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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. What breaks? Is it the metal contact bits? I spray WD40 in there and clean the crud out every so often. Works well enough and keeps them clean/free from corrosion buildup.
  2. Fuck you all, bunch of pansy-arsed faggots... Rugby and the Isle Of Man TT is where the REAL men are at I watched the 3D documentary on the TT as was amazed to see the champions of this sport actually have to scrape a living by doing actual work - Not office crap either, but as truck fitters and stuff!! Can't really see Beckham risk spoiling his 'manny-peddy' or smudging his 'guyliner' getting down and dirty under a Ford Escort, can you!
  3. What, a Smartphone where most of the useful apps require access to your personal information as well as connectivity, thus opening myself wide to the biggest personal data security risk after going to porn sites without antivirus software... or you think I should go with HTC and their own inherrent security risks as well, just for good measure - Not to mention the fucking astronomical COST of the bastards... I can stay where I am and pay £5 every month or so, or go contract and pay £40 odd, plus all the other charges for the priviledge of something that just about does what my Netbook and even a cheap Tablet off Amazon can do a darn sight better...? No thanks - Technology has taken several steps backward just to accomodate lazy couch potato motherfuckers who don't give a fuck about being shafted and just want to play Angry Birds and watch TV in bed. I laughed at all the dickhead pratts who queued for 2-3 days just to get the latest iPhone... I really did. My phone does everything I want, how I want, when I want at a fraction of the cost, and even with permanent connectivity the battery still lasts 3-4 days!
  4. I didn't even get one until they only cost a fiver off eBay, with another fiver buying 40 blank discs (all incl. P&P!) I'm kinda jealous of Android Smartphone owners, but I also hate touchscreens and the bloody things ar so unsecure... I rarely use the phone anyway. I text or use emails at work.
  5. MP3 player? Pah... I still use Minidisc and only because my cassettes are all worn out and stretched now! Plus, I actually met David Prowse when he still was The Green Cross Code Man!!!
  6. When they're driving, perhaps. If they're foreign they tend to have their own country's sensibilities (or lack of) ingrained. When on two legs, I disagree for the same reason - If you've ever been a pedestrian in Africa or India, you stay the fuck off the road or you die! Here, white kids have grown up caged within their virtual world of iPods and Angry Birds, but they know they can sue the shit out of any car that hits them... heck, they can pretty much sue a driver even if they walk into his parked car and the driver was indoors!
  7. Remember to be polite and courteous too - Start with "Morning/afternoon/evening Officer..." Try not to lose your rag, even with the young ones.
  8. Of course he was black... a white kid would have been too busy fucking with his iPhone to even notice he was being run over! At 20mph, you can almost stop on a dime. If he stepped out so close that you could barely even see him, there's fuck all you can do and it's not your fault. As is, you did well and avoided any badness, so that's even better. Chances are that if you had hit him, it would not have been your fault, but I daresay the courts would screw you over anyway if it was the easiest option.
  9. Got 'em all. Seen it before anyway, know how it works. Never fooled. Smug mode engaged
  10. And you've chosen a great bike to live that dream upon!! Welcome
  11. Remember brake pads take a few hundred miles to bed in properly and conform to the surface of your brake disc. If you've only just replaced them and are trying to achive normal braking with new pads, forget it! You NEED to bed them in, or the even the world's best kit will be a bag of shite. Ride around for a while and allow for the extra time you'll need to brake. Don't hoon around like a loony or anything. Also, I'd advise against dragging or hard braking to try and bed the pads in quicker, as you'll start putting deep grooves into the disc and risk damaging it.
  12. I'd really expect not, TBH...
  13. So I can have a tube and a helmet sticker, an ICE flash drive necklace, ICE in my mobile phone, another helmet sticker, a card on my keys and Biker Tagz, as well as my normal set of tags... So what, if any, details do paramedics actually need? Those I've spoken to say "nothing" as their sole purpose is just to stabilise you at scene and get you to A&E asap. A&E onwards is where any additional info carried is more useful, it seems, even if it's just NOK's contact details. But with so many different incentives, all of whom insist are the standard info form in standard locations, how will anyone at A&E know where to look, unless we all carry all of them? Oh, and apparently A&E won't trust such devices anyway, preferring to test stuff like Blood Group themselves and find out that way...!
  14. Greets! Yeah, pictures more then welcome - Whack them up!
  15. I'm in a fecking TANK... DILLIGAF about such trivial matters??!! Whatever the road conditions, I *always* have right of way. Admittedly, it's likely to be an FV432, but I'll have a 20mil Rarden atop it and/or enough space in the back for a warm water waterbed! H-Licence, here I come!
  16. My aunt always calls it 'Notch', or rather "Naaahrtch"... :-) Very good nick machine, there - Welcome!
  17. I'd say get a tank, drive around and SMIDSY every car around... but someone already did a video of that, didn't they!
  18. Greetings, As mentioned, you might want to start a new thread in the Intro section - This one's kinda gone to pot and it's now Open Season on the rude guy
  19. You don't... you REALLY don't!! I'm actually a lovely guy in real life, or so I'm told...
  20. >cant post without swearing, just proves my point. Grown up enough to use it. This isn't the 1930s BBC, here, where even the radio announcer must wear a bow tie... It's a forum full of bikers. We spend our time riding the roads, hanging out at bike rallies getting drunk and doing stupid things. If you were looking for tea with the vicar and dialogue that would put a PG Wodehouse character to shame, you really chose the wrong hobby, mate! >i am outta here faster than a speeding bullet Not on any of those bikes, you aren't Besides, wasn't that your last and final post, last time? If it's so bad here and we're such children, what are you hanging around replying for? Got something to prove? That's kinda... childish, isn't it! Off you go then... I hear Mater calling you for tiffin!
  21. I saw an evil-looking 1983 Dodge Ramcharger once, which is what captured me. Couple of great-looking 6-wheeler conversions, hi-lift and all sorts, rolled over at about 75-80º, still crawling along and with approach and departure angles that would make a Range Rover shit it's pants!!
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