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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Ttaskmaster

    XVS 1100

    1100s have 20HP more than a 650 Custom and riding makes the latter seem gutless by comparrison. Hyperchargers will be noticable, but don't make that much difference. You WILL want the kit to relocate the oil filter, unless you don't mind removing the pipes every time. Starter clutches are prone to failure. Standard colour, very good mileage. Usually available cheaper, as the current fashion is to Trike them these days. That means most people will rip them apart and not want half the stuff it comes with. Check the condition, have a test ride and maybe offer three grand. Otherwise, looks a good price.
  2. Ttaskmaster

    For sale

    Two Thousand Pounds??!! Why, that's more money than an entire decent 2nd hand bike! What's so special about this airbox then? Or was that a typo?
  3. Ain't no sunshine when she's goooooooooooone............ You chose this life - Live it and find other ways to enjoy it!
  4. You might find assistance more forthcoming if you post an Intro in the relevant section first...
  5. Ttaskmaster


    Get the wiring checked.
  6. Ooh, that sounds just a bit fucked... It really is gonna be a case of trawling more internet, checking breakers yards and so on. These bikes tend not to go that wrong, so there's a scarcity of 2nd hand parts. I'm still seeking an engine for mine.
  7. Slimmer than 89% of UK people. Most like someone from Djibouti. Oh well.
  8. Ttaskmaster


    I can still use 'smart'phones via the SatNav - Lots more commands available to me through that. But since I think 'smart'phones are oxymoronic piles of fucking shite that don't actually do anything I find useful, well... Get a QTEK 9100 or something that runs Windows Mobile and discover a world of compatability (inlcuding bluetooth), free downloads and long life batteries!!
  9. Sounds more like your Firewall settings than IE. Personally, I've never had any problems with Windows or IE, really. I used to work as 1st line support for the NHS and could never replicate the problems users had, or make the PC do whatever they'd done to it. I use Win7 64-bit for all the latest drivers and stuff, no worries at all. I do use Firefox at home, but at work we're limited to whatever crap IT chuck at us.
  10. Having just walked the dog down the only roads available to us (no footpaths) and seen a fair few cars blazing round blind bends where we needed to go, I understand what they mean. But speed is just a factor in this, not the cause. Most such crashes, collisions, deaths etc occur because people are either driving too fast for the conditions* or just don't handle the vehicle properly - cutting teh apex, driving on wrong side of road, hitting obstructions or just not paying attention. We get a fair few crashes on our road every year and it's always always always during afternoon rush-hour. There are already too many people and too many vehicles around. I'd like seeing a cull in the moron populace. *This can mean any speed - Seen incidents occur at 20mph in a 60, because people were going too fast for what was ahead of them. Yet they weren't 'speeding'.
  11. Who the fuck are you, again?
  12. I bet I can make you do that...!
  13. All vids posted are fake BS. The ghosthunty one only scares you because of the music. It's actually carefully staged crap. Derek Acorrah made lots of money off it, until his own film crew rumbled him.
  14. Ttaskmaster


    My TomTom came with a Cardo Scala-Rider headset that Bluetooths into the phone.
  15. Never had to do one, myself. All I'd do is have a GOOD look at how it is fitted, where it runs and then have a bash at replacing it myself. Do one end at a time (probably start at the engine end), run the new one up as you pull the old one out, following the same route (you may have to remove some panels or summat), then fix it to the lever end as you take the old one off. - You'll probably have to slacken off all the adjusters to make the job easier. - Try and get the Owners Manual and the Service Manual - Most bikes' manuals are available as free-download PDFs if you look hard enough. - As you go, take photos on your phone or something, so you know how it came apart and should look when properly assembled. - Make sure you take the opportunity to lubricate moving parts, including the new cable itself. Not keeping cables lubed often makes them fail.
  16. 'Handle'??!! Man, we ain't had Handles since 1986! That be them thar CB radios, back in them days. They got some new kinda fangled thang now, called tha Innernet.
  17. A friend of mine works in parascience. First thing he'll tell you is that everything on TV, from ghosthunting to the supposedly more scientific ones and ESPECIALLY anything with Derek Fucking Accorah is absolute bollocks, hyped up for entertainment purposes. The reality is only ever so vaguely like what you see on TV, but the latter is so far removed it's unbelievable. Second thing he'll tell you is that there is definitely evidence to 'suggest' and support the 'possibility' of ghosts, possession, ESP, and all that, but there is still NOTHING that is as yet scientifically conclusive. At least no conclusions of note. So don't go painting up Hearse ambulances and strapping on your nuclear-accelerator/particle-thrower ensembles just yet... but watch this space and *do* keep your PKE meters and a copy of Tobin's Spirit Guide handy!
  18. Find out *exactly* what teh score is from Trading Standards and follow their advice. They know the law and will NOT hold back anything. They are there to protect YOU and enforce the law on the sellers. Many will also do everything they can to get a prosecution, regardless of whether it's a tiny corner shop or a massive nation-wide corporation!
  19. Riding in rain teaches you care, control and restraint, as well as enforcing observation and gets you used to dealing with insane twats. Come dry, Summer weather you'll be a far better rider than the average biker out there!
  20. If you rag the absolute fuck out of it and are very sharp on the throttle & engine braking, you'll cause problems... eventually. But yeah, shafties are cool as and low-maintenance as can be, really! Just follow the manual and ye'll be fine!
  21. >pulled over because "I was a big lad who looked liked he had borrowed his mates bike" I'd rather be stopped because the cops are just checking, than have a thief nick my bike and not get stopped! >where an eager young police woman in her Ford Fiesta Christ, I'd have been too horny to think! Girlie cops still have that effect on me
  22. OK, then either become a vigilante, get into a position of power whereby you can change things, or be like a criminal - just ignore the cops and do as you like. Either way, bleating about it on a forum ain't gonna do a damn thing. If the problem is as serious as you say, then action is required. Words will do nothing. Call me when the party starts.
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