravity, for reasons of stability the rockets should not be fired unless the motorcycle is upright. Typically, the Hydra-70 is used to clear paths ahead during filtering manoeuvres in heavy traffic, but their application is common in a wide variety of road conditions. I have two myself
  18. Me and my boys getting outfits fitted for my wedding!! And both sets of parents are coming to visit, at the same bloody time!! Unusually - I love the in-laws, but my own lot... well, however harshly I've spoken to the One-Post Wonders here ain't nothing compared to the flak the family get... but they deserve every word of it, as evidenced by the general public's equally scathing behaviour toward them!
  19. Oh, advice on choosing a first big bike... Try and get a test ride, if possible. If you don't know much about condition, etc, take a friend along. More than anything else, make sure you're comfy on it. I always wanted a fast, red ultra-modern sporty thing... And then I sat on a Cruiser. I was sold from that moment!
  20. Bandit and Hornet are pretty much the same breed - Utter 'Hoolie' bikes, with small differences that only owners of either one can really comment on, IMO. That's not to say they can't be ridden in a nice, calm, serene and safe fashion - I've seen plenty of owners do exactly that. But if you ever want to misbehave at all, you have that option! FZR600 - The Fazer, as I believe it's called. I only really know by reputation, that being that it requires a bit of looking after, but is a stalwart workhorse and a pillar of the 600cc range. Thundercat 600 - Known a few people who've had one. They liked them. Most went for one in bright yellow. I don't recall seeing them in any other colour, actually!
  21. Stop riding, then. Get jobs closer to home and walk or cycle, stop using vehicles, stop buying fuel and let them fail. But you're stuck needing a vehicle, to get to the only job you could get? Oh well. Shut up, lose all your money to the government, hurry up and die, so they can take your estate as well. Riot? Revolt? Revolution? No chance - Last time anything even vaguely similar happened, it lapsed into a meaningless short burst of violence by yobs against commoners, condemned by all. No-one in power was even remotely aware, unless they had to get out of bed that day and make some sort of pre-written speech decrying it. No-one cares, but you. So either shut up and put up, or DO something about it. Filling in a survey that says, "Ooh, we don't like this" isn't going to change a thing.
  22. I'm 32, have 5 years NCB, ride approx 10,000 miles a year on a 650 Drag, including commuting, have every imaginable fully comp added extra, breakdown, uninsured loss, separate lid & leathers, several types of security, garaged, etc etc, yadda yadda... £200. So for what you've been quoted, I'd say that's pretty damn decent!
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