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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Hey Danny, Just Hang Tough for a bit and take it Step By Step. I'm sure You've Got The Right Stuff... What...? You said you were from New Kids On The Block, right? Ha ha, welcome to the nuthouse!!
  2. 950 should be more than enough, though. From what I understand, it's even better than the old 1100s. How much do you really need, I wonder. If it's any good, we could always campaign to get them released over here. Folks did that with the Japan-only DN-01 so although they were subsequently very disappointed, it can be done...!
  3. Their stuff looks expensive, but pretty good. I'd be mostly concerned about current drain and how waterproof the connectors are. Any thoughts on that?
  4. You'd be far better off modding an existing set with carbon fibre panels. Drill into them and rivet your metal bits through those holes. That way, in an off the metal is free to break away. The carbon bits will kark it but the nice protective leather will remain intact. Depending on how much you want to spend, a decent glover could scratch-build you a set, triple-stitched and everything. Get the metal bits made elsewhere and take them along. I'd expect £70-80, which is still less than some pairs of gloves out there!
  5. I bet it looks fucking hideous... like some 60s retro-futuristic Jetsons afterbirth and only comes in 'Classic' styling!!
  6. http://www.starmotorcycles.com/countdown/home.aspx
  7. Unless you know what you're doing, get this sorted by a pro. There are general methods for properly adjusting a spoked wheel, but now that everything requires balancing and weighting, it's so much easier if you find someone with the kit and setup already. Most tyre-fitting places (including mobile and ride-in ones) can help with this sort of thing easy enough.
  8. I'm far more concerned that they would actually fuck your hands up quite badly in an off (15mph would be enough). The last biker I knew who slid down a road with these on ended up with the metal knuckles being driven through the leather and into her wrist, just behind the metacarpals where they ripped all the tendons and nerves to shit. She now has only one working finger on that hand I care about you Foamy... I'd hate you to be left without your fiddling fist and your diddling digits...
  9. It's possible, but fucking fiddly. Less so on yer 125, IIRC. I'm thinking you've possibly done something to the drive train somewhere. Maybe the clutch basket thingies...
  10. I've seen stuff like that around... Wouldn't recommend them unless you like busted hands, though. Most of those I've heard that came off with metal spikes, studs, claw panels, armour plating etc either learned such things were decorative and simply fucked up the glove during the crash leaving them open to damage, or worse still actually caused significant damage when they hit and got pressed into the hand. Your call.
  11. Did you check MTC *and* Motorcycle Parts? They are two different shops. M/C Parts should be able to supply an aftermarket one that fits. They did with mine.
  12. Jeezy, phone MTC or Motorcycle Parts Centre in Reading and see if they'll post you one!! Have you also checked places like Wemoto?
  13. As above - Most parts shops can supply you with an aftermarket one of suitable length.
  14. Ride all year or don't bother? Too cold for your delicate little bodies? No problem - I solved that just by buying myself a new hoody
  15. Ttaskmaster


    Mine's 14 years old and nowhere near being a classic. It's a Custom anyway, so I'd eschew that title on principle!!
  16. I recently tried a bunch of Andy ones, but still prefer a dedicated M/C SatNav. TomTom's Rider V2 remains the only model that does what I want, how I want. Expensive compared to a single app, but designed for bikes and has lasted me since... ohh, 2006, I think? I've only needed to charge the headset twice in all that time!
  17. If they're legal on Harleys, they should be legal on any bike. Personally I'd run far away from anything to do with Wild Hogs, even though it is a funny film.
  18. It may be discretionary, but most places offer to retest free of charge if you fix whatever problems they found and return within 5 days or something like that. Others I know also offer slight discounts (followed by free retest) if you get them to fix the problems. Then again, if you know less than they do about 30-45% of the mechanics and perhaps 70% of fitters will try and pull a fast one on you. If they start their report with a sharp intake of breath through the teeth, stop them there and either walk away or draw your broadsword and raise an eyebrow... the latter usually works wonders for me!
  19. Challenge them on it. Get the quote reference number, then phone their renewals department up and play them off against the cheaper one.
  20. My o-ring doesn't attach to the filter itself, per-se. The filter does have a flat rubber ring already stuck onto it, but the actual o-ring goes in a separate groove around the filter socket. Hence having to be careful when changing it that absolutely NO grit is anywhere near it, no matter how hard it is to see. Otherwise, you get a gap, the hot oil melts the seal and your engine lubing fluid pisses out halfway down the motorway, resulting in a fucked engine all because a 2p bit of rubber was slightly gritty.
  21. Maybe for certain models. Mine don't. However, always buy a new crush washer for the sump plug.
  22. A quick Search reveals this topic being argued and bitched about several times already. I've already commented on those, so kinds pointless repeating myself yet again.
  23. I understand you'd be in for quite a lot of fiddling, alignment issues and so forth.
  24. Brand new crank shaft from Yamaha would be about £1,000. Yes, that's one whole thousand of your English pounds... Even at 16,000 miles clocked, a fucked crank is a neon sign announcing that the bike has been seriously abused. 50-75,000 might have been worth looking closer... maybe. Probably not, though. Run away VERY fast!!
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