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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Verbal information. Unless you have some kind of proof of this price quote, I think you're stuffed. If it was indeed a kid on his way out of the company, then again, probably nothing that can be done. That said, talk to TS and get advice (it's free). Might be that the company must still honour that quote.
  2. Spit, rain, occasionally Muc-Off, ACF-50 or WD40, jetwash sometimes.
  3. Check you have no stones or other crap stuck anywhere. Check your mudguard has enough space around it. Check everything else is not loose or misaligned.
  4. Gimme a thorium powered vehicle any day!
  5. Wasn't directed at anyone in particular. Just turning the mirror round
  6. What the fuck do any of YOU lot here know about such things? You're just fucking bikers... You're all speed freaks, riding insanely around in your stupid Power Ranger suits or with your long hair and black leather, can't afford a Harley and all trying to pretend like you're badass Hell's Angels, beating up small people because you're fucking closet-gay-Blue Oyster retarded try-hards who all want to be Sons Of Anarchy but don't have the fucking balls to move out of your mum's house...... Something like that?
  7. Edit: Manual actually says: F 2BAR R 2.25BAR for up to 90kg F 2BAR R 2.5BAR for up to 180kg Again check your specific manufacturer's recommendations Chances are you'll be better off upping the shock absorber. Also, if the combined weight of you, the pillion (including clothing) and any luggage is more than 180kg (200kg for the Classic) then you're overloading the bike and straying into dangerous territory.
  8. IIRC, the manual says, for a standard bike with no pillion: F - 28psi R - 32psi However, check your tyre manufacturer's recommendations as these will be more applicable to your specific setup and are often very different to the manual.
  9. Now go speak to a Bike Cop! The ones down at Box Hill, usually doing the Bikesafe courses are fantastic chaps!
  10. I know certain States in the US have to have some kind of device that restricts the emission level. Is it one of those, perhaps? Or maybe a liquid cooling system jury-rigged from another bike? Given that the Drag is designed to be air-cooled, I can't see either the point or the reasoning behind fitting one, really.
  11. Ttaskmaster


    I stopped on my own once for about 3 months - Cold turkey and just fought through it, to make life better for teh non-smoking other half. Then she and I had a massive bust up and I started again, out of spite. Not bothered trying since, been too busy enjoying life, meeting the new one (who smokes, too), getting married, etc. A Chinese recipe is to get a Betel nut, hollow it out and fill it with tobacco, then boil it for an hour. Whenever you feel the need to smoke, sniff the nut and you'll soon just stop. Electronic ones appeal to me. I tried an aerosol style one as a market product test (brand name witheld for legal confidentiality reasons), but it was crap. Best of luck, whatever you choose.
  12. Phone them up, mention the important ones first and if there's more they'll probably not be too worried about them.
  13. If a Medic carries a gun, he's a combatant and a legitimate target for enemy fire. That's also why he's often wearing the red cross insigia everywhere. Most soldiers in the world realise that if they get caught after shooting a medic, they're likely to be left to die.
  14. Adjust your clutch biting point. Shift down through the gears as you slow down and be in 1st before you stop. Also, I'd suggest posting an Intro. It's good manners and good 'Netiquette'
  15. Just list mods until they fill all the boxes and say no more. I myself have more security than they can accomodate on their form.
  16. The bike isn't even moving. I reckon it's fake or staged.
  17. Paraphrased from a cop who'd just graduated Hendon about a year previously: "We don't get taught what the law is, how to interpret it or enforce it. We just nick someone if we think they're doing something wrong and it's up to the Desk Sergeant to figure out what they can be charged for, if anything". He then went on to explain how large and complicated all the BS paperwork was for even the smallest thing, how there's very little they can do and how it's no surprise that what we all grew up thinking who/what a copper was/is/could do has now been turned completely on it's head. He left the Force shortly after we had this discussion.
  18. A soldier trained as a field medic within a patrol, yes. They are soldiers. But a designated Medic, ie a non-combatant, cannot carry a weapon, by the very nature of being a non-combatant according to the Geneva Convention. Admittedly, we're one of the few nations that actually bother abiding by the GC, but our non-combatant guys still do not carry weapons.
  19. Padres, Medics and Corpsmen do that all the time, right on the front lines. But even they all still wear helmets!
  20. Ttaskmaster


    Sounds about average, really.
  21. Gore-Tex is for weather, not abraision protection. You want the stuff with kevlar liners, if you're going down the textile route. In a 40mph slide: Denim will wear right through in 0.5 seconds Gore-Tex itself will likely melt. Decent quality 2-ply Kevlar in about 10-12. 2 to 3-ply 1.2mm clothing leather will last over 55 seconds.
  22. Amazed at how many people wear lid, jacket, etc... but few people wear any kind of protective trousers, especially as the knee is often the first thing to smack tarmac.
  23. Ttaskmaster


    Not always. Depends on the bike. 100,000 is often considered the 'getting on a bit' milestone.
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